Publishing History > Trübner's Oriental Series (Trübner & Co.; Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.) - Book Series List
Trübner's Oriental Series
Publisher: Trübner & Co.; then Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.
Country: United Kingdom. Date: 1878- .

The logo of the Trübner's Oriental Series. Printed in gilt on the front cover of every volume published in the early years of the series. The logo depicts a lightning bolt over a lake in the mountains and includes the Latin words "Fulgur exit ab Oriente" [Lightning comes from the East], a quotation from Matthew 24:27.
Source: Front cover of Quatrains of Omar Khayyam
Translated into English verse by E. H. Whinfield.
London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., 1883
(Trübner's Oriental Series).
Series Note: This hardback series of books in the field of Oriental studies was launched by Nicholas Trübner's firm Trübner & Co. in 1878. From 1890 it was published by Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., Ltd. (the successor firm to Trübner & Co.)
"Trübner's Oriental Series was set up by Kegan Paul Trench & Trübner in 1890. It was undoubtedly the most important English language series in oriental studies of the period, publishing works between 1890 and 1930. The books in the series reflected the scholarly interests of the time, and covered an enormous variety of topics pertaining to Asia, Africa and the Middle East: language and literatures; religion and philosophy; history and economics, to name but a few.
Studies by well-known scholars include Romesh Chunder Dutt on the economic history of India, Emil Bretschneider on the Chinese sources of Asian geography, Donald Campbell on Arabian medicine and William MacGovern on Buddhist philosophy. There are also insights into the early studies of Feng-shui, Hindu mythology and natural history.
Many of the titles in the original series have long been out of print. Routledge are thrilled to be reissuing 102 volumes from the original series. The volumes are available as an entire set, as individual volumes and also as mini-sets covering: Africa, the Ancient Near East, Arabic history and culture, Buddhism, China, Indian history, literature, religion and philosophy, Islam, Japan, Persia and Southeast Asia."
-- Book blurb from Routledge reissue of 102 volumes from the original series (
Titles arranged by year of publication
The history of Indian literature. / By Albrecht Weber. Tr. from the 2d
German ed. by John Mann, M. A., and Theodor Zachariae, Ph. D., with the sanction of the author ... ...
Weber, Albrecht, 1825-1901. : Zachariae, Theodor, 1851-1934 joint
tr,Mann, John tr.
The history of Indian literature. By Albrecht Weber. Tr. from the 2d German ed. by John Mann, M. A., and Theodor Zachariae, Ph. D., with the sanction of the author
by Weber, Albrecht, 1825-1901
London, Trubner & co., 1878
A sketch of the modern languages of the East Indies: Accompanied by two language-maps. / By Robert N. Cust,.
Cust, Robert Needham, 1821-1909.
Metrical translations from Sanskrit writers : with an introduction, prose versions, and parallel passages from classical authors. / By J.
Muir, John, 1810-1882, tr.
Modern India and the Indians : being a series of impressions, notes, and essays / by Monier Williams ... ...
Monier-Williams, Monier 1819-1899. Sir, : 3d ed., rev. and augm. by
considerable additions.
Modern India and the Indians; being a series of impressions, notes, and essays, by Monier Williams
by Monier-Williams, Monier, Sir, 1819-1899
London, Trubner and Co., 1879
The life or legend of Gaudama : the buddha of the Burmese: the ways to
Neibban, and notice on the phongyies or Burmese monks / by P. Bigandet
by Bigandet, Paul, 1813-1894
London : Trubner & Co., 1880
The birth of the war-god: a poem / by Kálidása ; translated from the Sanskrit into English verse by Ralph T.H. Griffith.
Ka¯lida¯sa. : Griffith, Ralph T. H. 1826-1906(Ralph Thomas Hotchkin)
2nd ed. 1879.
Miscellaneous essays relating to Indian subjects. / By Brian Houghton Hodgson.
Hodgson, B. H. 1800-1894. (Brian Houghton), : Rost, Reinhold, 1822-1896
Miscellaneous essays relating to Indian subjects. By Brian Houghton Hodgson
by Hodgson, B. H. (Brian Houghton), 1800-1894
London, Trubner & co., 1880
The Gulista¯n, or, Rose-garden of Shek?h? Mus?lih?u'd-di¯n Sa¯di¯ of Shi¯ra¯z /
translated for the first time into prose and verse, with an introductory preface, and a life of the author, from the A¯tish Kadah, by Edward B. Eastwick.
Sadi. Edward B. Eastwick, tr.
2nd ed. 1880.
The Gulistan, or, Rose-garden of Shekh Muslihud-din Sadi of Shiraz /
translated for the first time into prose and verse, with an introductory preface, and a life of the author,...
Uniform title: Gulistan. English
by Sa`di
London : Trubner, 1880
The classical poetry of the Japanese / by Basil Hall Chamberlain.
Chamberlain, Basil Hall, 1850-1935.
The classical poetry of the Japanese / by Basil Hall Chamberlain
by Chamberlain, Basil Hall, 1850-1935
London : Trübner, 1880
Chinese Buddhism: a volume of sketches, historical, descriptive and critical / by Joseph Edkins.
Edkins, Joseph, 1823-1905.
A Talmudic miscellany or, a thousand and one extracts from the Talmud, the Midrashim and the Kabbalah / compiled and translated by Paul Isaac Hershon, with introductory preface by F.W. Farrar, with notes and copious indexes.
Hershon, Paul Isaac, 1817-1888
Buddhist birth stories, or, Jataka tales: the oldest collection of folk-lore extant being the Jatakatthavannana for the first time / edited in the original Pali by V. Fausboll...
Uniform title: Tipitaka. Suttapitaka. Khuddakanikaya. Jataka. English.
London : Trubner & Co., 1880
A manual of Hindu pantheism : the Vedântasâra / translated with copious annotations by Major G.A. Jacob.
Sada¯nanda Yogi¯ndra. : Jacob, George Adolphus
Tsuni-Goam : the supreme being to the Khoi-Khoi
by Hahn, Theophilus
London : Trubner, 1881
Hindu philosophy : the Sankhya Karika of Iswara Krishna, an exposition of the system of Kapila, with an appendix on tha Nyaya and Vaiseshika systems / by John Davies
by Isvarakrsna
London, Trubner, 1881
The Mesnevi¯ : (usually known as the Mesnevi¯yi Shefi¯f, or holy Mesnevi¯) of Mevla¯na¯ (our Lord) Jela¯u-'d-Di¯n, Muhammed, er-Ru¯mi¯. ; book the first, together with some account of the life and acts of the author, of his ancestors, and of his descendants / illustrated by a selection of characteristic anecdotes, as collected by their historian Mevla¯na¯ Shemsu-'d-Di¯n Ahmed, El Efla¯ki¯, El'A¯rifi¯ ; tr. and the poetry versified by James W. Redhouse.
Jala¯l al-Di¯n Ru¯mi¯ Maulana, : Afla¯ki, Shams Al-Di¯n Ahmad,Redhouse, James
W. Sir, 1811-1892(James William)
Eastern proverbs and emblems illustrating old truths / by the Rev. J. Long.
Long, James, 1814-1887.
Eastern proverbs and emblems: illustrating old truths
by Long, James, Rev
London : Trubner, 1881
Indian poetry : containing a new edition of "The Indian song of songs," from the Sanskrit of the Gîta Govinda of Jayadeva, two books from "The iliad of India" (Mahábhárata), "Proverbial wisdom" from the Shlokas of the Hitopades´a, and other oriental poems / by Edwin Arnold.
Arnold, Edwin 1832-1904. Sir, : Jayadeva, active 12th
century,Dzhai?a?deva, active 12th century,Jayadeva, 12th
centnnea,Jayadeva, son of Bhojadevannaa,Jayadêvas, active 12th
century,Jayate¯var, active 12th century
Indian poetry : containing a new edition of "The Indian Song of Songs, from the Sanskrit of the Gita Govinda of Jayadeva; two books from "The Iliad of...
by Arnold, Edwin, Sir, 1832-1904
London : Trubner and Co., 1881
Yúsuf and Zulaikha : a poem / by Jámí. Tr. from the Persian into English verse. By Ralph T. H. Griffith.
Ja¯mi¯, : Griffith, Ralph T. H. 1826-1906 tr(Ralph Thomas Hotchkin)
Hindu philosophy : the Bhagavad Gita or The sacred lay; a Sanskrit philosophical poem / translated with notes by John Davies.
John Davies.
The religions of India / by A. Barth ; authorised translation by Rev. J. Wood.
Barth, Auguste, 1834-1916. : Wood, J.
The religions of India / by A. Barth ; authorised translation by Rev. J. Wood
Uniform title: Religions de l'Inde. English
by Barth, Auguste, 1834-1916
London : Trubner & Co., 1882
The quatrains of Omar Khayya¯m / translated into English verse by E. H. Whinfield.
Omar Khayyam. E. H. Whinfield (Edward Henry Whinfield) (1836-1922)
The mind of Mencius : or, political economy founded upon moral philosophy: systematic digest of the doctrines of the Chinese philosopher Mencius ...
Mencius. Ernst Faber / tr. from the German ... by Arthur B. Hutchinson
[Arthur Blockey Hutchinson].
The mind of Mencius : or, political economy founded upon moral philosophy: systematic digest of the doctrines of the Chinese philosopher Mencius ... / tr. from the German ......
by Faber, Ernst
London : Trubner, 1882
The philosophy of the Upanishads and ancient Indian metaphysics : as exhibited in a series of articles contributed to the Calcutta Review /
by Archibald Edward Gough.
Gough, A. E. b. 1845. (Archibald Edward)
The sarva-dars´ana-sam?graha or, Review of the different systems of Hindu philosophy / by Mádhava Áchárya ; translated by E.G. Cowell and A.E. Gough.
Ma¯dhava, : Cowell, Edward B. 1826-1903(Edward Byles),Gough, Archibald
Edward, 1845-
History of the Egyptian religion / by C.P. Tiele ; translated from the Dutch, with the co-operation of the author, by James Ballingal.
Tiele, C. P. 1830-1902. (Cornelis Petrus)
Comparative history of the Egyptian and Mesopotamian religions
by Tiele, Cornelis Petrus
London : Trubner, 1882-
A comprehensive commentary on the Qurán: comprising Sale's translation and preliminary discourse, with additional notes and emendations :together with a complete index to the text, preliminary discourse, and notes / by E.M. Wherry.
Sale, George, 1697?-1736,Wherry, E. M. 1843-1927(Elwood Morris)
A comprehensive commentary on the Quran : comprising Sale's tr. and preliminary discourse : with additional notes and emendations : together with a complete index to the...
Uniform title: Quran
London, 1882-96
Udânavarga : a collection of verses from the Buddhist canon, compiled by Dharmatrâta, being the northern Buddhist version of Dhammapada ; translated from the Tibetan of the Bkah-hgyur, with notes and extracts from the commentary of Pradjnâvarman / by W. Woodville Rockhill.
Rockhill, William Woodville, 1854-1914 tr,Dharmatra¯ta comp, Prajna¯varman, Vidya¯prabha¯kara tr,VasubandhuGa¯tha¯sangraha, S´es-rab-go-cha, Slob-dpon,Slob-dpon S´es-rab-go-cha,Pradjna¯varman,Po&Mac249;pku,Talma Tara
A sketch of the modern languages of Africa
Robert Needham Cust (1821-1909)
A sketch of the modern languages of Africa / by Robert Needham Cust
by Cust, Robert Needham, 1821-1909
London : Trubner, 1883
The quatrains of Omar Khayya¯m: the Persian text with an English verse translation / by E. H. Whinfield.
Omar Khayyam. : Whinfield, E. H. 1836-1922(Edward Henry).
Indian Poetry
Sir Edwin Arnold.
Indian poetry
by Arnold, Edwin, Sir, 1832-1904
London : Trubner, 1884
The ordinances of Manu translated from the Sanskrit, with an introduction by the late Arthur Coke Burnell / completed and edited by Edward W. Hopkins.
Manu (Lawgiver) : Burnell, A. C. 1840-1882(Arthur Coke),Hopkins, Edward
Washburn, 1857-1932 ed
The life of the Buddha : and the early history of his order / Derived from Tibetan works in the Bkah-hgyur and Bstan-hgyur. Followed by notices on the early history of Tibet and Khoten. Translated by W. Woodville Rockhill.
Leumann, Ernst, 1859-1931,Nanjio, Bunyiu, 1849-1927,Rockhill, William
Woodville, 1854-1914.
Si-yu-ki : Buddhist records of the Western World / translated from the Chinese of Hiuen Tsiang (A.D. 629) by Samuel Beal.
Xuanzang, : Beal, Samuel, 1825-1889
Si-yu-ki = Buddhist records of the Western World / translated from the Chinese of Hiuen Tsiang (A.D. 629) by Samuel Beal
Uniform title: Ta T`ang Hsi-yu chi. English
by Xuanzang, approximately 596-664
London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., [1884]
The Indian empire: its people, history, and products.
Hunter, William Wilson 1840-1900. Sir,
2nd ed. 1886.
The S´atakas of Bhartri?hari. / Translated into English from the original Sanskrit by B. Hale Wortham.
Bhartrh?ari. : Wortham, Biscoe Hale, b. 1843?
The Satakas of Bhartrihari. Translated into English from the original
Sanskrit by B. Hale Wortham
Uniform title: Satakatraya. English
by Bhartrhari
London, Trubner, 1886
Miscellaneous papers relating to Indo-China : Reprinted for the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society from Dalrymple's "Oriental Repertory," and the "Asiatic Researches" and "Journal" of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Vol. I.
Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Straits Branch. :
Rost, Reinhold, 1822-1896
Miscellaneous papers relating to Indo-China
London : Trubner & Co., 1886
Miscellaneous papers relating to Indo-China and the Indian Archipelago /
[edited by Reinhold Rost]
Rost, Reinhold; Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Straits Branch.
Miscellaneous papers relating to Indo-China and the Indian Archipelago
London : Trubner & Co., 1887
Linguistic and oriental essays / written from the year 1847 to 1887 by
Robert Needham Cust.
Robert Needham Cust
Masnavi i Ma'navi : the spiritual couplets of Maulána Jalálu-d'-Dín
Muhammad i Rúmí / translated and abridged by E. H. Whinfield.
Jala¯l al-Di¯n Ru¯mi¯ Maulana, : Whinfield, E. H. 1836-1922 tr(Edward Henry)
Masnavi i Ma'navi : the spiritual couplets of Maulana Jalalu-'d-Din
Muhammad i Rumi / tr. and abridged by E. H. Whinfield
by Jalal al-Din Rumi, Maulana, 1207-1273
London : Trubner, 1887
The life of Hiuen-Tsiang / by Hwui Li and Yen-Tsung ; with a preface containing an account of the works of I-Tsing, by Samuel Beal.
Hui-li. : Yen-Tsung joint author,Beal, Samuel, 1825-1889 tr
Mediæval researches from eastern Asiatic sources : fragments towards the knowledge of the geography and history of central and western Asia from the 13th to the 17th century / by E. Bretschneider.
Bretschneider, E., 1833-1901.
Mediæval researches from eastern Asiatic sources : fragments towards the knowledge of the geography and history of central and western Asia from the 13th to the 17th...
by Bretschneider, E., 1833-1901
London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., [1888?]
Alberuni's India : an account of the religion, philosophy, literature, geography, chronology, astronomy, customs, laws and astrology of India about A.D. 1030 / by Dr. Edward C. Sachau.
Bi¯ru¯ni¯, Muh?ammad ibn Ah?mad, 973?-1048. : Sachau, Eduard, 1845-1930 ed.
and tr : An English ed. with notes and indices.
English intercourse with Siam in the seventeenth century / by John Anderson
by Anderson, John, 1833-1900
London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, & Co., 1890
Behar proverbs classified and arranged ... with an appendix and two indexes.
Christian, John.
Behar proverbs classified and arranged ... with an appendix and two indexes
by Christian, John
London : K. Paul, 1891
Religion in China : containing an account of the three religions of the Chinese : with observations on the prospects of Christian conversion among that people
by Edking, Joseph
London : Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1893
Religion in China : containing a brief account of the three religions of the Chinese, with observations on the prospects of Christian conversion amongst that people / by Joseph...
by Edkins, Joseph, 1823-1905
London : Kegan, Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1893
Folk tales of Kashmir / by the Rev. J. Hinton Knowles.
Knowles, J. Hinton. : 2nd ed.
The quatrains of Omar Khayyam / Translated into English verse, by E. H. Whinfield
by Omar Khayyam
London : K. Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1893
Hindu philosophy : the Sankhya Karika of Iswara Krishna, an exposition of the system of Kapila, with an appendix on tha Nyaya and Vaiseshika systems / by John Davies
by Davies, John, -1890
London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1894
Lays of ancient India: Selections from Indian poetry rendered into English verse / by Romesh Chunder Dutt.
Dutt, Romesh Chunder, 1848-1909.
Lays of ancient India. Selections from Indian poetry rendered into English verse, by Romesh Chunder Dutt
by Dutt, Romesh, 1848-1909
London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1894
A comprehensive commentary on the Quran: comprising Sale's translation and preliminary discourse, with additional notes and emendations / together with a complete index to the text, preliminary discourse and notes, by E.M. Wherry.
Sale, George, 1697?-1736,Wherry, Elwood Morris, 1843-
The quatrains of Omar Khayyam / The Persian text with an English verse translation by E. H. Whinfield
by Omar Khayyam
London : Kegan Paul, etc., 1901
The religions of India / authorised tr. by Rev. J. Wood
by Barth, Auguste
London : K. Paul, 1906
The economic history of India in the Victorian age: from the accession of Queen Victoria in 1837 to the commendement of the twentieth century
by Dutt, Romesh, 1848-1909
Lond. : Routledge, 1906
Hindu philosophy : the Bhagavadgita, or, The sacred lay : a Sanskrit philosophical poem / tr. with notes by John Davies
Uniform title: Bhagavadgita. English. 1907
London : Kegan Paul, 1907
The Life of the Buddha and the early history of his order : derived from Tibetan works in the Bkah-hgyur and Bstan-hgyur followed by notices on the early history of Tibet and...
London : K. Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1907
India : an account of the religion, philosophy, literature, geography, chronology, astronomy, customs, laws, and astrology of India about A.D. 1030
by Biruni, Muhammad ibn Ahmad, 973?-1048
London, 1910
The life of Hiuen-Tsiang / by the Shaman Hwui Li ; with an introduction containing an account of the works of I-Tsing by Samuel Beal ; with a preface by L. Cranmer-Byng
Uniform title: Ta T`ang ta Tz`u en ssu San-tsang-fa-shih chuan. English
by Hui-li
London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1911
The life or legend of Gaudama the Buddha of the Burmese, with annotations ; The ways to Neibban ; and, Notice on the Phongyies or Burmese monks / by P. Bigandet.
Bigandet, P. -1894. (Paul)
4th ed. 1911-1912.
A classical dictionary of Hindu mythology and religion, geography, history, and literature / by John Dowson.
Dowson, John, 1820-1881.
5th ed. 1913.
A classical dictionary of Hindu mythology and religion, geography, history, and literature / by John Dowson
by Dowson, John, 1820-1881
London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1913
The life or legend of Gaudama, the Buddha of the Burmese: with annotations the ways of Neibban, and notice on the Phongyies or Burmese monks
by Bigandet, Paul Ambrose
London : K. Paul, Trench, Trubner, [1914]
Indian poetry and Indian idylls, by Sir Edwin Arnold
London, New York, K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., ltd.; E. P. Dutton & Company, 1915
Japanese civilization, its significance and realization; Nichirenism and the Japanese national principles, / by Kishio Satomi.
Satomi, Kishio, 1897-
Japanese civilization, its significance and realization; Nichirenism and the Japanese national principles, by Kishio Satomi
by Satomi, Kishio, 1897-
London, K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & co., ltd., 1923
Studies in Biblical and Semitic symbolism / by Maurice H. Farbridge.
Farbridge, Maurice H. 1896- (Maurice Harry),
Studies in Biblical and Semitic symbolism / by Maurice H. Farbridge
by Farbridge, Maurice H. (Maurice Harry), 1896-
London : New York : K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., ltd. ; E.P. Dutton & Co., 1923
Discovery of Japanese idealism / by Kishio Satomi.
Satomi, Kishio. : Tanaka, Chigaku, 1861-1939 Barrier of Kankoku
Discovery of Japanese idealism / by Kishio Satomi
by Satomi, Kishio, 1897-
London : New York : K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. ltd. ; E. P. Dutton &
Co., 1924
Early Buddhist monachism, 600 B.C.-100 B.C. / by Sukumar Dutt
by Dutt, Sukumar, 1891-
London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1924
The life of Gotama the Buddha: compiled exclusively from the Pali Canon
/ introd. by C. A. F. Rhys Davids.
Brewster, Earl H.
The life of Gotama the Buddha : compiled exclusively from the Pali Canon
/ introd. by C. A. F. Rhys Davids
by Brewster, Earl H
London : Kegan Paul-Trench-Trubner, 1926
The spirit of oriental poetry / by Puran Singh.
Singh, Puran, 1881-1931.
The spirit of oriental poetry / by Puran Singh
by Singh, Puran, 1881-1931
London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1926
Arabian medicine and its influence on the Middle Ages / by Donald Campbell.
Campbell, Donald, 1883-
1926, 1973.
Arabian medicine and its influence on the middle ages, by Dr. Donald Campbell
by Campbell, Donald, 1883-
London, K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & co., ltd., 1926
Studies Indian and Islamic / by S. Khuda Bukhsh
by Bukhsh, S. Khuda
London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Ltd, 1927
Arabia before Muhammad / by De Lacy O'Leary.
O'Leary, De Lacy, b. 1872.
Studies: Indian and Islamic / by S. Khuda Bukhsh.
Bukhsh, S. Khuda.
A classical dictionary of Hindu mythology and religion, geography, history and literature
by Dowson, John, 1820-1881
London : K. Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1928
The Milinda-questions; an inquiry into its place in the history of Buddhism with a theory as to its author, by Mrs. Rhys Davids
by Davids, Caroline A. F. Rhys (Caroline Augusta Foley Rhys), 1857-1942
London, G. Routledge & Sons, Ltd., 1930
Sell (Rev. E.), The Faith of Islam, 1896.
Annotated lists of this series (and other Trubner series) downloaded
from Google Books:
Trübner's American and Oriental Literary Record. No. 98 (Vol. IX, No 1.) Jan. 1874.
Original Sanskrit Texts on the Origin and History of the People of India, their Religion and Institutions. Volume Third: The Vedas: Opinions of their Authors and of Later Indian Authors on their Origin, Inspiration, and Authority.
Collected, translated and illustrated by J. Muir, D.C.L., LL.D., PH.D.
Second edition, revised and enlarged. (Second Impression.)
London (57 and 59 Ludgate Hill), Trübner & Co., 1873.
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Author: David Paul Wagner
(David Paul Wagner on Google+)