Signet Books
Publisher: New American Library. Country: United States. Date: 1948- .

Intruder in the Dust
William Faulkner
New York, New American Library, 1948 (Signet Book, 743)
Series Note: This series of paperbacks began life as a Penguin Books Inc, series (that is, issued by the New York branch of the British firm, Penguin Books) known as Penguin Signets. From August 1948 the series was renamed Signet Books.
Most of the volumes contain popular fiction and non-fiction.
Year of Publication / Serial Number / Title / Author
660. 100 American Poems - Selden Rodman, ed.
661. Tragic Ground - Erskine Caldwell
662. Invitation to the Waltz - Rosamond Lehman
663. As Good as Dead - Thomas B. dewey
664. Portrait of the Artist as Young Man - James Joyce
665. Strange Fruit - Lillian Smith
666. The Valley of Hunted Men - Paul Evan Lehman
667. The Pinkerton Case Book - Alan Hynd
668. The Dim View - Basil Heatter
669. The Caballero - Johnston McCulley
670. They Shoot Horses, Don't They? - Horace McCy
671. Darkness at Noon - Arthur Koestler
672. Cattle Kingdom - Alan LeMay
673. Sons of the Saddle - William MacLeod Raine
674. Mine Own Executioner - Nigel Balchin
675. About the Kinsey Report - Donald P. Geddes & Enid Currie, eds.
676. Ariane - Claude Anet
677. Guilty Bystander - Wade Miller
678. The Signet Crossword Book - Albert M. Moorehead
679. Laramie Rides Alone - Will Ermine
680. Past All Dishonor - James M. Cain
681. Contract Bridge for Everyone - Ely Culbertson
682. Blood of the West - Paul Evan Lehman
683. The Lost Weekend - Charles Jackson
684. Slay the Murderer - Hugh Holman
685. Lobo Law - Will Ermine
686. A House in the Uplands - Erskine Caldwell
687. Shore Leave - Frederic Wakeman
688. High Pockets - Herbert Shapiro
689. The Silver Tombstone - Frank Gruber
690. No Pockets in a Shroud - Horace McCoy
691. All the Girls We Loved - Prudencia de Pereda
692. The Old Man - William Faulkner
693. I Love You, I Love You, I Love You - Ludwig Bemelmans
694. Lawless Range - Charles N. Heckelman
695. Fatal Step - Wade Miller
696. The Snake Pit - Mary Jane Ward
697. Look Homeward, Angel - Thomas Wolfe
698. Black Sombrero - William Colt MacDonald
699. I, the Jury - Mickey Spillane
700. Other Voices, Other Rooms - Truman Capote
701. Finnley Wren - Philip Wylie
702. The Vehement Flame - Ludwig Lewisohn
703. Find My Killer - Manly Wade Wellman
704. Gold of Smoky Mesa - Johnston McCulley
'705. A Woman in the House - Erskine Caldwell
706. Last of the Conquerors - William Gardner Smith
707. The Honest Dealer - Frank Gruber
708. The Texan - Herbert Shapiro
709. Deadlier than the Male - James E. Gunn
710. The Street - Ann Petry
711. Love in Dishevelment - David Greenhood
712. The Fighting Tenderfoot - William MacLeod Raine
713. Murder as a Fine Art - Francis Bonnamy
714. The Gilded Hearse - Charles O. Gorham
715. The Fall of Valor - Charles Jackson
716. We Were Strangers - Robert Sylvester
717. A Son of Arizona - Charles Alden Seltzer
718. Another Man's Poison - Hugh Holman
719. Baseball for Everyone - Joe DiMaggio
720. The Butterfly - James M. Cain
721. Night of Flame - Warren Desmond
722. Uneasy Street - Wade Miller
723. The Crimson Quirt - William Colt MacDonald
724. The Golden Sleep - Vivian Connell
725. At Heaven's Gate - Robert Penn Warren
726. The Whispering Master - Frank Gruber
727. Trigger Justice - Leslie Ernenwein
728. Lona Hanson - Thomas Savage
729. Stranger in Town - Howard Hunt
730. The Body in the Bed - Bill S. Ballinger
731. Montana Man - Paul Evan Lehman
732. The Sure Hand of God - Erskine Caldwell
733. Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevski
734. Meet the Girls! - James T. Farrell
735. Everybody Slept Here - Elliot Arnold
736. Draw the Curtain Close - Thomas B. Dewey
737. Brave in the Saddle - Will Ermine
738. Nightmare Alley - William Lindsay Gresham
739. Beyond the Forest - Stuart Engstrand
740. Whistling Lead - Eugene Cunningham
741. Life in a Putty Knife Factory - H. Allen Smith
742. Kill or Cure - William Francis
743. Intruder in the Dust - William Faulkner
744. The Christian Demand for Social Justice - Bishop Scarlett
745. The Ox-Bow Incident - Walter Van Tilburg Clark
746. Human Destiny - Pierre Lecomte du Noüy
747. Walden - Henry David Thoreau
748. Mistress Glory - Susan Morley
749. Forever Wilt Thou Love - Ludwig Lewisohn
750. Devil in the Flesh - Raymond Radiguet
751. Love Without Fear - Eustace Chesser, M.D.
752. The Future Mr. Dolan - Charles Gorham
753. The Gamecock Murders - Frank Gruber
754. Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye - Horace McCoy
755. An American Tragedy - Theodore Dreiser
756. If He Hollers Let Him Go - Chester Himes
757. Brother of the Cheyennes - Max Brand
758. Clattering Hoofs - William MacLeod Raine
759. Everybody Docs It/The Embezzler - James M. Cain
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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