Publishing History > Bibliothèque de Carabas (David Nutt) - Book Series List
Bibliothèque de Carabas
Publisher: David Nutt. Country: United Kingdom. Date: 1887-1900.

The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns & Fairies: A Study in Folk-Lore & Psychical Research: The Text by Robert Kirk, M. A., Minister of Aberfoyle, A.D. 1691 ; the Comment by Andrew Lang, M. A., A.D. 1893.
by Robert Kirk. Commentary by Andrew Lang.
London, David Nutt, 1893 (Bibliothèque de Carabas, VIII).
Softcover. lxv, 92 pages, 2 leaves of plates ; 24 cm.
Series Note: Notes and Queries, Series 10, Volume 10, 9 September 1908, described the Bibliothèque de Carabas series as "reprints of scarce fifteenth and sixteenth-century works". The series title, Bibliothèque de Carabas, means "Library of Carabas" in English, and it comes from the Marquis de Carabas, a fictional nobleman in the fairy tale Puss in Boots (cf. image of Puss in Boots reading a book on front cover of each volume).
Series Number / Title / Author / Publication Year / Other Details
I. The most pleasant and delectable tale of the marriage of Cupid and Psyche by Apuleius.; William Adlington; Andrew Lang 1887 Pp. lxxxvi, 65. "The most pleasant and delectable tale of the Marriage of Cupid and Psyche. Done into English by William Adlington ... With a discourse on the fable by Andrew Lang."
II. Euterpe : being the second book of the famous history of Herodotus. Englished by B.R. 1584. Edited by Andrew Lang. by Herodotus.; Barnabe Rich; Andrew Lang 1888 "Five hundred and fifty copies of this edition have been printed." B.R. supposed to be Barnabe Rich.
III. The Earliest English Version of the Fables of Bidpai, "The Morall Philosophie of Doni," by Sir Thomas North ... Edited ... by Joseph Jacobs. 1888
The Morall Philosophie of Doni by Anton Francesco Doni; Thomas North, Sir.; Joseph Jacobs 1888 "The earliest English version of the fables of Bidpai: 'The morall philosophie of Doni', by Sir T. North; now again ed. and induced,".
This English translation by Sir Thomas North was originally published as: The morall philosophie of Doni : drawne out of the auncient writers. A worke first compiled in the Indian tongue, and afterwardes reduced into diuers other languages: and now lastly Englished out of Italian by Thomas North. by Anton Francesco Doni; Thomas North, Sir; by Thomas North, Sir; Anton Francesco Doni London, Henry Denham, 1570
This English translation was translated from the following Italian translation: La moral' filosophia del Doni, tratta da gli antichi scrittori ... by Anton Francesco Doni In Vinegia : Francesco Marcolini, 1552. Books 2 and 3 have special title pages. The whole tr. from Joannes de Capua's Latin version of Bd̄pāī's fables and ed. by A.F. Doni." With this is bound Sinbād, the philosopher. Trattatioi diversi. 1552. "Libro secondo [-terzo] della filosophia ... scritto da Sendebar [i.e. Sindbād]" and "Trattati diversi di Sendebar [i.e. Sindbād]" have special t.p.'s with variant imprint. Anal. made for the "Trattati." Erroneously attributed to Sindbād, the philosopher. cf. Bīdpāī. Arabic version. Kalilah wa Dimnah. Engl. The earliest English version ... London, 1888, p. xxxi-xxxii. Translated by the members of the Accademia dei Pellegrini from Giovanni da Capua's Latin version of Bīdpāī's fables. Edited by A.F. Doni. ALSO: Translated by the members of the Accademia dei Pellegrini from Giovanni da Capua's Latin version of Bīdpāī's fables. Text in Italian. Notes: Title vignette. A translation by the members of the Accademia dei pellegrini from Giovanni da Capua's Latin version of Bīdpāʼi's fables and ed. by A.F. Doni. Numerous errors in foliation. Erroneously attributed to Sindbād, the philosopher--Cf. Bīdpāī. Arabic version. Kalilah wa Dimnah. Engl. The earliest English version ... London, 1888, p.xxxi-xxxii. Edited by A.F. Doni.
IV. The fables of Aesop : as printed by William Caxton in 1484 with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio, now again edited and induced by Joseph Jacobs Volume: 1 : History of the Aesopic fable by Aesop.; William Caxton; Flavius Avianus; Alfonso; Poggio-Bracciolini; Joseph Jacobs London : Published by David Nutt in the Strand, Edinburgh and London : Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson and Co. MDCCCLXXXIX [1889] First of two volumes : frontispieces, illustrations ; 20 cm. xix, 283 p., [1] leaf of plates (front.) : ill., tables ; 20 cm. "Five hundred and fifty copies of this edition have been printed, five hundred of which are for sale." Printed on handmade paper, in an edition of 550 small paper and 60 large paper copies. "The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio". Caxton's translation is from a French translation of Heinrich Steinhöwel's German. "The fables of Aesop : as printed by William Caxton in 1484 with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio, now again edited and induced by Joseph Jacobs.". Language: Middle English.
V. The fables of Aesop : as printed by William Caxton in 1484 with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio, now again edited and induced by Joseph Jacobs Volume 2: Text and glossary. by Aesop.; William Caxton; Flavius Avianus; Alfonso; Poggio-Bracciolini; Joseph Jacobs London : Published by David Nutt in the Strand, Edinburgh and London : Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson and Co. MDCCCLXXXIX [1889] First of two volumes : frontispieces, illustrations ; 20 cm. xix, 283 p., [1] leaf of plates (front.) : ill., tables ; 20 cm. "Five hundred and fifty copies of this edition have been printed, five hundred of which are for sale." Printed on handmade paper, in an edition of 550 small paper and 60 large paper copies. "The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio". Caxton's translation is from a French translation of Heinrich Steinhöwel's German. "The fables of Aesop : as printed by William Caxton in 1484 with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio, now again edited and induced by Joseph Jacobs.". Language: Middle English.
VI. The Attis of Caius Valerius Catullus translated into English verse, with dissertations on the myth of Attis, on the origin of tree-worship, and on the Galliambic metre by Grant Allen. by Gaius Valerius Catullus; Grant Allen 1892 Limited edition of 60 copies. xvi, 154 pages ; 25 cm.
C. Valeri Catulli Attin annotavit, illustravit, anglicè reddidit Carolus Grant Allen. (The Attis of Caius Valerius Catullus. Translated into English verse, with dissertations on the myth of Attis, on the origin of tree-worship, and on the galliambic metre, etc.) Lat. & Eng. by Caius Valerius CATULLUS; Grant Allen Apud Davidem Nutt: Londini, 1892.
VII. Plutarch's Romane questions : with dissertations on Italian cults, myths, taboos, man-worship, Aryan marriage, sympathetic magic and the eating of beans by Plutarch.; Philemon Holland; F B Jevons 1892 cxxviii, 170 pages ; 26 cm. Translation of Questiones romanae. Edition of 550 copies. Only sixty copies of this edition have been printed, fifty of which are for sale" - Prelim. p. [2] "Translated A.D. 1603 by Philemon Holland, M.A. ; now again edited by Frank Byron Jevons, M.A."
VIII. The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns, & Fairies : a Study in Folk-Lore & Psychical Research by Robert Kirk, Minister of Aberfoyle; Andrew Lang 1893 "The Text by Robert Kirk, M. A., Minister of Aberfoyle, A.D. 1691 ; the Comment by Andrew Lang, M. A., A.D. 1893." lxv, 92 pages, 2 leaves of plates ; 24 cm. Edition of 550 copies. A reprint of the 1815 ed., probably the first printed version of the 1691 manuscript. - cf. p. ix. "Only five hundred and fifty copies of this edition have been printed, five hundred of which are for sale"--Facing t.p. verso. "Only sixty copies of this edition have been printed, fifty of which are for sale."
The above title was previously published as follows: An essay of The Nature and Actions of the Subterranean (and, for the most Part,) Invisible People, heretofoir going under the Name of Elves, Faunes, and Fairies, or the lyke, among the Low-Country Scots, as they are described by those who have the Second Sight ; and now, to occasion further Inquiry, collected and compared, by a Circumspect Inquirer residing among the Scottish-Irish in Scotland ; with an Appendix, consisting of Extracts from a Treatise on Second Sight, by Theophilus Insulanus. by Robert Kirk; Theophilus Insulanus Publisher: Edinburgh : Reprinted by James Ballantyne & Co. ; For Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, & Brown, Paternoster-Row, London, 1815. vi, 97 pages ; 26 cm Reprint of an item originally published in 1691 entitled: "Secret Commonwealth, or, A Treatise displayeing the Chiefe Curiosities as they are in Use among diverse of the People of Scotland to this Day;--Singularities for the most Part peculiar to that Nation. A Subject not heretofore discoursed of by any of our Writters; and yet ventured on in an Essay to suppress the impudent and growing Atheisme of this Age, and to satisfie the Desire of some choice Freinds. By Mr Robert Kirk, Minister at Aberfoill." Further details: Author's name from added t.p. and p. [v]. "100 copies only printed"--Title page verso. "Probably the original printed edition."--R. Kirk. Secret commonwealth; ed. by A. Lang, 1893., p. x; first edition according to NCBEL, cited below. Added t.p., reproduction of ms. title dated 1691, reads: Secret commonwealth; or, A treatise displayeing the chiefe curiosities as they are in use among diverse of the people of Scotland to this day ... / by Mr. Robert Kirk. "This curious tract ... is printed literally from a manuscript copy preserved in the Advocate's Library"--Page [v]. This reprint has been ascribed to Sir Walter Scott and to Robert Jamieson. With appendix entitled "Extracts from a treatise on the second sight, dreams, apparitions, &c. / by Theophilus Insulanus" [pseud. of Donald MacLeod], p. [47]-97. IX. A philological essay concerning the pygmies of the ancients by Edward Tyson; Bertram C A Windle 1894 civ, 103 pages ; ill; quarto. "Five hundred and fifty copies of this edition have been printed." Reprint of the essay originally published in the author's Orang-Outang ... or, The anatomy of a pygmie compared with that of a monkey, an ape, and a man. London, T. Bennet and D. Brown, 1699. Includes reproductions of original t.p. and special half-title. Only sixty copies of this edition have been printed, fifty of which are for sale. "By Edward Tyson, M.D., F.R.S., A.D. 1699. Now edited, with an introduction treating of pigmy races and fairy tales, by Bertram C.A. Windle."
X. Barlaam and Josaphat : English Lives of Buddha by BARLAAM, Saint; Joseph Jacobs 1887 cxxxii, 56 pages; 1 unnumbered leaf of plates : illustrations, 2 folded tables. frontispiece; illustrations; 20 cm Edited and Induced by Joseph Jacobs. Edition of 60 copies. Contents: Introduction. -- Appendix: I. Abstract of legend. II. Abstracts of parables. -- The Lyf of Savnt Balaam. [Reprinted from Caxton's Golden legend] -- Lyf of Saynt Balaam (Caxton 1483) The power of Almighty God, set forth in the ... life of Prince Jehosaphat. London, 1783. Power of almighty God, shewing the life of Prince Jehosaphat by a Reverend (London, 1783).
Author of this page:
David Paul Wagner