Bibliothek der Entdeckungen
Publisher: Mitteldeutscher Verlag. Country: Germany. Date: c. 2009 - .

All der Sand am Meer: Roman
by Max Roqueta.
Translated into German from the original Occitan by Fritz Peter Kirsch
Illustrations: Moritz Grünke.
Halle, Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 2010 (Bibliothek der Entdeckungen, vol. 5).
Hardback. 328 pages.
ISBN 978-3-89812-701-1.
Publisher's blurb:
"Im Mittelpunkt der Erzählung steht die Sibylle von Cumae, eine Seherin im Dienst des Gottes Apollon, der ihr Geliebter wird und ihr das Geschenk der Unsterblichkeit macht: So viele Jahre soll ihr Leben dauern, wie es Sandkörner am Meeresstrande gibt. Als aus der schönen Sibylle eine steinalte Zwergin geworden ist, gewährt ihr der Gott seine letzte Gunst einen steten Identitätswandel durch die Reiche der Natur.
Max Roqueta nutzt seine bunte und vielfältige Romanhandlung, um alle sprachlichen Register vom Realismus bis zum Prosapoem zu ziehen."
About the author:
Max Roqueta, 19082005, lyric poet, short story writer, dramatist, and essayist. He belongs amongst the most important Occitan writers of te 20th century and was one of the founders of the Institut dEstudis Occitans and was the president of the Occitan PEN-Clubs.
"Eintauchen in eine faszinierende Welt und am liebsten gar nicht mehr auftauchen müssen - macht süchtig."
--, 11. October 2010
Series Note: This German name of this series, Bibliothek der Entdeckungen, means "library of discovery" in English. The series published translations of foreign literature, including of novels originally published in languages such as Vietnamese, Indonesian, Occitan, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Flemish, English and Russian.
The series was published by the Mitteldeutscher Verlag, of Halle (Saale), Germany.
Arranged by serial number
Fahrschein bis Minto: Erzählungen aus Indien und Amerika
by Sohrab Homi Fracis.
Translated into German from the original English by Thomas Loschner.
Hardback. ISBN 10: 3898123480 / ISBN 13: 9783898123488.
This book was first published as: Ticket to Minto: Stories of India and America, University of Iowa Press, 2011.
Der Doppelgänger oder Meine Abende in Kleinrussland
by Antonij Pogorelskij [Antony Pogorelsky].
Translated into German from the original Russian by Svetlana Schick.
Hardback. ISBN 10: 3898123472 / ISBN 13: 9783898123471.
Die Ankunft des Joachim Stiller: Roman
by Hubert Lampo.
Translated into German from the original Flemish by Herbert Genzmer.
With illustrations by René Schäffer.
Hardback. 244 pages. ISBN 978-3-89812-537-6.
Der pensionierte General : Erzählungen
by Nguyen Huy Thiep.
Translated into German from the original Vietnamese by Günter Giesenfeld and Marianne Ngo.
Hardback. 2009.
All der Sand am Meer: Roman
by Max Roqueta.
Translated into German from the original Occitan by Fritz Peter Kirsch.
With illustrations by Moritz Grünke.
Hardback. 328 pages. ISBN 978-3-89812-701-1.
Kleine Tragödien: Erzählungen
by Le Minh Khue.
With drawings by Achim Riethmann.
Translated into German from the original Vietnamese by Günter Giesenfeld and Marianne Ngo.
Hardback. 344 pages. Illustrations. Size: 130 x 210 mm. ISBN 978-3-89812-796-7.
Das Wappen des Lord Blandamer: Roman
by John Meade Falkner.
Translated into German from the original English and with notes by Thomas Löschner.
Illustrations by Sandra Gutzeit.
Hardback. 456 pages. Size: 130 x 210 mm. ISBN 978-3-89812-827-8.
Die Leiden des Krieges: Roman
by Bao Ninh.
Translated into German from the original Vietnamese by Günter Giesenfeld, Marianne Ngo and Nguyen Ngoc Tan.
2014. 2nd edition: 2016. 3rd edition: 2018.
Hardback. 320 pages. Illustrations. Size: 130 x 210 mm. ISBN 978-3-95462-339-6.
Mein Name ist Maryté: Roman
by Alvydas Slepikas.
Translated into German from the original Lithuanian by Markus Roduner.
With illustrations by Helmut Stabe.
Hardback. 208 pages. Size: 130 x 200 mm. ISBN 978-3-96311-123-5.
In den Furchen des Lichts
by Zoltán Böszörményi.
Translated into German from the original Hungarian by Hans-Henning Paetzke.
Hardback. 240 pages. Size: 130 x 210 mm. Illustrations. ISBN 978-3-95462-730-1.
Endlose Felder: Erzählungen
by Nguyen Ngoc Tu.
Translated into German from the original Vietnamese by Günter Giesenfeld and Marianne Ngo.
Verlieren und gewinnen
by Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana [Alisyahbana].
Translated into German from the original Indonesian by Heinrich Seemann.
Hardback. 656 pages. Size: 130x210 mm. With illustrations. ISBN 978-3-95462-916-9.
The first edition of this novel in the original Indonesian was: Kalah dan menang: Roman, Jakarta, Dian Rakyat, 1978. The novel describes events during the Japanese occupation of Indonesia in 1943-45.
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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