Series Note: _______
Arranged by serial number
AA 1. The Writer and His Craft - Cowden.
AA 2. Elizabethan Plays and Players - Harrison.
AA 3. The Intellectual Milieu of John Dryden - Bredvold.
AA 4. The Southern Frontier, 1670-1732 - Crane.
AA 5.
AA 6. Richard Crashaw - Warren.
AA 7.
AA 8. The Desert Fathers - Waddell.
AA 9. Stonewall Jackson - Tate.
AA 10. Church, State, and Education - Barker.
AA 11. Literature and Psychology - Lucas.
AA 12. This Was a Poet: Emily Dickinson - Whicher.
AA 13. Thomas Jefferson - Chinard.
AA 14. The Expanding Universe - Waddington.
AA 15. The Nature of the Physical World - Eddington.
AA 16. Shakespeare at Work, 1592-1603 - Harrison.
AA 17. Six Theosophical Points and Other Writings - Boehme.
AA 18. Thomas More - Chambers.
AA 19. Physics and Philosophy - Jeans.
AA 20. The Philosophy of Physical Science - Eddington.
AA 21. The Puritan Mind - Schneider.
AA 22. The Greek View of Life - Dickinson.
AA 23. The Praise of Folly - Erasmus.
AA 24. Man's Place in Nature - Huxley.
AA 25. The New Background of Science - Jeans.
AA 26. Ronsard: Prince of Poets - Bishop.
AA 27. Life in a Noble Household - Scitt Thomson.
AA 28. Antislavery Origins of the Civil War in the United States - Dumond.
AA 29. New Pathways in Science - Eddington.
AA 30. Devotions - Donne.
AA 31. Population: The First Essay - Malthus.
AA 32. The Song of Roland - Scott Montcrieff (trans.).
AA 33. Rage for Order - Warren.
AA 34. The Origin of Russian Communism - Berdyaev.
AA 35. The Life of Charlemagne - Einhard.
AA 36. New Bearing in English Poetry - Leavis.
AA 37. The Nature of True Virtue - Edwards.
AA 38. Heloise and Abelard - Gilson.
AA 39.
AA 40. The Sublime: A Study of Critical Theories in XVIII-Century England - Monk.
AA 41. The Mind of Plato [originally: Plato] - Taylor.
AA 42. Metaphysics - Aristotle.
AA 43. Literature and Revolution - Trotsky.
AA 44. Anthropology - Taylor.
AA 45. Education - Kant.
AA 46. The Art of Literature - Schopenhauer.
AA 47. The Image - Boulding.
AA 48. Frustration - Maier.
AA 49. The Gateway to the Middle Ages: Italy - Duckett.
AA 50. The Gateway to the Middle Ages: France and Britain - Duckett.
AA 51. The Gateway to the Middle Ages: Monasticism - Duckett.
AA 52. Auguste Comte and Positivism - Mill.
AA 53. Voices of the Industrial Revolution - Bowditch.
AA 54. Hobbes - Stephen.
AA 55. The Russian Revolution - Berdyaev.
AA 56. Terrorism and Communism - Trotsky.
AA 57. The Russian Revolution and Leninism or Marxism? - Luxemburg.
AA 58. Sebastopol - Tolstoi.
AA 59. The Fate of Man in the Modern World - Berdyaev.
AA 60. The Study of Sociology - Spencer.
AA 61. The Reformation of the 16th Century - Beard.
AA 62. A History of Business, Vol. I - Beard.
AA 63. Poems from the Greek Anthology - Rexroth.
AA 64. The Satyricon - Petronius.
AA 65. A Preface to Politics - Lippmann.
AA 66. From Hegel to Marx - Hook.
AA 67. World Communism - Borkenau.
AA 68. Aubrey's Brief Lives - Aubrey.
AA 69. The Myth of the Ruling Class - Meisel.
AA 70. Scenes from the Bathhouse - Zoshchenko.
AA 71. Carolingian Art - Hinks.
AA 72. The Merchant Class of Medieval London - Thrupp.
AA 73. Karl Marx - Mehring.
AA 74. Capitalism in Amsterdam in the 17th Century - Barbour.
AA 75. Jean-Paul Sartre - Greene.
AA 76. A History of Business, Vol. II - Beard.
AA 77. The Spanish Cockpit - Borkenau.
AA 78. The Hero in America - Wecter.
AA 79. Thucydides - Finley.
AA 80. Secret History - Procopius.
AA 81. The Loyalties of Robinson Jeffers - Squires.
AA 82. Milton's Knowledge of Music - Spaeth.
AA 83. Marxism: The Utility of Theory and Practice - Meyer.
AA 84. Youthful Offenders at Highfields: An Examination of the Effects of Short-term Treatment of Delinquent Boys - Weeks.
AA 85. The Complete Poetry - Catullus.
AA 86. Laissez Faire and the General-Welfare State - Fine.
AA 87. The Cloud Messenger - Kalidasa.
AA 88. Roman Political Ideas and Practice - Adcock.
AA 89. The Interior Distance - Poulet.
AA 90. The Meaning of Marxism - Cole.
AA 91. The Bow and the Lyre: The Art of Robert Browning - King.
AA 92. Religion and the State University - Walter.
AA 93. The Birth of the Gods: The Origin of Primitive Beliefs - Swanson.
AA 94. Poetry and Politics Under the Stuarts - Wedgwood.
AA 95. Anabasis: The March Upcountry - Xenophon.
AA 96. The Dictatorship of the Proletariat - Kautsky.
AA 97. Language, Thought, and Culture - Henle.
AA 98. Montesquieu and Rousseau - Durkheim.
AA 99. The New Course - Trotsky.
AA 100. The Calculus of Consent - Buchanan and Tulloch.
AA 101. Contemporary French Poetry - Aspel and Justice.
AA 102. To the Young Writer - Bader.
AA 103. Imperialism - Hobson.
AA 104. Reflections of a Russian Statesman - Pobedonostsev.
AA 105. Free Society and Moral Crisis - Angell.
AA 106. Edmund Burke and the Natural Law - Stanlis.
AA 107. The Indians of the Western Coast Lakes, 1615-1760 - Kinietz.
AA 108. Writing for Business - Bromage.
AA 109. Mountain Wolf Woman, Sister of Crashing Thunder: The Autobiography of a Winnebago Indian - Lurie.
AA 110. Baroque Times in Old Mexico: Seventeenth Century Persons,
Places, and Practices - Leonard.
AA 111. The Age of Attila: Fifth-Century Byzantium and the Barbarians - Gordon.
AA 112. The ABC of Communism - Berdyaev.
AA 113. Chekhov and Other Essays - Shestov.
AA 114. Imperial Germany and the Industrial Revolution - Veblen.
AA 115. Civil Liberties and the Constitution - Kauper.
AA 116. Greek Orations: Lysias, Isocrates, Demosthenes, Aeschines, Hyperides - Connor.
AA 117. The Story of the Iliad - Owen.
AA 118. Negro Thought in America, 1880-1915: Racial Ideologies in the Age of Booker T. Washington - Meier.
AA 119. The Political Ideas of the English Romanticists - Brinton.
AA 120. William Penn: A Biography - Peare.
AA 121. The Philosophy of Edmund Burke: A Selection from His Writings - Burke.
AA 122. Joan of Arc - Michelet.
AA 123. Soliloquies in England and Later Soliloquies - Santayana.
AA 124. Seedtime of Reform: American Social Service and Social Action, 1918-1933 - Chambers.
AA 125. The Structure of Complex Words - Empson.
AA 126. Lectures on the Principles of Political Obligation - Green.
AA 127. Organized Crime in America: A Book of Readings - Tyler.
AA 128. Can These Bones Live - Dahlberg.
AA 129. Buddhist Thought in India - Conze.
AA 130. Aspects of Islamic Civilization - Arberry.
AA 131. Problems of the Chinese Revolution - Trotsky.
AA 132. Paradise Lost and the Seventeenth Century Reader - Rajan.
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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