Publishing History > Doubleday Image Books - Book Series List

Doubleday Image Books
(also known as: Image Books)
Publisher: Doubleday; Image Books. Country: United States. Date: 1954- .

Damien the Leper - Farrow (Doubleday Image Books) (image)

Damien the Leper
John Farrow
Garden City, New York: Image Books, 1972.
(Image Books series, D3).
Paperback. 243 pages. Size: 12mo. First published in this series in 1954.

"Damien The Leper is more than the profoundly moving biography of an almost legendary figure. It is one of that select group of books of classic stature which will endure as long as men thrill to deeds of valor and pay homage to the great spiritual truths so magnificently reflected in the life of Damien de Veuster, priest of God, a leper."
-- Cover blurb

Series Note:
This series made available quality paperback books on a broad range of non-fiction topics for a Catholic audience. It also included a number of novels and some works of poetry.

The catchcry of the series was "Making the World's Finest Catholic Literature Available to All".

The series authors included some famous modern writers such as G. K. Chesterton, Evelyn Waugh, Hilarie Belloc and Graham Greene.

Arranged by serial number

D1. Our Lady of Fátima - William Thomas Walsh.
D2. The Spirit of Catholicism - Karl Adam.
D3. Damien the Leper - John Farrow.
D4. A Popular History of the Catholic Church - Philip Hughes.
D5. Mr Blue - Myles Connolly.
D5A, D5B. The Four Gospels: An Introduction - Bruce Vawter. 2 volumes.
D6. The Diary of a Country Priest - Georges Bernanos.
D7. The Church Speaks to the Modern World: The Social Teachings of Leo XIII. Edited by Etienne Gilson.
D8. Peace of Soul - Fulton J. Sheen.
D9. Lift Up Your Heart - Fulton J. Sheen.
D10. Storm of Glory: The Story of St. Thérèse of Lisieux - John Beevers.

D11. The Perfect Joy of St. Francis - Felix Timmermans.
D12. Saints for our Times - Theodore Maynard.
D13. Introduction to the Devout Life - St. Francis de Sales. Newly translated and edited by John K. Ryan.
D14. The Road to Damascus: The Spiritual Pilgrimage of Fifteen Converts to Catholicism. Edited by John A. O'Brien.
D15. Joy Kilmer's Anthology of Catholic Poets. With a new supplement by James Edward Tobin.
D16. Bernadette and Lourdes - Michel de Saint Pierre.
D17. The Imitation of Christ - Thomas à Kempis. A Modern Version. Edited
and with an Introduction by Harold C. Gardiner, S.J.
D18. The Everlasting Man - G. K. Chesterton.
D19. An Essay in Aid of A Grammar of Assent - John Henry Newman. With an Introduction by Etienne Gilson.
D20. A Watch in the Night - Helen C. White.

D21. Brother Petroc's Return - S. M. C.
D22. St. Francis of Assisi - Johannes Jørgensen.
D23. Stories of our Century by Catholic Authors. Edited by John Gilland Brunini and Francis X. Connolly.
D24. The Autobiography of a Hunted Priest - John Gerard. Introduction by Graham Greene.
D25. Father Malachy's Miracle - Bruce Marshall.
D26. On the Truth of the Catholic Faith: Summa Contra Gentiles Book I: God. - St. Thomas Aquinas. Newly translated, with introduction and notes, by Anton C. Pegis.
D27. On the Truth of the Catholic Faith: Summa Contra Gentiles Book II: Creation. - Saint Thomas Aquinas. Newly translated, with introduction and notes, by James F. Anderson.
D28A. On the Truth of the Catholic Faith: Summa Contra Gentiles Book III: Providence. Part I. - St. Thomas Aquinas. Newly translated, with introduction and notes, by Vernon J. Bourke.
D28B. On the Truth of the Catholic Faith: Summa Contra Gentiles Book III: Providence. Part II. - St. Thomas Aquinas. Newly translated, with introduction and notes, by Vernon J. Bourke.
D29. On the Truth of the Catholic Faith: Summa Contra Gentiles Book IV: Salvation. - St. Thomas Aquinas. Newly translated, with introduction and notes, by Charles J. O'Neil.
D30. The World's First Love - Fulton J. Sheen.

D31. The Sign of Jonas: The Journal of Thomas Merton - Thomas Merton.
D32. Parents, Children and the Facts of Life - Henry V. Sattler, C.Ss.R.
D33. Light on the Mountain: The Story of La Salette - John S. Kennedy.
D34. Edmund Campion: Jesuit and Martyr - Evelyn Waugh.
D35. Humble Powers - Paul Horgan.
D36. Saint Thomas Aquinas: The Dumb Ox - G. K. Chesterton.
D37. Apologia Pro Vita Sua - John Henry Cardinal Newman. Introduction by Philip Hughes.
D38. A Handbook of the Catholic Faith - Dr. N. G. M. van Doornik, Rev. S. Jelsma and Rev. A. Van De Lisdonk. Edited by John Greenwood.
D39. The New Testament: Official Catholic Edition.
Full title: The New Testament of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: Translated from the Latin Vulgate: A Revision of the Challoner-Rheims Version edited by Catholic Scholars under the Patronage of the Episcopal Committee of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. - Confraternity ofChristian Doctrine. Episcopal Committee.
D40. Maria Chapdelaine: A Novel - Louis Hémon.

D41. Saint Among the Hurons: The Life of Jean de Breboeuf - Francis X. Talbot, S.J.
D42. The Path to Rome - Hilaire Belloc.
D43. Sorrow Built a Bridge: The Life of Mother Alphonsa, Daughter of Nathaniel Hawthorne - Katherine Burton.
D44. The Wise Man from the West - Vincent Cronin.
D45. Existence and the Existent: An Essay on Christian Existentialism - Jacques Maritain. Translated by Lewis Galantiere and Gerald B. Phelan.
D46. The Story of the Trapp Family Singers - Maria Augusta Trapp.
D47. The World, the Flesh and Father Smith: A Novel - Bruce Marshall.
D48. The Christ of Catholicism - Dom Aelred Graham.
D49. Saint Francis Xavier - James Brodrick, S.J.
D50. St. Francis of Assisi - G. K. Chesterton.

D51. Vipers' Tangle - François Mauriac.
D52. The Manner is Ordinary - John LaFarge.
D53. My Life for My Sheep: A Biography of Thomas a Becket - Alfred Duggan.
D54. The Church and the Reconstruction of the Modern World: The Social Encyclicals of Pius XI. Edited by T. P. McLaughlin, C.S.B.
D55. A Gilson Reader: Selections from the Writings of Etienne Gilson. Edited by Anton C. Pegis.
D56. The Autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux: The Story of a Soul. A new translation by John Beevers.
D57. Helena - Evelyn Waugh.
D58. The Greatest Bible Stories: A Catholic Anthology from World Literature. Edited by Anne Fremantle.
D59. The City of God - St. Augustine. Edited with an introduction by Vernon Joseph Bourke. Foreword by Etienne Gilson.
D60. Superstition Corner - Sheila Kaye-Smith.

D61. Saints and Ourselves. Edited by Philip Caraman, S.J.
D62. Cana is Forever: Counsels for Before and After Marriage: A Catholic Guide to Dating, Courtship, and Marriage - Charles Hugo Doyle.
D63. Ascent of Mount Carmel - St. John of the Cross. Translated and edited by E. Allison Peers.
D64. Religion and the Rise of Western Culture - Christopher Dawson.
D65. Prince of Darkness and Other Stories - J. F. Powers.
D66. St. Thomas More - E. E. Reynolds.
D67A. D67B. Jesus and his Times - Henri Daniel-Rops. 2 volumes.
D68. Saint Benedict - Justin McCann, O.S.B.
D69. The Little Flowers of St. Francis. Edited and translated by Raphael Brown.
D70. The Quiet Light: A Novel of St. Thomas Aquinas - Louis de Wohl.

D71. Characters of the Reformation - Hilaire Belloc.
D72. The Belief of Catholics - Roland Knox [Ronald Arbuthnott Knox].
D73. Faith and Reason - Barbara Ward.
D74. God and Intelligence in Modern Philosophy - Fulton J. Sheen.
D75. The Idea of a University - John Henry Cardinal Newman. Introduction by George N. Shuster.
D76. Played by Ear: The Autobiography of Father Daniel A. Lord, S.J.
D77. My Beloved: The Story of a Carmelite Nun - Mother Catherine Thomas.
D78. Dark Night of the Soul - St. John of the Cross. Edited and translated by E. Allison Peers.
D79. Teresa of Avila - Marcelle Auclair. Translated by Katherine Pond.
D80. Saint Peter the Apostle - William Thomas Walsh.

D81. The Love of God: An Essay in Analysis - Dom Aelred Graham, O.S.B.
D82. Woman of the Pharisees - François Mauriac. Translated by Gerard Hopkins.
D83. The Pillar of Fire - Karl Stern.
D84. Orthodoxy - G. K. Chesterton.
D85. This is Catholicism - John Walsh.
D86. Medieval Essays - Christopher Dawson.
D87. Vessel of Clay - Leo Trese.
D88. Saints for Sinners - Alban Goodier, S.J.
D89. The Long Loneliness: The Autobiography of Dorothy Day - Dorothy Day.
D90. This is the Mass, as Described by Henri Daniel-Rops, as Celebrated by Fulton J. Sheen, as Photographed by Yousuf Karsh. Translated by Alastair Guinan. With an introdroduction by Bishop Sheen.

D91. The Origin of the Jesuits - James Brodrick, S.J.
D92. A Popular History of the Reformation - Philip Hughes.
D93. The Restless Flame: A Novel - Louis de Wohl.
D94. Progress and Religion: An Historical Enquiry - Christopher Dawson.
D95. The Catholic Church in the Modern World: A Survey from the French Revolution to the Present - E. E. Y. Hales [Edward Elton Young Hales].
D96. The Life of Teresa of Jesus: The Autobiography of Teresa of Avila. Translated and with an introduction by E. Allison Peers.
D97. Giants of the Faith: Conversions Which Changed the World - John A. O'Brien.
D98. Scholasticism and Politics - Jacques Maritain.
D99. The Son of God - Karl Adam. Translated by Philip Hereford.
D100. The Man Who Was Chesterton: The Best Essays, Stories, Poems, and Other Writings of G. K. Chesterton. Selected, with an Introduction, by Raymond T. Bond.

D101. The Confessions of St Augustine. Translated, with an introduction and notes, by John K. Ryan.
D102. Heart in Pilgrimage: The Life of Mother Seton - Eaton Evelyn and Edward Roberts Moore.
D103. The Heart of Man - Gerald Vann, O.P.
D104. Baby Grows in Age and Grace - Sister Mary de Lourdes.
D105. An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine - John Henry Newman.
D106A. The Story of American Catholicism. Vol. 1. - Theodore Maynard.
D106B. The Story of American Catholicism. Vol. 2. - Theodore Maynard.
D109. The Divine Pity: A Study in the Social Implications of the Beatitudes - Gerald Vann, O.P.
D110. Spiritual Canticle - St. John of the Cross. Translated and edited, with an introduction, by E Allison Peers. [Silverio de Santa Teresa.]

D111. The White Fathers - Glenn D. Kittler.
D112. Saint among the Savages: The Life of Isaac Jogues - Francis X. Talbot.
D113. The Third Revolution: A Study of Psychiatry and Religion -Dr. Karl Stern.
D114. We Have Been Friends Together and Adventures in Grace: The Memoirs of Raïssa Maritain.
D115. We Die Standing Together - Dom Hubert van Zeller, O.S.B.
D120. Interior Castle: St. Teresa of Avila. Translated by E. Allison Peers.

D128A, D128B. The Church of Apostles and Martyrs - Henri Daniel-Rops.
D129. Living Flame of Love - St. John of the Cross. Translated and edited, with an introduction, by E. Allison Peers.

D131. Saint Joan of Arc - John Beevers.
D134A. A History of Philosophy, Vol. 1: Greece and Rome. Part I. - Frederick Charles Copleston.
D134B. A History of Philosophy, Vol. 1: Greece and Rome. Part II. - Frederick Charles Copleston.
D135B. A History of Philosophy, Volume 2: Mediaeval Philosophy. Part II: Albert the Great to Duns Scotus - Frederick Copleston.
D136A. A History of Philosophy, Volume 3: Late Mediaeval and Renaissance Philosophy. Part I: Ockham to the Speculative Mystics - Frederick Charles Copleston.
D136B. A History of Philosophy, Volume 3 : Late Mediaeval and Renaissance Philosophy; Part II, The Revival of Platonism to Suarez - Frederick Copleston, S.J.
D137. A History of Philosophy. Vol. 4: From Descartes to Leibnitz - Frederick Copleston.
D138A. A History of Philosophy. Vol. 5: British Philosophy: The Modern Philosophers. Part II: Berkeley to Hume - Frederick Copleston, S.J.
D139A. A History of Philosophy. Vol. 6: Modern Philosophy. Pt. I: The French Enlightenment to Kant - Frederick Copleston.
D139B. A History of Philosophy, Volume 6: Modern Philosophy: Part II. Kant [sections 2-7] - F. C. Copleston , S.J., Principal of Heythrop College, 1907-1994.
D140A. A History of Philosophy, Volume 7: Modern Philosophy: Part I: Fichte to Hegel - Frederick Copleston, S.J.
D140B. A History of Philosophy, Volume 7: Modern Philosophy: Part II: Schopenhauer to Nietzsche. - Frederick Copleston, S.J.

D141A. A History of Philosophy. Vol. 8: Modern Philosophy. Pt. 1: Modern Philosophy. Bentham to Russell. British Empiricism and the Idealist Movement in Great Britain - Frederick Copleston.
D147. Enjoying the New Testament - Margaret Theodora Monro.
D149. Catholic Viewpoint on Education - Neil Gerard McCluskey.

D153. Secrets of the Saints - Henri Ghéon.
D154. Cathedral and Crusades: Studies of the Medieval Church, 1050-1350 - Henri Daniel-Rops.
D155. A Doctor at Cavalry: The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ as Described by a Surgeon - Pierre Barbet, M.D.
D159A. The Protestant Reformation. Vol. I. - Henri Daniel-Rops.
D159B. The Protestant Reformation. Vol. II. - Henri Daniel-Rops.
D160. The Sands of Tamanrasset: The Exciting Story of Charles de Foucauld, True Hero of God - Marion Mill Preminger.

D162. We Live With Our Eyes Open - Dom Hubert Van Zeller, O.S.B..
D165. Life of St. Dominic (1170-1221) - Bede Jarrett.
D166. In Soft Garments - Ronald A. Knox.
D170. The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius - St. Ignatius.

D171. A Newman Reader: An Anthology of the writing of John Henry Cardinal Newman. Edited with an Introduction by Francis X. Connolly.
D172. With Love and Laughter: Reflections of a Dominican Nun - Sister Maryanna.
D173. The Golden String: The Autobiography of Bede Griffiths, Benedictine of Praknash.
D175. Francis: A Biography of the Saint of Assisi - Michael De la Bedoyere.
D177. Relections on America - Jacques Maritain.
D178. The Hidden Stream - Ronald Arbuthnott Knox.
D180. We Sing While There's Voice Left - Hubert Van Zeller.

D184. A Man Named John [Pope John XXIII] - Alden Hatch.
D185. My Life with Christ: Spiritual Meditations for the Modern Reader - Anthony J. Paone.
D186. The Emerging Layman: The Role of the Catholic Layman in America - Donald A. Thorman.
D187. A Family On Wheels: Further Adventures Of The Trapp Family Singers - Maria Augusta Trapp with Ruth T. Murdoch
D188. The Social and Political Philosophy of Jacques Maritain: Selected Readings. Selected by Joseph W. Evans and Leo R. Ward.
D190. American Catholicism - John Tracy Ellis.

D191A, D191B. The Church in the Seventeenth Century - Henri Daniel-Rops. 2 volumes.
D192. The World's Great Catholic Literature. Edited by George N. Shuster [George Nauman Shuster].
D193. Catholic Viewpoint on Marriage and the Family. Revised edition. - John L. Thomas, S.J.
D194. The Crisis of Western Education - Christopher Dawson.
D195. Society and Sanity - F. J. Sheed.
D196. Pardon and Peace - Alfred Wilson, C.P.
D197. The Catholic Family Handbook - Msgr. George A. Kelly. Foreword by Francis Cardinal Spellman.
D198. The Council of Reform and Reunion. With a New Introduction. - Hans Kung.
D199. The Story of the Crusades, 1097-1291 - Alfred Duggan [Alfred Leo Duggan].
D200. With God in Russia - Walter J. Ciszek, S.J. with Daniel L.. Flaherty, S.J.

D201. The Church in the Eighteenth Century - Henri Daniel-Rops.
D202. Current Trends in Theology. Edited by Donald J. Wolf, S.J. and James V. Schall, S.J.
D203. A Hopkins Reader: Selections from the Writings of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Revised and enlarged edition. Edited with an introduction by John Pick.
D204. Modern Psychiatry: A Handbook for Believers - Francis J Braceland, M.D. and Michael Stock, O.P.
D205. The Franciscans: Love at Work - Boniface Hanley, O.M. and Salvator Fink, O.F.M.
D206. The Story of the Church. Revised edition. - Domenico Grandi and Antonio Galli. Translated by John Chapin.
D207. Come, Let Us Worship. With a new Introduction by Godfrey Diekmann, O.S.B.
D208. The Cunning of the Dove - Alfred Duggan. "The story of St. Edward the Confessor."
D209. A Guide to Catholic Reading - Jack F. Bernard and John J. Delaney.
D210. A Maritain Reader: Selected Writings of Jacques Maritain. Edited and Introduction by Donald and Idella Gallagher.

D211. Joy - Bertrand Weaver, C.P.
D212. The Church Tomorrow - George H. Tavard.
D213. Pope John and his Revolution - E. E. Y. Hales.
D215. The Two-Edged Sword - John L. McKenzie, S.J. "Outstanding interpretation of the Old Testament."
D216. This is the Mass, New and Revised Edition. Described by Henri Daniel-Rops. Celebrated by Fulton J. Sheen. Photographed by Karsh.
D217A, D217B. The Church in an Age of Revolution: 1789-1870. 2 volumes. Henri Daniel-Rops.
D218. Morte d'Urban - J. F. Powers.
D219. Our Children Grow Up - Mary Reed Newland.
D220. The Inner Search - Dom Hubert van Zeller, O.S.B.

D221. Strangers in the House: Catholic Youth in America - Andrew M. Greeley.
D222. The Depths of the Soul: A Christian Approach to Psychoanalysis - Ignace Lepp.
D223. Count Bohemond - Alfred Duggan. Preface by Evelyn Waugh.
D224A. A Fight for God, 1870-1939. Vol. I. - Henri Daniel-Rops.
D224B. A Fight for God, 1870-1939. Vol. II. - Henri Daniel-Rops.
D225. The Lilies of the Field - William E. Barrett. Cover illustration by Burt Silverman.
D226. Letters to Nancy - from Andrew M. Greeley.
D227. Christ and the Christian - Robert W. Gleason, S.J.
D228. The Family and the Bible - Mary Reed Newland.
D229. The Dividing of Christendom - Christopher Dawson.
D230. Our Changing Liturgy - C. J. McNaspy, S.J.

D231. No Man is an Island - Thomas Merton.
D232. And Young Men Shall See Visions: Letters from Andrew M. Greeley - Andrew M. Greeley.
D233. Road to Renewal - Bernard Häring, C.SS.R.
D234. Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander - Thomas Merton.
D235. The Power of Love - Fulton J. Sheen.
D236. The Story of Thomas More - John Farrow.
D237. The Noonday Devil: Spiritual Support in Middle Age - Bernard Basset, S.J.
D238. Understand the Bible - J. Holland Smith.
D239. Health of Mind and Soul - Ignace Lepp.
D240. Religion and Personality - Adrian van Kaam, C.S.Sp.

D241A-241B. Religions of the World. Vols. One, Two. - John A. Hardon, S.J.
D242. The Religion of Teilhard de Chardin - Henri de Lubac, S.J.
D243. Moments of Truth. Edited by Dan Herr and Joel Wells.
D244. Christian Renewal in a Changing World - Bernard Häring, C.SS.R.
D245. The Reed of God - Caryll Houselander.
D246. Christian Sacraments and Christian Personality - Bernard J. Cooke, S.J.
D247. Thoughts in Solitude: Reflections on the Spiritual Life and the Love of Solitude - Thomas Merton.
D248. We Neurotics: A Handbook for the Half-Mad - Bernard Basset, S.J.
D249. Pope John - Meriol Trevor.
D250. What is the Bible? - Henri Daniel-Rops.

D251. New Testament Essays - Raymond E. Brown, S.S.
D252. Teilhard Chardin and the Mystery of Christ - Christopher Mooney, S.J.
D258. In Pursuit Of Dietrich Bonhoeffer - William Kuhns.

D263. Love and Sexuality: A Christian Approach - Mary Perkins Ryan and John Julian Ryan.
D264. Shalom: Peace . The Sacrament of Reconciliation. - Bernard Häring.
D270. Summa Theologiae. Vol. 1: The Existence of God. Part One: Questions 1-13. - Thomas Aquinas.

D271. Summa Theologiae. Vol. 2: The Mind and Power of God. Part One: Questions 14-26. - Thomas Aquinas.
D273. A Future to Hope In: Socio-Religious Speculations - Andrew M Greeley.
D276. The Gospels and the Jesus of History - Xavier Léon-Dufour.
D278A, D278B. Introduction to the Old Testament - André Robert; A. Feuillet.

D281. The Seven Storey Mountain - Thomas Merton.
D282. Guide to Contentment - Fulton J. Sheen.
D285. Contemplative Prayer - Thomas Merton.
D287. The Roman Catholic Church - John L. McKenzie.
D288. Life for a Wanderer - Andrew M Greeley.

D292. The Friendship Game - Andrew M Greeley.
D294. The Abortion Decision - David Granfield.
D295. Authority in the Church - John L. McKenzie.

D306. In the Spirit, In the Flesh - Eugene C Kennedy.
D307. The Third Peacock: A Book about God and the Problem of Evil - Robert Farrar Capon.
D310. Christianity in the Twentieth Century - John A. Hardon.

D311-D314. The Old Testament of the Jerusalem Bible - Alexander Jones.
D316. The Jesus Myth: New Insights into the Person and Message of Jesus - Andrew M Greeley.
D317. The Survival of God: Faith, Authority and Dogma in a Changing World - Avery Dulles, S.J.

D321. Contemplation in a World of Action - Thomas Merton; Jean Leclercq.
D326. We are Future - Ladislaus Boros.

D337. Joy - Louis Évely.
D337. Suffering - Louis Évely.
D338. Our Prayer - Louis Évely.

D341. A Thomas Merton Reader. Edited by Thomas P. McDonnell. Revised edition.
D342. The Mystery of Suffering and Death. Edited by Michael J. Taylor, S.J.
D350. The Sinai Myth - Andrew M. Greeley.

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