Cardinal Edition
Publisher: Pocket Books, Inc. Country: United States. Date: 1951- .

The Hidden Persuaders by Vance Packard
New York, Pocket Books, 1958 (Cardinal Edition No. C-288)
This classic book argues that "today's advertising men are using our hidden urges and frustrations to sell everything from gasoline to politicians".
Series Note: This series of paperbacks was launched in 1951.
Serial Number / Title / Author
C-1. Four Great Historical Plays - William Shakespeare
C-2. Kings Row - Harry Bellaman
C-3. In Tragic Life - Vardis Fischer
C-4. Cutlass Empire - F. Van Wyck Mason
C-5. The Merriam-Webster Pocket Dictionary
C-6. Hungry Hill - Daphne du Maurier
C-7. A Short History of the Civil War (Ordeal by Fire) - Fletcher Fratt
C-8. Prince of Egypt - Dorothy Clarke Wilson
C-9. The Pocket Bible
C-10. Lust for Life: The Story of Vincent Van Gogh - Irving Stone
C-11. The Pocket Book of Verse
C-12. The Pocket Book of Short Stories
C-13. Roget's Pocket Thesaurus
C-14. Four Great Tragedies - William Shakespeare
C-15. Four Great Comedies - William Shakespeare
C-16. The Pocket Book of Quotations
C-17. Tales from the Arabian Nights. Chosen by Eric Newby from the translation by Sir Richard Burton.
C-18. Honey in the Horn - H. L. Davis
C-19. Cakes and Ale and Other Favorites - W. Somerset Maugham
C-20. Rand McNally Pocket World Atlas
C-21. Pride's Castle - Frank Yerby
C-22. The Pepper Tree - John Jennings
C-23. Rivers of Glory - F. Van Wyck Mason
C-24. The 100 Most Important People in the World Today - Donald Robinson
C-25. A Short History of the American Revolution (Revolution 1776) - John Hyde Preston
C-26. Tap Roots - James Street
C-27. The Confessions of St. Augustine. Introduction by Harold C. Gardiner, S.J.
C-28. Lives of Famous French Painters - Herman J. Wechsler
C-29. Dr. Benjamin Spock's Pocket Book of Baby and Child Care
C-30. The Way West - A. B. Guthrie, Jr.
C-31. The Man with the Golden Arm - Nelson Algren
C-32. The Loyalty of Free Men - Alan Barth. With a foreword by Zechariah Chafee, Jr.
C-33. Wuthering Heights - Emily Brontë
C-34. Mutiny on the Bounty - Nordhoff and Hall
C-35. A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens
C-36. Famous Chinese Short Stories. Retold by Lin Yutang.
C-37. Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
C-38. The Witching Pool (Edgell's Island) - Robert Presnell, Jr.
C-39. Hour of Glory - Robert Lund
C-40. The Disappearance - Philip Wylie
C-41. The Conqueror - John Tebbel
C-42. The Return of the Native - Thomas Hardy
C-43. Dawn's Early Light - Elswyth Thane
C-44. Moll Flanders - Daniel Defoe
C-45. Great Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
C-46. Kinfolk - Pearl S. Buck
C-47. Tess of the d'Urbervilles - Thomas Hardy
C-48. The Great Short Stories of Robert Louis Stevenson
C-49. Jubilee Trail - Gwen Bristow
C-50. Immortal Poems of the English Language. An Anthology edited by Oscar Williams.
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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