Publishing History > Anvil Books (D. Van Nostrand Company) - Book Series List
Anvil Books
Publisher: D. Van Nostrand Company. Country: United States. Date: 1955- .

Mussolini and Italian Fascism
by William S. Halperin
Princeton, NJ, D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1964 (Anvil Books, 67)
Paperback. 191 pages.
Political crosscurrents in the Giolittian era, 1901-1914; From socialism to fascism: duce in the making; The march on Rome; Step by step: building the fascist dictatorship; Propaganda, education, and culture; Economic and social policy; Church and state; Foreign policy; The Second World War and the end of Mussolini;
Mussolini on Italian parliamentarism: speech of July 8, 1912; Mussolini ends career as socialist: article in Avanti, October, 1914; Mussolini on his new movement: speech of March 23, 1919; Mussolini before third fascist congress: speech of November 8, 1921; Road to power: Mussolini's speech of September 20, 1922; Prelude to march on Rome: Mussolini's speech of October 24, 1922; Mussolini paves way for dictatorial rule: speech of November 16, 1922; Acerbo election law, November 18, 1923; Mussolini warns Aventine seceders: speech of January 3, 1925; Law on head of the government, December 24, 1925; Rocco labor law, April 3, 1926; Decree on corporations, July 1, 1926; Decree on fascist youth organizations, January 9, 1927; Charter of labor, April 21, 1927; Exaltation of fascist grand council: law of December 9, 1928; Lateran accords of February 11, 1929; Loyalty oath imposed on college professors, August 1931; Fascist doctrine as presented officially by Mussolini, June 1932; Statute of the national fascist party, November 12, 1932; Law on corporations, February 5, 1934; Reorganization of provincial and municipal administration: decree of March 3, 1934; Rome-Berlin axis: statement by Count Ciano, October 25, 1936; Mussolini accepts Anschluss: speech of March 16, 1938; Mussolini on racialism: speech of September 18, 1938; Pact of steel, May 22, 1939; Italy declares war: Mussolini's announcement, June 10, 1940; Resolution submitted by Grandi to fascist grand council, July 24, 1943.
Series Note: Format: Paperback. Size: 41/4 x 71/8 inches.
Serial Number / Author / Title / Other Details
No. 1. KOHN, HANS. Making of the Modern French Mind. 1955. 191 pp.
No. 2. MORRIS, RICHARD B. The American Revolution: A Short History. 1955. 192 pp.
No. 3. AUSUBEL, HERMAN. The Late Victorians: A Short History. 1955. 188 pp.
No. 4. SNYDER, LOUIS L. The World in the Twentieth Century. Rev. ed. 1964. 194 pp.
No. 5. SNYDER, LOUIS L. Fifty Major Documents in the Twentieth Century. 1955. 185 pp.
No. 6. SNYDER, LOUIS L. The Age of Reason. 1955. 185 pp.
No. 7. HOOK, SIDNEY. Marx and the Marxists. 1955. 254 pp.
No. 8. KOHN, HANS. Nationalism: Its Meaning and History. Rev.ed. 1965.
No. 9. TIEDEMANN, ARTHUR. Modern Japan: A Brief History. Rev. ed. 1961. 192 pp.
No. 10. SNYDER, LOUIS L. Fifty Major Documents of the Nineteenth Century. 1955. 191 pp.
No. 11. VIERECK, PETER. Conservatism: From John Adams to Churchill. 1956. 194 pp.
No. 12. CORBETT, JAMES A. The Papacy: A Brief History. 1956. 192 pp.
No. 13. BAINTON, ROLAND H. The Age of Reformation. 1956. 192 pp.
No. 14. MORRIS, RICHARD B. Basic Documents in American History. Rev. ed. 1965. 193 pp.
No. 15. WALLBANK, T. WALTER. Contemporary Africa: Continent in Transition. Rev. ed. 1964. 192 pp.
No. 16. CURTISS, JOHN S. Russian Revolutions of 1917. 1957. 192 pp.
No. 17. AGARD, WALTER R. The Greek Mind. 1957. 186 pp.
No. 18. SCHUYLER, ROBERT L. and WESTON, Corinne C. British Constitutional History Since 1832. 1957. 188 pp.
No. 19. LOGAN, RAYFORD. The Negro in the United States. 1957. 185 pp.
No. 20. HACKER, LOUIS M. American Capitalism. 1957. 191 pp.
No. 21. SCHAPIRO, J. SALWYN. Liberalism: Its Meaning and History. 1958. 192 pp.
No. 22. GERSHOY, LEO. The Era of the French Revolution. 1957. 192 pp.
No. 23. SNYDER, LOUIS L. Basic History of Modern Germany. 1957. 193 pp.
No. 24. KOHN, HANS. Basic History of Modern Russia. 1957. 192 pp.
No. 25. KRAUS, MICHAEL. The North Atlantic Civilization. 1957. 192 pp.
No. 26. SALVADORI, MASSIMO. NATO: A Twentieth Century Community of Nations. 1957. 192 pp.
No. 27. BROCKWAY, THOMAS P. Basic Documents in United States Foreign Policy. 1957. 192 pp.
No. 28. SHANNON, FRED. American Farmers' Movements. 1957. 192 pp.
No. 29. SWISHER, CARL BRENT. Historic Decisions of the Supreme Court. 1958. 192 pp.
No. 30. MUNDY, JOHN H. and RIESENBERG, PETER. The Medieval Town. 1958. 192 pp.
No. 31. BRUUN, GEOFFREY. Revolution and Reaction -- 1848-1852: A Mid-Century Watershed. 1958. 192 pp.
No. 32. BUSS, CLAUDE A. Southeast Asia and the World Today. 1958. 192 pp.
No. 33. SNYDER, LOUIS L. Historic Documents of World War I. 1958. 192 pp.
No. 34. LANGSAM, WALTER CONSUELO. Historic Documents of World War II. 1958. 192 pp.
No. 35. MacKENDRICK, PAUL. The Roman Mind at Work. 1958. 192 pp.
No. 36. MASTERS. D. C. A Short History of Canada. 1958. 192 pp.
No. 37. BILLINGTON, RAY A. The Westward Movement of the United States. 1959. 192 pp.
No. 38. DOWNS, NORTON. Basic Documents in Medieval History. 1959. 192 pp.
No. 39. COCHRAN, THOMAS C. Basic History of American Business. 1959. 192 pp.
No. 40. TALMAN, JAMES J. Basic Documents in Canadian History. 1959. 192 pp.
No. 41. JANOWSKY, OSCAR I. The Foundations of Israel: Emergence of a Welfare State. 1959. 192 pp.
No. 42. ROWE, DAVID NELSON. Modern China: A Brief History. 1959. 192 pp.
No. 43. STEPHENSON, WENDELL HOLMES. Basic History of the Old South. 1959. 192 pp.
No. 44. EYCK, F. GUNTHER. The Benelux Countries: An Historical Survey. 1959. 192 pp.
No. 45. HANKE, LEWIS. Mexico and the Caribbean -- Modern Latin America, Continent in Ferment, Vol. I. 1959. 192 pp.
No. 46. HANKE, LEWIS. Mexico and the Caribbean -- Modern Latin America, Continent in Ferment, Vol. II. 1959. 192 pp.
No. 47. KENNAN, GEORGE F. Soviet Foreign Policy, 1917-1941. 1960. 192 pp.
No. 48. COMMAGER, HENRY STEELE. The Era of Reform, 1830-1860. 1960. 192 pp.
No. 49. BAINTON, ROLAND H. Early Christianity. 1960. 192 pp.
No. 50. MAZOUR, ANATOLE G. Rise and Fall of the Romanovs. 1960. 192 pp.
No. 51. SCHUYLER, ROBERT L. and WESTON, Corinne C. Cardinal Documents in British History. 1961. 192 pp.
No. 52. KOHN, HANS. The Habsburg Empire, 1804-1918. 1961. 192 pp.
No. 53. SALVADORI, MASSIMO. Cavour and the Unification of Italy. 1961. 192 pp.
No. 54. EASTON, STEWART C. and WIERUSZOWSKI, HELENE. The Era of Charlemagne. 1961. 192 pp.
No. 55. HACKER, LOUIS M. Major Documents in American Economic History, Vol. I. 1961. 192 pp.
No. 56. HACKER, LOUIS M. Major Documents in American Economic History, Vol. II. 1961. 192 pp.
No. 57. VANDIVER, FRANK E. A Basic History of the Confederacy. 1962. 192 pp.
No. 58. GRAEBNER, NORMAN A. Cold War Diplomacy: American Foreign Policy, 1945-1960. 1962. 192 pp.
No. 59. SCHAPIRO, J. SALWYN. Movements of Social Dissent in Modern Europe. 1962. 192 pp.
No. 60. ADELSON, HOWARD L. Medieval Commerce. 1962. 192 pp.
No. 61. BUSS, CLAUDE A. The People's Republic of China. 1962. 190 pp.
No. 62. HOOK, SIDNEY. World Communism: Key Documentary Material. 1962. 256 pp.
No. 63. HITTI, PHILIP K. Islam and the West; A Historical Cultural Survey. 1962. 192 pp.
No. 64. BAINTON, ROLAND H. The Medieval Church. 1962. 192 pp.
No. 65. HESSELTINE, WILLIAM B. Third-Party Movements in the United States. 1962. 192 pp.
No. 66. SNYDER, LOUIS L. The Idea of Radicalism: Its Meaning and History. 1962. 192 pp.
No. 67. HALPERIN, S. WILLIAM. Mussolini and Italian Fascism. 1964. 192 pp.
No. 68. MAMATEY, VICTOR S. Soviet Russian Imperialism. 1964. 192 pp.
No. 69. BURNS, EDWARD McNALL. The Counter Reformation. 1964. 192 pp.
No. 70. SAVELLE, MAX. The Colonial Origin of American Thought. 1964. 186 pp.
No. 71. COMMAGER, HENRY STEELE. The Defeat of the Confederacy. 1964. 192 pp.
No. 72. WALLBANK, T. WALTER. Documents on Modern Africa. 1964. 192 pp.
No. 73. WEBER, EUGEN. Varieties of Fascism: Doctrines of Revolution in the Twentieth Century. 1964. 192 pp.
No. 74. FEHRENBACHER, DON E. A Basic History of California. 1964. 192 pp.
No. 75. JENSEN, MERRILL. The Making of the American Constitution. 1964. 192 pp.
No. 76. CHAMBERS, WILLIAM NISBET. The Democrats 1789-1964: A Short History of a Popular Party. 1964. 192 pp.
No. 77. BEIK, PAUL H. Louis Philippe and the July Monarchy. 1965. 192 pp.
No. 78. CLOUGH, SHEPARD B. and MOODIE, CAROL. European Economic History: Documents and Readings. 1965. 192 pp.
No. 79. KOHN, HANS and SOKOLSKY, WALLACE. African Nationalism in the Twentieth Century. 1965. 192 pp.
No. 80. VUCINICH, WAYNE S. The Ottoman Empire and its Record and Legacy. 1965. 192 pp.
No. 81. WALTERS, RAYMOND, JR. The Virginia Dynasty: The United States, 1801-1829. 1965. 192 pp.
No. 82. BOREN, HENRY C. The Roman Republic. 1965. 192 pp.
No. 83. COMMAGER, HENRY STEELE. Fifty Basic Civil War Documents. 1965. 192 pp.
No. 84. KOHN, HANS. Absolutism and Democracy 1814-1852. 1965. 192 pp.
No. 85. PADOVER, SAUL K. Thomas Jefferson and the Foundations of American Freedom. 1965. 192 pp.
No. 86. STRAYER, JOSEPH R. Feudalism. 1965. 192 pp.
No. 87. DERFLER, LESLIE. The Third French Republic, 1870 to 1940. 1966. 192 pp.
No. 88. KRAUS, MICHAEL. Immigration, The American Mosaic: From Pilgrims to Modern Refugees. 1966. 192 pp.
No. 89. SNYDER, LOUIS L. The Weimar Republic: A History of Germany from Ebert to Hitler. 1966. 2241pp.
No. 90. WIERUSZOWSKI, HELENE. The Medieval Universities: Masters, Students, Learning. 1966. 2071 pp.
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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