Hesperides Books
Publisher: Oxford University Press (New York). Country: United States. Date: 1961-62.

Young Sam Johnson by James L. Clifford
New York, Oxford University Press, 1961 (Hesperides Books, HS5)
Paperback. 377 pages. B&W plates. Size: Octavo.
Series Note: _______
Arranged alphabetically by author and title
HS1. Signs and Symbols in Christian Art - George Ferguson.
HS2. An Enemy of the People; The Wild Duck; Resmersholm - Henrik Ibsen.
HS3. The Art of War from the Age of Napoleon to the Present Day - Cyril Falls.
HS4. Three Plays: The Firstborn; Thor, with Angels; A Sleep of Prisoners - Christopher Fry.
HS5. Young Sam Johnson - James L. Clifford.
HS6. What is Art? Essays on Art - Leo Tolstoy.
HS7. Rebels and Gentlemen - Carl and Jessica Bridenbaugh.
HS8. Mozart: His Character, His Work - Alfred Einstein.
Source of the above checklist:
Mohammedanism: An Historical Survey by H. A. R. Gibb. New York, Oxford University Press, 1962. 2nd ed. (Galaxy Books, GB90). Paperback. viii + 208 pages. "A Galaxy Book."
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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