English Men of Letters
Publisher: Macmillan. Country: U.K. Date:1878- .

Dickens by Adolphus William Ward
London, Macmillan, 1882 (English Men of Letters series)
Hardcover, red printed cloth. Black glazed endpapers. No dustjacket.
Small octavo. Pages: vi, 224.
This is the first edition of early biography of Dickens written just twelve years after his death. It includes an interesting final chapter entitiled "The Future of Dickens' Fame".
Series Note: xxxxx
1. Samuel Johnson - Leslie Stephen. 1878.
2. Gibbon - James Cotter Morison. 1878.
3. Sir Walter Scott - Richard H. Hutton. 1878.
4. Shelley - John Addington Symonds. 1878.
5. Hume - Thomas Henry Huxley. 1879.
6. Goldsmith - William Black. 1878.
7. Daniel Defoe - William Minto. 1879.
8. Robert Burns - John Campbell Shairp. 1879.
9. Spenser - R. W. Church. 1879.
10. Thackeray - Anthony Trollope. 1879.
11. Burke - John Morley. 1879.
12. Milton - Mark Pattison. 1879.
13. Nathaniel Hawthorne - Henry James. 1879.
14. Southey - Edward Dowden. 1879.
15. Chaucer - Adolphus William Ward. 1879.
16. Cowper - Goldwin Smith. 1880.
17. Bunyan - James Anthony Froude. 1879.
18. Byron - John Nichol. 1880.
19. Locke - Thomas Fowler. 1880.
20. Alexander Pope - Leslie Stephen. 1880.
21. Charles Lamb - Alfred Ainger. 1882.
22. Quincey - David Masson. 1881.
23. Landor - Sidney Colvin. 1881.
24. Dryden - George Saintsbury. 1881.
25. Wordsworth - F. W. H. Myers. 1881.
26. Bentley - Richard Claverhouse Jebb. 1882.
27. Swift - Leslie Stephen. 1882.
28. Dickens - Adolphus William Ward. 1882.
29. Gray - Edmund Gosse. 1882.
30. Sterne - H. D. Traill. 1882.
31. Macaulay - James Cotter Morison. 1882.
32. Fielding - Austin Dobson. 1883.
33. Sheridan - Mrs. Oliphant. 1883.
34. Addison - W. J. Courthope. 1884.
35. Bacon - R. W. Church. 1884.
36. Coleridge - H. D. Traill. 1884.
37. Sir Philip Sidney - John Addington Symonds. 1886.
38. Keats - Sidney Colvin. 1887.
39. Thomas Carlyle - John Nichol. 1892.
1. Mrs. Gaskell - Clement Shorter
2. Charles Kingsley - G.K. Chesterton
3. Ben Jonson - Gregory Smith
4. William Morris - Alfred Noyes
5. George Eliot - Leslie Stephen
6. William Hazlitt - Augustine Birrell
7. Matthew Arnold - Herbert Paul
8. John Ruskin - Frederic Harrison
9. Tennyson - Sir Alfred Lyall
10. Samuel Richardson - Austin Dobson
11. Browning - G.K. Chesterton
12. Crabbe - Alfred Ainger
13. Fanny Burney - Austin Dobson. 1903.
14. Jeremy Taylor - Edmund Gosse
15. Rossetti - Arthur C. Benson
16. Maria Edgeworth - Emily Lawless
17. Hobbes - Leslie Stephen
18. Adam Smith - Francis W. Hirst
19. Thomas Moore - Stephen Lucius Gwynn. 1905.
20. Sydney Smith - George W. E. Russell
21. Edward Fitzgerald - Arthur C. Benson
22. Andrew Marvell - Augustine Birrell. 1905.
23. Sir Thomas Browne - Edmund Gosse
24. Walter Pater - Arthur C. Benson
25. Shakespeare - Walter Raleigh
26. James Thomson - G. C. Macaulay
Further Reading
Fenwick, Gillian (1995), "Nourishing the curiosity: Leslie Stephen and the English Men of Letters series", Nineteenth-Century Prose
Kijinski, John L. (Winter 1991), "John Morley's "English Men of Letters" series and the politics of reading", Victorian Studies, 34: 205225
Kijinski, John L. (1994), "Macmillan's English Men of Letters, First Series", in Serafin, Steven, Nineteenth Century British Literary Biographers, Dictionary of Literary Biography, 144, Detroit: Gale Research Inc.
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