Cape Editions
Publisher: Jonathan Cape. Country: U.K. Date: 1967-71.

Histoire Extraordinaire: Essays on a Dream of Baudelaire's by Michel Butor.
Translated from the French by Richard Howard.
London, Jonathan Cape, 1969 (Cape Editions).
Paperback. Bibliography, note on the author, and list of Cape Editions titles to rear.
176 pages. 178mm x 110mm.
"The distinguished novelist and essayist Michel Butor has written one of the most remarkable critical studies of recent years. In Histoire Extraordinaire he discusses the three stages in the life of Charles Baudelaire, and relates them to his three important works and the three major factors in his inspiration: Les Leshiennes and his mistress Jeanne Duval: Les Limbes and the revolutionaries of 1848; and, finally, Les Fleurs du Mal and Edgar Allan Poe. Gradually, Butor's 'spiralling' technique reveals the links between poetry and sexuality, poetry and revolution, and poetry and suicide in the work of Baudelaire." -- Publisher blurb
Series Note: A collection of short books, mostly modern and frequently in translation.
One critic described this series as follows: "the remarkable Cape Editions series of seminal modern texts: poetry, prose, anthropology, drama, many of them pioneering translations".
The general editor of this series was the professor and poet Nathaniel Tarn.
Serial No/Title/Date/Author
1. The Scope of Anthropology (1967) - Claude Lévi-Strauss
Translated Sherry Ortner Paul and Robert A. Paul.
2. Call Me Ishmael - Charles Olson
3. Writing Degree Zero (1967) - Roland Barthes
Translated from the French original Le Degré zéro de l'écriture by Annette Lavers and Colin Smith.
4. Elements of Semiology - Roland Barthes
Translated from the French original Éléments de sémiologie
5. I Wanted to Write a Poem - William Carlos Williams|
6. The Memorandum (1967) - Václav Havel
Translated from the Czech by Vera Blackwell
7. Selected Poems - Nazim Hikmet
Translated from the Turkish by Taner Baybars
8. Aphorisms & Letters - Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
9. Tango - Slavomir Mrozek
10. On Love ... Aspects of a Single Theme - José Ortega y Gasset
11. Manhood - Michel Leiris
Translated from the French original LÂge dhomme
12. Bees: Their Vision, Chemical Senses, and Language - Karl von Frisch
13. Lunar Caustic (1968) - Malcolm Lowry
14. Twenty Prose Poems - Charles Baudelaire
15. Journeys - Günter Eich
16. A Close Watch on the Trains - Bohumil Hrabal
17. Mayan Letters (1968) - Charles Olson
Edited by Robert Creeley.
18. The Courtship Habits of the Great Crested Grebe - Julian Huxley
19. The Supermale - Alfred Jarry
Translated from the French original Le Surmâle
20. Poems & Antipoems - Nicanor Parra
Translated from the Spanish original Poemas y antipoemas
21. In Praise of Krishna: Songs from the Bengali
22. History Will Absolve Me - Fidel Castro
Translated from the Spanish original La historia me absolverá
23. Selected Poems (1968) - Georg Trakl
Translated by Robert Grenier et al. Edited by Christopher Middleton.
24. Selected Poems - Yves Bonnefoy
25. Ferdinand - Louis Zukofsky
26. The Recluse - Adalbert Stifter
27. Dialectical Materialism - Henri Lefebvre
Translated from the French original, Le Matérialisme dialectique
28. _____
29. Soul on Ice - Eldridge Cleaver
30. The Human Sciences and Philosophy - Lucien Goldmann
Translated from the French original Sciences humaines et philosophie
31. Selected Poems (1969) - André Breton
32. Soap (1969) - Francis Ponge
Translated from the original French Le Savon by Lane Dunlop
33. Histoire extraordinaire: Essay on a dream of Baudelaire's (1969) - Michel Butor
Translated from the original French essay, Histoire extraordinaire: essai sur un rêve de Baudelaire by Richard Howard
34. Conversations with Claude Lévi-Strauss - Georges Charbonnier
Translated from the French original Entretiens avec Claude Lévi-Strauss
35. An Absence - Uwe Johnson
Translated from the original German work Eine Reise wegwohin
36. A Critique of Pure Tolerance - Robert Paul Wolff, Barrington Moore Jr., Herbert Marcuse
37. The Garden Party - Václav Havel
Translated from the original Czech work Zahradní slavnost
38. Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair (1969) - Pablo Neruda
Translated from the original Spanish poems, Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada by W. S. Merwin
39. Genesis as Myth and Other Essays (1969) - Edmund Leach
40. Cold Mountain (1970) - Han-Shan
Translated from the original Chinese by Burton Watson
41. The World, the Flesh and the Devil (1970) - J. D. Bernal
42. The Death of Lysanda (1970) - Yitzhak Orpaz
Translated by Richard Flint
* * *
Later Additions
46. Poems (1971) - Hermann Hesse
Translated from the German originals by James Wright
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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