Australian Classics
Publisher: Lloyd O'Neil. Country: Australia. Date: ___

The Confessions of a Beachcomber by E. J. Banfield.
Australian classics series. Published by Lloyd O'Neil, Hawthorn, Vic., Australia,, 1974
Series Note: This octavo hardback series with attractive dustjackets featuring Australian paintings was published in the 1970s and 1980s.
Alphabetical arrangement by title
The Adventures of Ralph Rashleigh: A Penal Exile in Australia, 1825-1844 - James Tucker
Alien Son - Judah Waten
Australian Bush Ballads - Douglas Stewart & Nancy Keesing
Best Australian Short Stories - Stewart / Davis, eds.
Bush Ballads and Galloping Rhymes - A. L. Gordon
Capricornia - Xavier Herbert
Confessions of a Beachcomber - E. J. Banfield
For the Term of his Natural Life - Marcus Clarke
History of Australian Bushranging (2 vols.) - Charles White
History of the Australian Goldrushes - Nancy Keesing, ed.
A House is Built - M. B. Eldershaw
I Can Jump Puddles - Alan Marshall
In the Days When the World was Wide - Henry Lawson
Joe Wilson's Mates - Henry Lawson
Kings in Grass Castles - Mary Durack
Lasseter's Last Ride - Ion Idriess
Leaves from Australian Forests - Henry Kendall
My Love Must Wait - Ernestine Hill
On our Selection - Steele Rudd
Power Without Glory - Frank Hardy
The Recollections of Geoffrey Hamlyn - Henry Kingsley
Robbery Under Arms - Rolf Boldrewood
Rum Rebellion - H. V. Evatt
Such Is Life - Tom Collins
Vision Splendid - Tom Ronan
While the Billy Boils - Henry Lawson
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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