Publishing History > Arab Background Series (Longman; Librairie du Liban) - Book Series List
Arab Background Series
Publisher: Longman. Place: London and New York.
Joint Publisher: La Librairie du Liban. Place: Beirut, Lebanon.
Series Dates: 1968-1986.

Frankincense and Myrrh : A Study of The Arabian Incense Trade
by Nigel Groom
London and New York: Longman, and Beirut: Librairie du Liban, 1981 (Arab Background Series).
Hardback (forest green cloth with gilt letters on spine). Dustwrapper (black background with photo illustration). 285 pages.
"Describes the various uses of incense and other aromatics in ancient days. It explores the origins of the trade, looks at the Old Testament references, with a new conclusion about the origins of the Queen of Sheba, and comments on accounts of the trade by classical authors, including some which have not previously appeared in English translation. ... A final chapter raises the possibilities of climatic change in Arabia in historical times as a factor in the decline of the trade." -- Dustwrapper blurb
Series Note:
"The Arab World has, for some time, been attracting the attention of a growing public throughout the world. The strategic position of the Arab countries, the oil they produce, their sudden emancipation and emergence as independent states, their revolutions and coups d'état, have been the special concern of statesmen, politicians, businessmen, scholars and journalists, and of equal interest to the general public.
An appreciation of the present-day problems of Arab countries and of their immediate neighbours demands a certain knowledge of their geographical and social background; and a knowledge of the main trends of their history -- political, cultural and religious -- is essential for an understanding of current issues. Arabs had existed long before the advent of Islam in the seventh century AD, but it was with Islam that they became a world power. Arab civilization, which resulted from the contacts the Arabs had of this world power, and which reached its height in the ninth, tenth and eleventh centuries, was, for a few centuries that followed, the guiding light of a large part of the world. Its rôle cannot, thus, be ignored.
The Arab Background Series provides the English-speaking, educated reader with a series of books which attempt to clarify the historical past of the Arabs and to analyse their present problems. The contributors to the series, who come from many parts of the world, are all specialists in their own fields. This variety of approach and attitude creates for the English-speaking reader a unique picture of the Arab World."
"Editor's Preface" (by N. A. Ziadieh), in: Frankincense and Myrrh: A Study of the Arabian Incense Trade, London and New York: Longman; and Beirut: Librairie du Liban, 1981 (Arab World Series), p. ix.
Series Editor: Nicola A. Ziadieh, Emiritus Professor of History, American University of Beirut
Title / Author / Publication Year
The Arab Conquest of the Western Sahara : Studies of the Historical Events, Religious Beliefs and Social Customs Which Made the Remotest Sahara a Part of the Arab World by H. T. Norris 1986
The Arabs and Mediaeval Europe by Norman Daniel 1979
Arab Civilization to AD 1500 by D. M. Dunlop [Derrick Melville Dunlop] 1971
The Berbers in Arabic literature by H. T. Norris 1982
Christianity Among the Arabs in Pre-Islamic Times by J. Spencer Trimington 1990
Frankincense and Myrrh : A Study of The Arabian Incense Trade by Nigel Groom 1981
The Influence of Islam Upon Africa by J. Spencer Trimington 2nd ed.: 1980
Origins and Early Development of Shi'a Islam by J. H. M. Jafri [Husain Masudul Jafri] 1981
Railways in the Middle East : Political and Economic Background by Shereen Khairallah 1991
Sa'udi Arabia by Harry St J. B. Philby [Harry Saint-John Bridger Philby] 1968
Social Life Under the Abbasids : 170 - 289 A.H., 786 - 902 A.D. by M. M. Assan [Muhammad Manazir Ahsan] 1979
Syria and Lebanon : A Political Essay by Nicola A. Ziadeh [Nicola Abdo Ziadeh] 1965
What is Islam? by W. Montgomery Watt [William Montgomery Watt] 1968
Author of this page:
David Paul Wagner