Communication for Development and Social Change
Publisher: Southbound. Country: Malaysia. Date: 2007-08.

Understanding Micronesia: A Cultural Guide for Researchers and Visitors
by Tom Hogan
Southbound, 2008 (on Communication for Development and Social Change).
Paperback. 110 pages. 14 x 21.5 cm. ISBN: 9789839054491.
Review of this book:
"Tom Hogan has written a detailed, grounded study of Micronesian cultures and communciations. His subtle understanding of this scattered group of very small Pacific communities sheds new light on cross-cultural contact and communication in larger, contemporary societies generally. Hogan's sympathetic analyses of Micronesia will encourage readers to reflect on their own cultural assumptions with greater insight and humility." -- Philip Bell, Foundation Professor of Media and Communications, University of New South Wales.
Series Note:
Southbound launches a New Series on Communication for Development and Social Change
Prof Jan Servaes is the Series Editor for the books published in our new CfDSCSeries (...). The latest of the three titles in the series is Where The Rivers Meet The Sky by Tim Kennedy. This very readable book is about a pioneering attempt at participatory development and change. Kennedy begins his inspiring story with his return, in the summer of 2006, to the communities he had collaborated with 40 years ago. He found waiting a moving communal reflection (project managers would have termed it "evaluation") of the profound impact of his SKYRIVER process. Kennedy offers readers at the end of his book a succinct summary of the participatory development strategies and tools he used, and identified which worked and endured. Communication for Development and Social Change (CfDSC) is the nurturing of knowledge aimed at creating consensus for action that takes into account the interests, needs and capacities of people concerned. It is a social process. Media and ICTs are important tools but their use is not an end in itself. Interpersonal communication has a fundamental role in CfDSC. Future titles in this series will look at issues and cases relating to HIV and AIDS, and the evolving communities one finds online.
Title / Author(s) or Editor(s) / Publication Year
Moving Targets: Mapping the Paths Between Communication, Technology and Social Change in Communities
Edited by Jan Servaes and Shuang Liu
Understanding Micronesia: A Cultural Guide for Researchers and Visitors
by Tom Hogan
Where the Rivers Meet the Sky: A Collaborative Approach to Participatory Development
by Timothy Kennedy
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Author: David Paul Wagner
(David Paul Wagner on Google+)