Cardinal Books
Publisher: Sphere Books/Macdonald Books. Country: U.K. Date: 1973-91.

Remains of a Revolution
Anthony Burton (text). Clive Coote (photographs).
London: Cardinal Books, 1975.
Publisher's blurb: "The Industrial Revolution was one of the greatest changes in the history of society. It transformed Britain's 'green and pleasant land' from an agricultural world into one dominated by machinery: spinning and weaving were mechanized; roads, railways and canals spread across the country; mining and factories wiped out the cottage industries and eroded a rural way of life for ever. Man's immense inventiveness and skill also created appalling suffering and cruelty, sacrificing humanity for profit in a society riven with inequalities that remian today. Yet, as the photographs in this book show, the 'dark, satanic mills' and machines that changed the world are brilliantly, often beautifully designed, and the industrial landscape is haunting in its vast, imposing grandeur. Combined with lively writing and dramatic historical accounts, they transport our imaginations back to the revolutionary age of smoke and steam."
Series Note: xxxxx
Arranged alphabetically by title
1940: Myth and Reality - Clive Ponting
The Aesthetic Adventure - William Gaunt
The Age of Capital 1848-1875 - E. J. Hobsbawn
The Age of Empire 1875-1914 - E. J. Hobsbawn
The Age of Reconnaisance: Discovery, Exploration and Settlement, 1450-1650 (History of Civilisation) - J. H. Parry
The Age of Revolution 1789-1848 - E. J. Hobsbawn
All the Queen's Men - Neville Williams
The Arts of China - Michael Sullivan
The Boer War - Thomas Pakenham
Britain in the Roman Empire - Joan Liversidge
Britannia - S. Frere
The Cecils of Hatfield House - David Cecil
The Celtic Realms: History of Civilisation - Myles Dillon & Nora Chadwick
The Century of Revolution 1603-1714 - Christopher Hill
Charles II (Kings and Queens) - ____ Falkus
The Climax of Rome - M. Grant
A Cornish Childhood: Autobiography of a Cornishman - A. L. Rowse
A Crowd is Not Company - Robert Kee
Edward VIII (Kings and Queens) - K. Middlemas
Edwardian Album: A Photographic Excursion into a Lost Age of Innocence - Nicolas Bentley (text), Andra Nelkim (photographic researcher).
Elizabeth I - Kemp/_____
The Elizabethan Renaissance: The Cultural Achievement - A. L. Rowse
The Elizabethan Renaissance: The Life of Society - A. L. Rowse
The Emergence of Man - John E. Pfeiffer
Europe in the Eighteenth Century: Aristocracy and the Bourgeois Challenge (History of Civilisation) - George Rude
Europe in the Twentieth Century - George Lichtheim
The Expansion of Elizabethan England - A. L. Rowse
The Fall of the House of Hapsburg - Edward Crankshaw
Flesh - Brigid Brophy
Four Absentees - Rayner Heppenstall
Frederick the Great - Nancy Mitford
From Alfred to Henry III, 871-1272 - Christopher Brooke
George IV (Kings and Queens) - A. Palmer
The Golden Century: Europe, 1598-1715 - M. Ashley & F. Hear
The Great Trek - Oliver Ransford
The Greek Experience - C. M. Bowra
A Guide to the Prehistoric and Roman monuments in England and Wales - Jacquetta Hawkes
Hemingway - Kenneth S. Lynn
Henry VIII and his Court - Neville Williams
Humboldt and the Cosmos - Douglas Botting
Imperial Adventurer: Emperor Maxmilian and His Wife - Joan Haslip
The Knight and Chivalry - Richard Barber
Kwame Nkrumah (Makers of the Twentieth Century) - David Birmingham
Lady Caroline Lamb - E. Jenkins
Lady Randolph Churchill - R. G. Martin
The Last Lion, Winston Spencer Churchill: Visions of Glory, 1874-1932 - William Manchester
Louis XI - Paul Murray Kendall
Marie Antoinette - J. Hearsey
Masada: Herod's Fortress and the Zealots' Last Stand - Yigael Yadin & Moshe Pearlman
The Medieval World: Europe from 1100 to 1350 - Friedrich Heer
Memoirs - Hector Berlioz
My Life - Isadora Duncan
The Mystery of William Shakespeare - Charlton Ogburn (foreword by Lord Nere)
Nature's Chaos - James Gleick (photos by Eliot Porter)
The Newgate Calendar - George Theodore Wilkinson & Christopher Hibbert
The Originals: Who's Really Who in Fiction - Amos Williams
Pagan Celtic Britain: Studies in Iconography and Tradition - Anne Ross
The Pre-Raphaelite Tragedy - William Gaunt
Prince of the Renaissance: the Life of Francois I - D. Seward
Princes of Jade - Edmund Capon & William Macquity
Queen Christina - G. Masson
Radical Chic and Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers - Tom Wolfe
The Real Wagner - Rudolph Sabor
Red Victory: A History of the Russian Civil War - W. Bruce Lincoln
Red Year: the Indian Rebellion of 1857 - Michael Edwardes
Remains of a Revolution - Clive Coote (photographs) & Anthony Burton (text)
Richard II - P. M. Murray
The Riddle Of The Pyramids - Kurt Mendelssohn
Roman Britain and Early England, 55 BC-871 AD - P. Blair Hunter
The Royal House of Scotland - Eric Linklater
Saint Joan of Arc - Victoria Sackville-West
Sir Walter Raleigh - Robert Lacey
Superstrings and the Search for the Theory of Everything - F. Peat David
Suddenly at the Priory: The Story of the Bravo Murder Case - John Williams (foreword by John Dickson Carr)
The Tower of London in the History of the Nation - A. L. Rowse
Trade and Domnion: European Overseas Empires in the 18th Century - J. H. Parry
Victorian Olympus - William Gaunt
The Voyage of the Challenger - Eric Linklater
Warwick the Kingmaker and the Wars of the Roses - Paul Murray Kendall
The Washing of the Spears - D. R. Munro
The World of Rome - M. Grant
The World We Left Behind: A Chronicle of the Year 1939 - Robert Kee
Young Betjeman - Bevis Hillier
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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