Day to Day Pamphlets
Publisher: Leonard and Virginia Woolf at the Hogarth Press.
Country: United Kingdom. Date: 1931-39.

The Horrors of the Countryside
C. E. M. Joad
London, The Hogarth Press, 1931 (Day to Day Pamphlets, 3)
Paperback. 45 pages. Size: 18cm.
A diatribe against country life: 'It is generally believed that the English countryside is very beautiful. The home counties in particular are held in which its attractiveness resides and which confer upon it its peculiar charm. These include farm houses, country lanes, village streets, thatched cottage, babbling brooks, water meadows, wayside flowers, coppices in spring, woods in autumn, and a general mildness of atmosphere, wetness of the weather and to the gentle contours of the land.' (source)
Series Note: "The Day to Day Pamphlets, 1930-1939, is a series dealing with contemporary social, political, and economic issues. Readers were presented brief views that were intended to inform, provoke thought, and challenge opinion. It was for this series that the Press device of a stylized wolf head was designed by E. McKnight Kauffer. " (source)
Serial Number / Title / Author / Publication Date
1. Russia To-day and To-morrow - Maurice Dobb. 1931.
2. Unemployment, Its Causes and Their Remedies - Rupert Trouton. With a foreword by John Maynard Keynes. 1931.
3. The Horrors of the Countryside - C. E. M. Joad. 1931.
4. What We Saw in Russia - Aneurin Bevan, M.P., John Strachey, M.P., and George Strauss, M.P.. 1931.
5. Protection and Free Trade - L. M. Fraser, Fellow of Queens College, Oxford. 1931.
6. Ulster To-day and To-morrow.:Her Part in a Gaelic Civilization: A Study in Political Re-evolution - Denis Ireland. 1931.
7. Russian Notes - C. M. Lloyd [Charles Mostyn Lloyd]. 1932.
8. From Capitalism to Socialism - J. A. Hobson. 1932.
9. The Crisis and the Constitution: 1931 and After - Harold J. Laski. 1932.
10. On Marxism Today [On Marxism To-day] - Maurice Dobb. 1932.
11. If We Want Peace - Henry Noel Brailsford. 1932. "For the New Fabian Research Bureau."
12. Soviet Education: Some Aspects of Cultural Revolution - R. D. Charques. 1932.
13. Modern Art and Revolution - Sir Michael Sadler. 1932. Made and printed by The Garden City Press Ltd., Letchworth, 1932.
14. Disarmament: A Discussion - Lord Ponsonby [Arthur Augustus William Harry Ponsonby]. 1932.
15. The Spanish Constitution - H. R. G. Greaves. 1933.
16. The Case for West-Indian Self-Government - C. L. R. James. 1933.
17. Caste and Democracy - K. M. Panikkar. 1933.
18. The Political and Social Doctrine of Fascism ... An authorized translation by Jane Soames (of an article contributed to the fourteenth volume of "Enciclopedia Italiana"). - Benito Mussolini. 1933. A translation by Jane Soames of the Italian original, Fascismo: dottrina politica e sociale.
19. The Question of the House of Lords - A. L. Rowse. 1934.
20. The Worker and Wage Incentives: The Bedaux and Other Systems - William F. Watson [William Foster Watson], Delegate from the Acton Branch of the A.S.E.. 1934.
21. Race and Economics in South Africa - W. G. Ballinger [William George Ballinger]. 1934.
22. The Roots of Violence - S. K. Ratcliffe. 1934.
23. Law and Justice in Soviet Russia - Harold J. Laski. 1935.
24. Mr. Roosevelt's Experiments - S. H. Bailey [Stanley Hartnoll Bailey]. 1935.
25. A Derelict Area: A Study of the South-West Durham Coalfield - Thomas Sharp. 1935.
26. Poverty and Plenty: The True National Dividend. The Pros and Cons of Social Credit - W. R. Lester [William Richard Lester]. 1935.
27. Challenge to Schools: A Pamphlet on Public School Education - Arthur Calder-Marshall. 1935.
28. What To Do With the B.B.C. - Raymond Postgate. 1935.
29. Revolution in Writing - C. Day Lewis. 1935.
30. Politics and Morals. Merttens Lecture, 1935. - G. P. Gooch. 1935.
31. The League and Abyssinia - Leonard Woolf. 1936.
32. The Future of Colonies - Leonard Barnes. 1936.
33. The Co-operative Movement: To-day and To-morrow - A. D. Millard [Allen Douglas Millard]. 1936.
34. Economic Policies and Peace - Sir Arthur Salter. 1936.
35. The Idea of a World Encylopædia: A Lecture Delivered at the Royal Institution, November 20th, 1936 - H. G. Wells. 1936.
36. The Price of Liberty: An Essay on Contemporary Britain - Adoph Lowe. 1948 (3rd ed.).
37. The Military Training of Youth: An Enquiry into the Aims and Effects of the O.T.C. - L. B. Pekin. 1937.
38. Books and the People - Margaret Cole. 1938.
39. The Political and Social Doctrine of Communism - R. Palme Dutt. 1942 (2nd ed.).
40. Education Today -- and Tomorrow - W. H. Auden [Wynston Hugh Auden] and T. C. Worsley [Thomas Cuthbert Worsley]. 1939.
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