Bell's Poets of Great Britain
(full title: Bell's Edition: The Poets of Great Britain complete from Chaucer to Churchill)
Publisher: John Bell. Country: United Kingdom. Date: 1777-87.

Bell's Edition: The Poets of Great Britain Complete from Chaucer to Churchill.
Chaucer, Vol. VIII.
Printed for John Bell British Library, London, Dec. 19, 1782.
Frontispiece depicting Troilus and Cressida.
Series Note: This series was published by John Bell (1745-1831). There were 109 volumes in this series. Each volume was 13 cm long and many volumes included portraits and introductions. According the Encyclopaedia Britannica this series "influenced later publishing practice by introducing into his books illustrations prepared by competent artists and related to the text". According to the EB the price of each of the 109 volumes was set at a modest six shillings, in a period "when even a slim volume usually cost a guinea or more".
Arranged by volume number
v. 1-14. Geoffrey Chaucer
v. 15-22. Edmund Spenser
v. 23-25. John Donne
v. 26-27. Edmund Waller
v. 28-31. John Milton
v. 32-34. Samuel Butler
v. 35. John Denham
v. 36-39. Abraham Cowley
v. 40-42. John Dryden
v. 43. Went. Dillon, earl of Roscommon
v. 44. John Sheffield, duke of Buckingham
v. 45-46. William King
v. 47-49. Matthew Prior
v. 50. Geoge Granville, Lord Lansdowne
v. 51. John Pomfret
v. 52-55. Jonathon Swift
v. 56. William Congreve
v. 57. Joseph Addison
v. 58. Nicholas Rowe
v. 59-65. Isaac Watts
v. 66. John Philips
v. 67-68. Thomas Parnell
v. 69. Samuel Garth
v. 70-71. John Hughes
v. 72. Elijah Fenton
v. 73. Thomas Tickell
v. 74-75. William Somerville
v. 76-79. Alexander Pope
v. 80-82. John Gay
v. 83. Will. Broome
v. 84-87. Edward Young
v. 88-89. Richard Savage
v. 90. Christ. Pitt
v. 91-92. James Thomson
v. 93. Ambrose Philips
v. 94. John Dyer
v. 95. Gilbert West
v. 96. Lord Lyttelton
v. 97, pt. 2. James Hammond. pt. 1. William Collins
v. 98. Edward Moore
v. 99-100. William Shenstone
v. 101. David Mallet
v. 102. pt. 1. J. Armstrong. pt. 2. Edmund Smith
v. 103. pt. 1. Thomas Gray ; pt. 2. Richard West
v. 104-105. Mark Akenside
v. 106. Joseph Cunningham
v. 107-109. Charles Churchill.
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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