Dublin University Press Series
Publisher: Hodges, Figgis & Co. Country: Ireland. Date: 1878- .

Series logo (in gilt on dark green cloth) of the Dublin University Press Series
Front panel of
The History of the University of Dublin, from its Foundation to the End of the Eighteenth Century; with an Appendix of Original Documents Which, for the Most Part, Are Preserved in the College by John William Stubbs.
Published by Dublin, Hodges, Figgis, & Co., 1889 (Dublin University Press Series).
Hardback in green cloth.
Series Note: This series was published until at least 1932 when Simon Van der Stel's Journal of his Expedition to Namaqualand 1685-6 appeared. The items currently listed below are those which were published in the period 1878 - c. 1886.
Author / TItle
Aeschylus - Eumenides.
Aristophanes - Acharnians.
Burnside and Panton - Theory of Equations.
Casey - Analytical Geometry of Conic Sections.
Casey - Sequel to Euclid.
Evangeliorium - Versio Ante-Hieronymiana. 2 pt.
Goethe - Faust, translated by Webb.
Graves - Parabola, Ellipse, and Hyperbola.
Haughton - Physical Geography.
Hobart - Medical Language of St. Luke.
Leslie - Politics and Moral Philosophy.
Macalister - Zoology of Vertebrate Animals.
MacCullagh - Works.
Monck - Logic.
Plato - Parmenides. Greek.
Roberts - Examples of the Analytic Geometry of Plane Conics.
Southey - Correspondence with C. Bowles.
Tyrrell - Dublin Translations into Greek and Latin Verse.
Webb - The Veil of Isis.
Wilkins - Growth of the Homeric Poems.
Source of the above list: A Catalogue of Books Place in the Galleries in the Reading Room of the British Museum. London: British Museum, 1886.
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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