Ark Paperbacks
Publisher: Routledge Kegan Paul. Country: U.K. Date: ---.

Dictionary of Analytical Psychology by C. G. Jung
London: Routledge Kegan & Paul, _____
Series Note: xxxx
Arranged alphabetically by author and title
Gillian Beer
Darwin's Plots: Evolutionary Narrative in Darwin, George Eliot and Nineteenth-Century Fiction
Marc Ferro
The Great War, 1914-1918
Sigmund Freud
Leonardo da Vinci
Sigmund Freud
Totem and Taboo
Erich Fromm
The Fear of Freedom
Edward Gregg
Queen Anne
F. A. Hayek
The Road to Serfdom
C. G. Jung
Aspects of the Masculine
C. G. Jung
Analytical Psychology: Its Theory and Practice
C. G. Jung
Aspects of the Feminine
C. G. Jung
Essays on Contemporary Events
C. G. Jung
Psychology and Western Religion
C. A. C. de Laclos
Les Liaisons Dangereuses (Dangerous Acquaintances)
David Lodge
The Novelist at the Crossroads...
P. Russell
The Awakening Earth / The Global Brain
J Wintle, ed.
Dictionary of Modern Culture
B. Wiley
The 17th Century Background
B. Wiley
The 18th Century Background
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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