Cape Paperbacks
Publisher: Jonathan Cape. Country: U.K. Date: 1960s-1970s.

The Craft of Fiction
by Percy Lubbock
Published by Jonathan Cape Ltd, London, 1972.
(Jonathan Cape Paperbacks, JCP73)
Percy Lubbock's "The Craft of Fiction," like E. M. Forster's "Aspects of the Novel," is an essential work of criticism. Lubbock's outlook is an extension of Henry James's. More immediately accessible than James, Lubbock illustrates the "craft" by reference to classic novels such as Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina," Flaubert's "Madame Bovary," Thackeray's "Vanity Fair," and of course James's own works, particularly "The Ambassadors."
Lubbock, Forster, F. R. Leavis's "The Great Tradition," and Ian Watt's "Rise of the Novel" give you what you need to know if you want to understand the central canon in Anglo-American and European fiction.
Lubbock's book is the one recommended by Graham Greene in his autobiography. Before embarking on his illustrious career, Greene studied "The Craft of Fiction" inside and out before embarking on his illustrious career. Perhaps no other stamp of approval is needed after that.
Even if this book doesn?t make a great novelist out of you, it will teach you how to recognize one. If you are interested in how the great novelists ply their trade, Percy Lubbock's book ranks right up there with the must-reads of novel how-to's.
Series Note: xxxxx
Arranged by serial number
JCP1 The Age of Catherine de Medici and [a selection from] Essays in Elizabethan History - J. E. Neale (1963)
JCP2 ...
JCP3 Sir Richard Grenville of the Revenge - A L Rowse (1963)
JCP4 Constitutional history of England - G B Adams; Robert L Schuyler (1965)
JCP5 [La Rivoluzione francese.] The French Revolution. 1788-1792 - Gaetano SALVEMINI; Translated Ivy Marion RAWSON (1963)
JCP6 Politics and opinion in the nineteenth century: an historical introduction - John Bowle (1963)
JCP7 King James VI and I - by David Harris WILLSON; James, King of England (1963)
JCP8 History of political thought - Phyllis Doyle (1963)
JCP9 ...
JCP10 ...
JCP11 Talleyrand - Duff Cooper (1971)
JCP12 The thirty years war - C V Wedgwood (1964)
JCP13 ...
JCP14 ...
JCP15 ...
JCP16 Brazilian adventure - Peter Fleming (1964)
JCP17 The future of socialism - Anthony Crosland (1964)
JCP18 ...
JCP19 ...
JCP20 ...
JCP21 Out of Africa - Isak Dinesen (1964)
JCP22 ...
JCP23 ...
JCP24 ...
JCP25 The Poetic image: the Clark lectures given at Cambridge in 1946 - Cecil Day Lewis (1965)
JCP26 A Treatise on the Novel - Robert Liddell (1967)
JCP27 The reader over your shoulder: a handbook for writers of English prose - Robert Graves; Alan Hodge; Fred H. and Jeannette Higginson Robert Graves Collection.
JCP28 The pre-Raphaelite tragedy - William Gaunt (...)
JCP29 The Craft of FIction - Percy Lubbock (1965)
JCP30 ...
JCP31 ...
JCP32 ...
JCP33 ...
JAC34 ...
JCP35 Mr Secretary Cecil and Queen Elizabeth - Conyers Read (1965)
JCP36 Lord Burghley and Queen Elizabeth - Conyers Read
JCP44 Mourning Become Electra - Eugene O'Neil
JCP46 Long Day's Journey into Night - Eugene O'Neil (1966)
JCP51 The Collected Poems of A. E. Housman - A.E. Housman (1977)
JCP62 The Banquet Years: Origin of the Avant-garde in France, 1885 to World War I - Roger Shattuck (1969)
JCP67 The Sufis - Idries Shah (1969)
JCP73 The Art of Translation - Theodore H. Savory (1969)
JCP74 Garcia Lorca - Edwin Honig (1969)
JCP76 Defeat of the Spanish Armada - Garrett Mattingly (1970)
JCP78 Collected Poems, 1954 - C. Day Lewis (1970)
JCP93 Thomas More - Raymond Wilson Chambers (1976)
Further titles from period 1961-70 (serial numbers not yet identified):
The Iceman Cometh - Eugene O'Neil (1966)
Queen Elizabeth I - John Ernest Neale (1967)
A Curtain of Ignorance - Felix Greene (1966)
King James VI and I - David Harris Willson (1966)
T. E. Lawrence in Arabia and After - Basil Henry Liddell Hart (1965)
A Study of Gurdjieff's Teaching - Kenneth Walker (1965, 1967)
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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