Publishing History > Art of the World (Methuen) - Book Series List
Art of the World
Publisher: Methuen & Co. Ltd. Country: U.K. Date: 1940-68.

Classical Greece by Karl Schefold
London, Methuen & Co., 1967 (Art of the World series)
Hardback (green cloth with gilt titling on spine) with coloured illustrated dustjacket and coloured illustrated slipcase. 294 pages. Size: Small quarto. Profusely illustrated with 49 tipped-in colour plates, 16 pages of black-and-white photographic plates, line drawings and maps. Includes chronology, bibliography, glossary and index.
Series Note: "This is a series of regional histories of the visual arts, each written by an expert and illustrated with numerous plates in full colour. Each is supplied with a coloured slip-case." -- Irish Art in the Early Christian Period to A.D. 800 by Françoise Henry (Methuen, 1968)
"These volumes are packed with information and are notable for their many superb illustrations in colour. I have found myself returning again and again with delight to the illustrations in all these books." -- The Yorkshire Post
Arranged in alphabetical order by title
Ancient America - Hans-Dietrich Disselhoff and Sigvald Linne. 1961.
Ancient Iran: The Art of Pre-Islamic Times - Edith Porada. 1965.
Archaic Greece - Ernst Homann-Wedeking. 1968.
The Art of Africa: The Art of the Negro Peoples - Elsy Leuzinger. 1960.
The Art of Buddhism - Dietrich Seckel. 1964.
The Art of North America - Wolfgang Haberland. 1964.
Art of the Steppes: The Eurasian Animal Style - Karl Jettmar. 1967.
Art of the Stone Age: Forty Thousand Years of Rock Art - Hans-Georg Bandi, Henri Breuil and Henri Lhote. 1961.
The Birth Of Greek Art: The Mediterranean and The Near East - Ekrem Akurgal. 1968.
Burma, Korea, Tibet - Alexander Griswold, Kim Chewon, and Peter H. Pott. 1964.
Byzantium: Byzantine Art in the Middle Ages - Andre Grabar. 1966.
China: Spirit and Society - Werner Speiser. 1960.
Chinese Landscape Painting in the Caves of Tun-Huang - Anil de Silva. 1967.
Classical Greece - Karl Schefold. 1967.
Coptic Art - Pierre du Bourguet. 1971.
Crete and Early Greece - Friedrich Matz. 1962.
Egypt: The Art of the Pharoahs - Irmgard Woldering. 1964.
Etruria and Early Rome - Guido Achille Mansuelli. 1966.
From Theodoric to Charlemagne: A History of the Dark Ages in the West - Paolo Verzone. 1968.
Hellenistic Art - Thomas Bertram Lonsdale Webster. 1967.
High Gothic Art - Marcel Aubert. 1964.
India: Five Thousand Years of Indian Art - Hermann Goetz. 1959.
Indo-China: Art in the Melting-Pot of Races - Bernard Philippe Groslier. 1962.
Indonesia - Frits A. Wagner. 1959.
Irish Art in the Early Christian Period to A.D. 800 - Françoise Henry (1940; 2nd ed: 1947; revised ed: 1968)
Japan: From the Jomon to the Tokugawa Period - Peter C. Swann. 1966.
Mesopotamia and the Middle East - Leonard Woolley. 1961.
Oceania and Australia: The Art of the South Seas - Alfred Bühler, Terry Barrow and Charles P. Mountford. 1962.
Rome and her Empire - Heinz Kähler. 1963.
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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