Publishing History > ABC of Social and Political Knowledge (Progress Publishers) - Book Series List

ABC of Social and Political Knowledge
Publisher: Progress Publishers. Place: Moscow, U.S.S.R. Date: 1985-1988.

What Is Philosophy? Progress Publishers (image)

What Is Philosophy?
by G. G. Kirilenko and Lydia Korshunova
Translated from the Russian by Lilia Nakhapetyan
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1985
(ABC of Social and Political Knowledge)
Paperback. 239 pages.

Series Note: This is a series of books on politics, philosophy, etc. as seen from the Marxist-Leninist point of view. Each volume was originally published in Russian and has been translated into English for this series. The editorial board of the following series: F. M. Volkov (Chief Editor), Ye. F. Gubsky, (Deputy Chief Editor), F. M. Burlatsky, V. D. Zotov, V. V. Krapivin, Yu. N. Popov, V. V. Sobolev, and F. N. Yurlov.

Series Number / Title

  1. A Reader on Social Sciences 
  2. What Is Marxism-Leninism?
  3. What Is Political Economy?
  4. What Is Philosophy?
  5. What Is Scientific Communism?
  6. What Is Dialectical Materialism?
  7. What Is Historical Materialism?
  8. What Is Capitalism?
  9. What Is Socialism?
  10. What Is Communism?
  11. What Is Labour?
  12. What Is Surplus Value?
  13. What Is Property?
  14. What Are Classes and the Class Struggle?
  15. What Is the Party?
  16. What Is the State?
  17. What Is Revolution?
  18. What Is the Transition Period?
  19. What Is the Working People’s Power?
  20. What Is the World Socialist System?
  21. What Are Trade Unions?
  22. What Is the Scientific and Technological Revolution?
  23. What Is Personality?
  24. What Is What?

Author of this page: David Paul Wagner

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