Assimil courses
Publisher: Assimil. Country: France. Date: 1929-.
Italian Without Toil by A. Chérel (Assimil, 1951)
Series Note: This series, which is built upon what the publisher calls La Méthode Assimil (= The Assimil Method) or La Méthode quotidienne Assimil (= The Daily Assimil Method), is meant to enable the independent learning foreign languages on one's own (using just a book or a book and audio recordings). The method involves the daily repetition of simple sentences to learn the target language. This is an easy form of intuitive assimilation (thus giving the company name Assimil) which avoids onerous rote learning (i.e. the need for words, grammatical forms, etc. to be learnt by heart). Thls ease of learning has led to many of the volumes being named "sans peine" (= "without difficulty") (e.g. L'allemand sans peine), "without toil" (e.g. French Without Toil), "with ease" (e.g. Arabic With Ease), etc.
(A) For French speakers
Books in series in 1965
L'allemand sans peine (Méthode quotidienne Assimil) (in print as early as 1948)
L'anglais sans peine (first published in 1929)
L'espagnol sans peine (Méthode quotidienne Assimil)
L'italien sans peine (Méthode quotidienne Assimil)
Le russe sans peine
New Books in Series in 1970s/1980s
L'arabe sans peine
L'arabe sans peine: transcription phonétique
Le chinois sans peine (vols. 1, 2)
Le grec sans peine
Le latin sans peine
Le nouvel anglais sans peine
Le pratique de l'anglais (book with 3 audio cassettes)
Le portuguais sans peine
Le serbo-croate sans peine
Pour mieux connaître larabe (Collection bilingue)
Pour mieux connaître le chinois (Collection bilingue)
Pour mieux connaître le japonais (Collection bilingue)
(B) For English speakers
French without toil (first published 1940)
Dutch without toil. (Daily Assimil method)
German without toil
Italian without toil
Spanish without toil
Russian without toil (first published 1958)

"Parla italiano?"
"Non ancora; è la mia prima lezione!"
("Do you speak Italian?"
"Not yet; it's my first lesson!")
(Page from Italian Without Toil, 1950 edition)

"Questo cane non mi appartiene!"
("This dog does not belong to me!")
(Page from Italian Without Toil, 1950 edition)