Harper Colophon Books
Publisher: Harper & Row. Country: United States. Date: 1956- .

The Spanish Civil War by Hugh Thomas
New York: Harper & Row, 1961 (Harper Colophon Books, CN12)
Paperback in glossy wrappers. 720 pages, including xxix. Appendix I, II, III. Selected bibliography. Index. Illustrations and maps. Cover design: Anita Walker Scott. Size: Octavo.
Series Note: This series was praised by the San Francisco Examiner on 30 September 1962 for publishing In Hazard (CP4) by Richard Hughes: "This is one of the best stories of the sea and storm in modern literature, worthy of comparison (...) with Conrad's Typhoon. It is also too little known, and Harper & Row is to be praised for rescuing it from obscurity and making it into one of the first titles in the publisher's new series, Colophon Books."
Serial Number / Title / Author
CN1. The Nature of Loving: An Enquiry into the Nature of Love - Erich Fromm
CN2. Out of our Past: The Forces that Shaped Modern America - Carl L. Degler
CN3. Excellence: Can We Be Equal and Excellent Too? - John W. Gardner
CN4. In Hazard - Richard Hughes
CN5. The New Politics: America and the End of the Postwar World - Edmund O Stillman / William Pfaff
CN6. History of England, from Roman Times to the End of World War I - E. L. Woodward
CN7. The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell - Aldous Huxley
CN8. From Vienna to Versailles - L. C. B. Seaman
CN9. The Gallery - John Horne Burns
CN10. The Proper Study of Mankind - Stuart Chase / Edmund de S Brunner
CN11. Protracted Conflict - Robert Strausz-Hupé
CN12. The Spanish Civil War - Hugh Thomas
CN13. Salinger, a Critical and Personal Portrait - Henry Anatole Grunwald
CN14. The French Nation from Napoleon to Petain, 1814-1940 - D. W. Brogan
CN15. Never Come Morning - Nelson Algren
CN16J. The Voice of Latin America - William Benton
CN17. The Struggle for Europe - Chester Wilmot
CN18. The African Witch - Joyce Cary.
CN19. Strong Poison - Dorothy Sayers.
CN20. The Plain Man - Julian Symons
CN21. The Western Philosophers: An Introduction - E. W. F. Tomlin
CN22. The Oriental Philosophers - E. W. F. Tomlin.
CN23. Victorian People: A Reassessment of Persons and Themes, 1851-67 - Asa Briggs
CN24. Village in the Vaucluse - Laurence Wylie
CN25. The Interpretation of Music - Thurston Dart
CN26. The God that Failed: Six Studies in Communism - Arthur Koestler.
CN27. Prisoner's Friend - Andrew Garve.
CN28. Minute for Murder - Nicholas Blake.
CN29. The Democratic Prospect - Charles Frankel.
CN30. The Enterprising Americans - John Chamberlain.
CN31. The Return of H*Y*M*A*N K*A*P*L*A*N - Leo Rosten.
CN32. The Ages of Man: A Shakespeare Anthology - George Rylands.
CN33. Italian Art, Life, and Landscape - Bernard Fall.
CN34. The Mind of Man - Walter Bromberg.
CN35. The Ordeal of Change - Eric Hofer.
CN36. Freedom in the Western World - Herbert J. Muller
CN37. The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America - Daniel J. Boorstin.
CN38. Images of Truth - Remembrances and Criticism - Glenway Wescott.
CN39. Prohibition, the Era of Excess - Andrew Sinclair.
CN43. The Religions of Man - Huston Smith.
CN44. Social Studies in American Schools - Martin Mayer.
CN45. Dissonant Voices in Soviet Literature - Patricia Blake.
CN47. The Meaning of the Twentieth Century: The Great Transition - Kenneth E. Boulding.
CN48. The Enormous Radio and Other Stories - John Cheever.

List of Harper Colonphon Books in final pages of
The Ages of Man: A Shakespeare Anthology - George Rylands.
New York: Harper & Row, 1963 (Harper Colophon, CN32).