Fish and Fisheries Series
Publisher: Chapman and Hall. Country: United Kingdom. Date: c. 1957- .
Joint Publisher: Chapman and Hall. Country: United States. Date: c. 1980s- .

Early Life History and Recruitment in Fish Populations
R Christopher Chambers & Edward A Trippel, eds.
London and New York, Chapman & Hall, 1997.
Hardback. No dust wrapper. 576 pages.
Series Note: "The Chapman & Hall Fish and Fisheries Series aims to present timely volumes reviewing important aspects of fish biology."
Arranged by serial number
1. Ecology of Teleost Fishes - Robert J Wootton. 1995.
3. Cichlid Fishes: Behaviour, Ecology and Evolution - Miles H. A. Keenleyside. 1991.
4. Early Life History of Fish: An energetics Approach - E. Kamler. 1992.
5. Fisheries Acoustics - David N MacLennan and E John Simmonds. 1995.
6. Fish Chemoreception - Toshiaki J. Hara. 1992.
8. Genetics and Fish Breeding - Colin E Purdom. 1995.
9. Fish Ecophysiology - John C Rankin. 1992, 1993.
10. Fish Swimming - John J Videler. 1993.
11. On the Dynamics of Exploited Fish Populations - Raymond J. H. Beverton and Sidney J. Holt. 1957.
13. Fish Bioenergetics - Malcolm Jobling. 1995.
14. On the Sex of Fish and the Gender of Scientists - Daniel Pauly. 1994.
15. Hake Biology, Fisheries and Markets - Jurgen Alheit and Tony J. Pitcher. 1995.
16. Environmental Biology of Fishes - Malcolm Jobling. 1995.
17. Electric Fishes: History and Behavior - Peter Moller. 1996.
18. The Impact of Species Changes in African Lakes - T.J. Pitcher and P. J. B. Hart, eds. 1966.
19. Pike: Biology and Exploitation - John F. Craig. 1996.
20. Reef Fisheries - Nicholas V. C. Polunin and Callum M Roberts. 1996.
21. Early Life History and Recruitment in Fish Populations - R. Christopher Chambers. 1997.
22. Fish and Fisheries of Tropical Estuaries - Stephen J. M. Blaber. 1997.
23. Reinventing Fisheries Management - Tony J. Pitcher, Paul J. B. Hart, and Daniel Pauly, eds. 1998.
24. Ecology of Teleost Fishes - Robert J Wootton. 1994,
Series Numbers to be Checked
___. Deep-Sea Demersal Fish and Fisheries - Nigel R Merrett; Richard L Haedrich. 1986.
___. Early Life History and Recruitment in Fish Populations - R. Christopher Chambers and Edward A. Trippel. 1987
___. Tilapias: Biology and Exploitation - Brendan J Mcandrew. 2000.
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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