Publishing History > Harvest Books (Harcourt, Brace & Company) - Book Series List
Harvest Books
Publisher: Harcourt, Brace & Co.; then: Harcourt, Brace & World Place: New York, United States. Series Date(s): 1937- .

The Old Order. Stories of the South from Her Books, from The Leaning Tower, Pale Horse, Pale RIder, Flowering Judas
by Katherine Anne Porter
Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., 1960 (Harvest Books, HB6).
Paperback. 182 pages. Cover design by Susan Foster.
Series Note: "Harcourt, Brace's paperbound series 'Harvest Books' presents a distinguished list of reprints, well designed, well bound volumes with striking covers, priced at ninety-five cents to $1.45, which are sold in regular book stores. Bestselling titles have been Carl Gustav Jung, 'Modern Man in Search of a Soul,' T. S. Eliot, 'The Waste Land and other Poems,' and 'The Oedipus Cycle of Sophocles' in the English version by Dudley Fitts and Robert Fitzgerald."
-- The Paperbound Book in America: The History of Paperbacks and their European Background by Frank L. Schick. New York, R. R. Bowker Company, 1958. p. 193.
Credit: Thanks to Mr John Mellman, of Colorado Springs, United States who supplied details of some of the titles in this series.
Series Number / Title / Author
HB 1. The Waste Land and Other Poems - T. S. Eliot.
HB 2. Modern Man in Search of a Soul - C. G. Jung.
HB 3. Ideology and Utopia - Karl Mannheim.
HB 4. Main Currents in American Thought. Vol. 1: The Colonial Mind, 1620-1800 - Vernon L. Parrington.
HB 5. Main Currents in American Thought. Vol. 2: The Romantic Revolution in America, 1800-1860 - Vernon L. Parrington.
HB 6. The Old Order - Katherine Anne Porter.
HB 7. Language: An Introduction to the Study of Speech - Edward Sapir.
HB 8. The Oedipus Cycle of Sophocles. Contents: Oedipus Rex; Oedipus at Colonus; Antigone. English version by Dudely Fitts & Robert Fitzgerald.
HB 9. The Acquisitive Society - R. H. Tawney.
HB 10. The Common Reader - Virginia Woolf.
HB 11. The Well Wrought Urn: Studies in the Structure of Poetry - Cleanth Brooks.
HB 12. The Last Adam - James Gould Cozzens.
HB 13. From the Ground Up: Observations on Contemporary Architecture, Housing, Highway Building, and Civic Design - Lewis Mumford.
HB 14. Economic and Social History of Medieval Europe - Henri Pirenne.
HB 15. Theodore Roosevelt - Henry F. Pringle.
HB 16. Practical Criticism - I. A. Richards.
HB 17. The First American Revolution - Clinton Rossiter.
HB 18. Essays on Elizabethan Drama - T. S. Eliot.
HB 19. Aspects of the Novel - E. M. Forster.
HB 20. The Modern Temper: A Study and a Confession - Joseph Wood Krutch.
HB 21. Man Against Himself - Karl Menninger, M.D.
HB 22. Theory of Literature - René Wellek and Austin Warren.
HB 23. The Golden Apples - Eudora Welty.
HB 24. The Second Common Reader - Virginia Woolf.
HB 25. Four Verse Plays - Maxwell Anderson.
HB 26. The Tyranny of Words - Stuart Chase.
HB 27. Middletown - Robert S. and Helen Merrell Lynd.
HB 28. Love Against Hate - Karl Menninger, M.D.
HB 29. The Meaning of Meaning - C. K. Ogden and I.A.Richards.
HB 30. Jazzmen - Frederic Ramsey, Jr. and Charles Edward Smith, eds.
HB 31. The 20th Century Capitalist Revolution - Adolf A. Berle, Jr.
HB 32. Christianity and Culture - T. S. Eliot.
HB 33. Four Greek Plays - Translated by Dudley Fitts, Robert Fitzgerald, and Louis MacNeice.
HB 34. The Conduct of Life - Lewis Mumford.
HB 35. The American Presidency (Revised Edition) - Clinton Rossiter.
HB 36. Harvest Poems 1910-1960 - Carl Sandburg.
HB 37. Jacob's Room and The Waves - Virginia Woolf.
HB 38. Collected Poems - William Empson.
HB 39. Marx on Economics - Robert Freedman.
HB 40. The Dancing Bees - Karl Von Frisch.
HB 41. Speculations - T. E. Hulme.
HB 42. The Orwell Reader - George Orwell.
HB 43. Principles of Literary Criticism - I. A. Richards.
Source: List
in the final pages of The Old Order by Katherine Anne Porter, New York: Harcourt, Brace & Company, 1944 (Harvest Books).
Author of this page:
David Paul Wagner