Appleton Dollar Library
Publisher: D. Appleton & Company. Country: United States. Date: Late 1920s- .

The New Temple by John Bojar
New York, D. Appleton-Century Company, 1939 (Appleton Dollar Library)
Hardback with dust wrapper.
Series Note: This series was promoted as "A Uniform, Popular Library of Masterpieces of Fiction, History, Literature, Art and Science."
Title / Author
The Secret of the Old Masters by Albert Abendschein
The Story of the Extinct Civilizations of the East and West by R. E. Anderson
A Story of the Red Cross by Clara Barton
Equality by Edward Bellamy
The Young Man and the World by Albert J. Beveridge
The Cruise of the Cachalot by Frank T. Bullen
The Bondman by Hall Caine
The Story of Sonny Sahib by Mrs. Everard Cotes
The Lilac Sunbonnet by S. R. Crockett
The Conflict Between Religion and Science by John William Draper
The History of Modern English Literature by Sir Edmund Gosse
The Beginnings of Art by Edmund Grosse
Viva Mexico! by Charles M. Flandrau
A History of Spanish Literature by James Fitzmaurice-Kelly
Caponsacchi by Arthur Goodrich and Rose A. Palmer
A History of Italian Literature by Richard Garnett
The Reds of the Midi by Felix Gras
The Terror by Felix Gras
General History of Civilization in Europe by F. Pierre Guizot
Abraham Lincoln: The True Story of a Great Life (2 vols.) by W. H. Herndon and Jesse W. Weik
The Covered Wagon by Emerson Hough
Abbe Pierre by Jay William Hudson
Arius the Libyan by Nathan C. Kouns
Nancy Stair by Elinor Macartney Lane
The French Revolution by W. E. H. Lecky
Cape Cod Ballads and Other Verse by Joseph C. Lincoln
God's Fool by Maarten Maartens
Carnival by Compton Mackenzie
Noah an' Jonah an' Cap'n John Smith by Don Marquis
Ariel: The Life of Shelley by Andre Maurois
Evelyn Innes by George Moore
A History of Ancient Greek Literature by Gilbert Murray
The Seats of the Mighty by Sir Gilbert Parker
The Second Generation by David Graham Phillips
Psychology in Everyday Life by Carl Emil Seashore
Other Worlds by Garrett P. Serviss
The Sailor by J. C. Snaith
Education: Intellectual, Moral and Physical by Herbert Spencer
Songs of the Soil by Frank L. Stanton
A History of German Literature by Calvin Thomas
A History of Russian Literature by K. Waliszewski
The Story of the Art of Building by P. L. Waterhouse
David Harum by Edwrad N. Westcott
The Reef by Edith Wharton
"Other volumes to follow."
Source of above list:
Dust wrapper of Ariel: The Life of Shelley by Andre Maurois.
New York & London, D. Appleton & Company, 1928 (Appleton Dollar Library)
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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