Bantam Books
Publisher: Bantam Books. City: New York. Country: United States. Date: 1945- .

German Stories / Deutsche Novellen
Edited by Harry Steinhauer.
New York, Bantam Books, 1972. 360 pages. Size: 16mo (6"-7" tall). Price: $1.25.
(Bantam Books/Bantam Foreign Language. QM5923)
"A Bantam Dual-Language Book."
A reprint of the original Bantam edition in The Bantam LanguageLibrary, ND 4199.
Stories from: Goethe, Hoffmann, Stifter, Keller, Schnitzler, Mann, Hesse, Kafka, Borchert, and Aichinger. Cover blurb: "A brilliant collection of short stories presented in both the original German and a new, authoritative English translation. Learn the literature through the language, the language through the literature."
Series Note: This seies of paperbacks was founded by Ian Ballantine, previously of Penguin Books, in 1945.
Year of Publication / Serial Number / Title / Auhor
1. Life on the Mississippi - Mark Twain
2. The Gift Horse - Frank Gruber
3. "Nevada" - Zane Grey
4. Evidence of Things Seen - Elizabeth Daly
5. Scaramouche - Rafael Sabatini
6. A Murder by Marriage - Robert George
7. The Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck
8. The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
9. Rogue Male - Geoffrey Household
10. South Moon Under - Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
11. Mr. and Mrs. Cugat - Isabel Scott Rorick
12. Then There Were Three - Geoffrey Homes
13. The Last Time I Saw Paris - Elliot Paul
14. Wind, Sand and Stars - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
15. Meet Me in St. Louis - Sally Benson
16. The Town Cried Murder - Leslie Ford
17. Seventeen - Booth Tarkington
18. What Makes Sammy Run? - Budd Schulberg
20. Oil for Lamps of China - Alice Tisdale Hobart
21. Men, Women and Dogs - James Thurber
22. * * Book not published * *
23. * * Book not published * *
24. Valiant is the Word for Carrie - Barry Benefield
25. Bugles in the Aternoon - Ernest Haycox
26. Net of Cobwebs - Elisaebth Sanxay Holding
27. Only Yesterday - Frederick Lewis Allen
28. Night in Bombay - Louis Bromfield
29. Was It Murder? - James Hilton
30. Citizen Tom Paine - Howard Fast
31. The Three Hostages - John Buchan
32. The Great Mouthpiece - Gene Fowler
33. The Prisoner of Zelda - Anthony Hope
34. First Come, First Kill - Francis Allan
35. My Dear Bella - Arthur Kober
36. Trail Boss - Peter Dawson
37. Drawn and Quartered - Charles Adams
38. Anything for a Quiet Life - A. A. Avery
39. Long, Long Ago - Alexander Woolcott
40. The Captain from Connecticut - C. S. Forster
41. David Harum - Edward Noyes Westcott
42. Road to Folly - Leslie Ford
43. The Lives of a Bengal Lancer - F. Yeats-Brown
44. The Cold Journey - Grace Zaring Stone
45. A Bell for Adano - John Hersey
46. Escape the Night - Mignon G. Eberhart
47. Home Ranch - Will James
48. The Laughter of My Father - Carlos Bulosan
49. The Amethyst Spectacles - Frances Crane
50. The Buffalo Box - Frank Gruber
51. Death in the Blackout - Anthony Gilbert
52. No Hands on the Clock - Geoffrey Homes
53. Nothing Can Rescue Me - Elizabeth Daly
54. The Love Letters - Chris Massie
55. Tutt and Mr. Tutt - Arthur Train
56. The Tonto Kid - Henry Herbert Knibbs
57. Anything for a Laugh - Bennett Cerf
58. "Captains Courageous" - Rudyard Kipling
59. Wild Animals I Have Known - Ernest Thompson Seton
60. The Kennel Murder Case - S. S. Van Dine
61. The Bantam Concise Dictionary
62. Dead Center - Mary Collins
63. Green Mansions - W. H. Hudson
64. Harriet - Elizabeth Jenkins
65. South Wind - Norman Douglas
66. She Loves Me Not - Edward Hope
67. The Bruiser - Jim Tully
68. Guns from Powder Valley - Peter Field
69. The Grandmothers - Glenway Wescott
70. Lay That Pistol Down - Richard Powell
71. Mountain Meadow - John Buchan
72. No Bones About It - Ruth Sawtell Wallis
73. The Last of the Plainsmen - Zane Grey
74. Halo in Blood - John Evans
75. Cannery Row - John Steinbeck
76. Drink to Yesterday - Manning Coles
77. Pistol Passport - Eugene Cunningham
78. Deadly Nightshade - Elizabeth Daly
79. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn - Betty Smith
80. False to Any Man - Leslie Ford
81. Puzzles, Quizzes and Games -Edith Young & Phyllis Fraser
82. Ride the Man Down - Luke Short
83. Up Front - Bill Mauldin
84. The World, The Flesh, and Father Smith - Bruce Marshall
85. Death at the Door - Anthony Gilbert
86. Border Roundup - Allan R. Bosworth
87. Apartment in Athens - Glenway Westcott
88. Trigger Kid - Bennett Foster
89. Finders Keepers - Geoffrey Homes
90. The Uninvited - Dorothy Macardle
91. The 17th Letter - Dorothy Cameron Disney
92. My Life and Hard Times - James Thurber
93. Dagger of the Mind - Kenneth Fearing
94. The Crimson Horseshoe - Peter Dawson
95. Assignment Without Glory - Marcos Spinelli
96. The Scarab Murder Case - S. S. Van Dine
97. Swamp Water - Vereen Bell
98. Cry Wolf - Marjorie Carleton
99. Comanche Chaser - Dane Coolidge
100. The Cautious Amorist - Norman Lindsay
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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