Apollo Editions
Publisher: William Morrow and Co.; Dodd, Mead; Thomas Y. Crowell; The Dial Press
Country: United States. Date: c. 1951- .

The Forgotten Peninsula: A Naturalist in Baja California
Joseph Wood Krutch
New York, William Morrow, 1970 (Apollo Editions, A-258).
Papberack. 277 pages.
Series Note: "Apollo Editions is a joint venture in paperback publishing by four American publishers -- Thomas Y. Crowell Company, Dodd, Mead & Company, The Dial Press and William Morrow & Company.
Uniform in format, set in large, clear type and printed on paper of fine quality, they are reprints of books which have already had a proven success in their more expensive hardcover editions."
-- Dodd, Mead catalogue, c. 1967
Serial Number/Title/Author
A1. Emerson's Essays: First and Second Series Complete. Introduction by Irwin Edman.
A3. The Lost Americans - Frank C. Hibben.
A4. Shakespeare's Plays in Digest Form - J. Walker McSpadden.
A5. The Shakespearean Review Book - Fannie Gross.
A6. The Shorter Plays of Bernard Shaw - Bernard Shaw
A7. The Insect World of J. Henri Fabre - J. Henri Fabre.
A8. Laugh with Leacock: A Collection of the Best Writings of Stephen Leacock - Stephen Leacock.
A9. Man's Emerging Mind - N. J. Berrill.
A10. How the Reformation Happened - Hilaire Belloc.
A11. Men Against Fire - S. L. A. Marshall.
A12. The Dark Eye in Africa - Laurens van der Post.
A13. The Reach of the Mind - J. B. Rhine.
A14. Emotional Problems and What You Can Do About Them - William B. Terhune, M.D.
A15. Insects: Their Secret World - Evelyn Cheesman.
A16. King Solomon's Ring - Konrad Lorenz.
A18. Angry Harvest - Hermann Field and Stanislaw Merenzenski.
A19. Grand Opera in Digest Form - J. Walker McSpadden.
A20. Faraday as a Discovery - John Tyndall.
A21. Adventures in Nature - Edwin Way Teale.
A22. Golden Tales of Anatole France - Anatole France.
A23. The Making of a Scientist - Anne Roe.
A24. The Wisdom of the Living Religions - Joseph Gaer.
A25. A Multitude of Living Things - Loris J. and Margery J. Milne.
A26. The Twelve Seasons - Joseph Wood Krutch.
A27. The Role of Science in Our Modern World [original title: What Men May Be] - George Russell Harrison.
A28. Festivals of the Jewish Year - Theodor H. Gaster.
A29. Emile Zola - Angus Wilson.
A30. Coming of Age in Samoa - Margaret Mead.
A31. Thunder Out of China - Theodor H. White and Annalee Jacoby.
A32. Stephen Foster: America's Troubadour - John Tasker Howard.
A33. The Twelve Olympians - Charles Seltman.
A34. The Myth of Rome's Fall - Richard Haywood.
A35. Introduction to Higher Mathematics - Constance Reid.
A36. A Treasury of Catholic Thinking - Ralph Woods.
A37. No More War! - Linus Pauling.
A38. Strange Sects and Curious Cults - Dr. Marcus Bacn.
A39. That's Me All Over - Cornelius Otis Skinner.
A40. Lewis and Clark: Partners in Discovery - John Bakeless.
A41. The German Generals Talk - B. H. Liddell Hart.
A42. New World of the Mind - J. B. Rhine.
A43. The Squeeze: Cities Without Space - Edward Higbee.
A44. Giovanni's Room - James Baldwin.
A45. The Dial: An Annual of Fiction.
A46. Electrons Go to Work - J. Gordon Cook.
A48. Shiloh - Shelby Foote.
A49. In Quest of the Northwest Passage - L. H. Neatby.
A50. The Psychology of Murder - Stuart Palmer.
A51. The Plant in my WIndow - Ross Palmenter.
A52. Fighters for Freedom: Jefferson and Bolivar - Hendrick Willem Van Loon.
A53. The Laugh Parade - Stephen Leacock.
A54. Lincoln: The Liberal Statesman - J. G. Randall.
A55. Voyage to Windward: The Life of Robert Louis Stevenson - J. C. Furnas.
A56. A Primer of Foreign Relations - A. A. Berle, Jr.
A57. Those Earnest Victorians - Esme Wingfield-Stratford.
A58. Growing Up in New Guinea - Margaret Mead.
A61. Great English Short Novels. Edited with an introduction by Cyril Connolly.
A62. Roget's University Thesaurus.
A63. Einstein: Profile of a Man - Peter Michelmore.
A64. The Benjamin Franklin Papers. Edited by Benjamin Franklin.
A65. The Best of Robert Service.
A66. Children of the Shadows - Morris L. West.
A67. Sex and Temperament - Margaret Mead.
A68. Dictionary of Foreign Terms - C. O. Sylvester Mawson.
A69. West of the River - Dorothy Gardiner.
A70. A History of England: From the Dark Ages to the End of World War II - J. Thorn, R. Lockyer and D. Smith.
A71. The Ways of Thoreau - Edwin Way Teale.
A72. Winslow Homer: A Portrait - Jean Gould.
A73. The Lost World of the Kalahari - Laurens van der Post.
A74. Shake-Speare: The Man Behind the Name - Dorothy Ogburn and Charlton Ogburn, Jr.
A75. The Anthem Sprinters - Ray Bradbury.
A76. The Hotel - Leonard Woolf.
A77. Mrs. Dally has a Lover and Other Plays - William Hanley.
A79. Power WIth Words - Norman Lewis.
A80. The University Rhyming Dictionary.
A81. Bray's University Dictionary of Mythology - Frank Chapin Bray.
A82. The Thomas Jefferson Papers - Frank Donovan.
A83. The Man Who is France: The Story of General Charles de Gaulle - Stanley Clark.
A84. Lee After the War - Marshall W. Fishwick.
A85. Makers of the American Mind - Robert C. Whittemore.
A86. The Flame Trees of Thika - Elspeth Huxley.
A87. In the Time of Greenbloom - Gabriel Fielding.
A88. Goodbye to Uncle Tom - J. C. Furnas.
A89. Captives of the Sun - James S. Pickering.
A90. The Last of the Curlews - Fred Bosworth.
A91. Sex and the Nature of Things - N. J. Berrill.
A93. Essence of Buddhism: A Practical Introduction to the Four Noble Truths of the Religion Most Suited to Today's World - John Walters.
A94. The University Pronouncing Dictionary of Troublesome Words - Frank Colby.
A95. The Voice of the Desert - Joseph Wood Krutch.
A96. Good Friday 196? - Otis Carney.
A97. On the Beach - Nevil Shute.
A98. Great American Plays in Digest Form - John Lowell, Jr.
A99. University Handbook for Readers and Writers - Henrietta Gerwig.
A100. John Quincy Adams: His Theory and Ideas - George A. Lipsky.
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