Publishing History > Routledge's Railway Library (George Routledge) - Book Series List

Routledge's Railway Library
Publisher: George Routledge & Co. Country: U.K. Date: 1848-99.

Baron Montez of Panama and Paris (by Archibald Clavering Gunter) (Railway Library) (image)

Baron Montez of Panama and Paris: a novel
by Archibald Clavering Gunter.

London : George Routledge and Sons, 1893
(Routledge's Railway Library, no. 1181).
Hardback. 266 pages.

Series Note:
This was a a popular cheap reprint series designed to be sold to train travellers on the fast growing British railway network in the Victorian period. These were sold through W. H. Smith's bookstalls on railway platforms. Over a period of 50 years 1,277 books were published in this series. Most books were published as pictorial hardbacks in the "yellowback" format (with bestsellers being later released as even cheaper paperbacks).

The first hundred books in Routledge's Railway Library

Year of Publication / Title / Author

2. Jane Sinclair and the Dark Day - William Carleton.
4. The Pioneers - James F. Cooper.
5. The Prairie - James F. Cooper.
6. The Dutchman's Fireside - James K. Paulding.
7. The Spy - James F. Cooper.
8. Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen.
9. The Water Witch - James F. Cooper.
10. Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen.

11. Charms and Counter Charms - Maria J. M'Intosh.
12. Lionel Lincoln - James F. Cooper.
13. The Puritan and his Daughter - James K. Paulding.

14. The Clarionet, The Dead Boxer, and Barney Branagan - William Carleton.
15. Blanche Montaigne - Peter H. Myers.
16. The Light Dragoon - George R. Gleig.
18. Hope Leslie - Catherine M. Sedgwick.
19. The Story of Lilly Dawson - Catherine Crowe.
20. Dark Scenes of History - G. P. R. James.

21. The Romance of War - James Grant.
24. The Little Wife - Elizabeth C. Grey.

25. The Conspirator - A. E. Dupuy.
26. Adventures of an Aide-de-Camp. Vol. 1. - James Grant.
27. Adventures of an Aide-de-Camp. Vol. 2. - James Grant.
28. Whitefriars. Vol. 1. - [Emma Robinson].
29. Whitefriars. Vol. 2. - [Emma Robinson].
30. The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne.

31. The House of Seven Gables - Nathaniel Hawthorne.
32. The Knight of St. John - Anna M. Porter.
33. Jasper Lyle. Vol. 1. - Harriet Ward.
34. Jasper Lyle. Vol. 2. - Harriet Ward.
35. Adelaide Lindsay - [Anne Marsh, ed.] [Anne Marsh, later Marsh-Caldwell].
36. The Scottish Cavalier. Vol. 1. - James Grant.
37. The Scottish Cavalier. Vol. 2. - James Grant.
38. Grace and Isabel - Maria J. M'Intosh.
39. The Recluse of Norway - Anna M. Porter.
40. Lilias Davenant - Elizabeth M. Stewart.

41. The Jew of Denmark - Meir Goldschmidt.
42. Discipline - Mary Brunton.
43. Self-Control - Mary Brunton.
44. The Night Side of Nature. Vol. 1. - Catherine Crowe.
45. The Night Side of Nature. Vol. 2. - Catherine Crowe.
46. Zingra the Gypsy - Annette M. Maillard.
47. Valerie - Frederick Marryat.
48. Martin Beck - Alexander Harris.
49. The Soldier of Fortune - Henry Curling.
50. Susan Hopley - Catherine Crowe.

51. Viola - Isabel Goldsmid.
52. Helen Charteris - Harriet Ward.
53. Whitehall. Vol. 1. - [Emma Robinson].
54. Whitehall. Vol. 2. - [Emma Robinson].
55. The Polish Lancer - Heinrich F. L. Rellstab.
56. Passion and Principle - Maria Grey and Emily Shirreff.

57. The Compulsory Marriage and Its Consequences - Annette M. Maillard.
58. Woodreve Manor - Anna H. Dorsey.
59. The Hen-Pecked Husband - Lady Harriet Anne Scott.
60. The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas.

61. The Albatross - William H. G. Kingston.
62. Windsor Castle - William H. Ainsworth.
63. Clan Albyn - Mrs. Christian I. Johnstone.
64. Rookwood - William H. Ainsworth.
65. Caleb Williams - William Godwin, the Elder.
66. St. James's - William H. Ainsworth.
67. Caesar Borgia - [Emma Robinson].
68. The Scottish Chiefs - Jane Porter.
69. Rockingham - [P. F. A. de Rohan-Chabot].
70. Thaddeus of Warsaw - Jane Porter.

71. Pelham - Edward Bulwer Lytton.
72. Crichton - William H. Ainsworth.
73. Paul Clifford - Edward Bulwer Lytton.
74. The Money-Lender - Catherine Gore.
75. Eugene Aram - Edward Bulwer Lytton.
76. Singleton Fontenoy, R. N. - James Hannay.
76 [sic]. The Last Days of Pompeii - Edward Bulwer Lytton.
78. The Lancashire Witches - William H. Ainsworth.
79. Rienzi - Edward Bulwer Lytton.
80. The Young Prima Donna - Elizabeth C. Grey [Mrs. Colonel Grey].

81. The Pilgrims on the Rhine - Edward Bulwer Lytton.
82. Pin-Money - Catherine G. F. Gore.
83. The Last of the Barons - Edward Bulwer Lytton.
84. The Dowager - Catherine Gore.
85. Ernest Maltravers - Edward Bulwer Lytton.
86. James the Second - William H. Ainsworth.
87. Alice or the Mysteries - Edward Bulwer Lytton.
88. Night and Morning - Edward Bulwer Lytton.
89. The Fortunes of Colonel Torlogh O'Brien - [Joseph S. Le Fanu].
90. Godolphin - Edward Bulwer Lytton.

91. The Heir of Selwood - Catherine Gore.

92. The Tower of London - William H. Ainsworth.
93. The Disowned - Edward Bulwer Lytton.
94. Electra - [P. F. A. de Rohan-Chabot].
95. Devereux - Edward Bulwer Lytton.
96. The Hour and the Man - Harriet Martineau.
97. Leila and Calderon, the Courtier - Edward Bulwer Lytton.
98. The Caxtons - Edward Bulwer Lytton.
99. The Flitch of Bacon - William H. Ainsworth.
100. My Novel. Vol. 1. - Edward Bulwer Lytton.

101. My Novel. Vol. 2. - Edward Bulwer Lytton.

Some more notable books in this series

James Fenimore Cooper - The Pilot

Jane Austen - Sense and Sensibility

Benjamin Disraeli - .....

William Harrison Ainsworth - Ovingdean Grange: A Tale of the South Downs

William Harrison Ainsworth - Crichton

William Harrison Ainsworth - Windsor Castle: An Historical Romance

Edward Bulwer Lytton - My Novel

Henry Fielding - The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling

Frances Trollope - The Ward

James Grant - Did She Love Him? A Novel

James Grant - Harry Ogilvie, or The Black Dragoons

Richard Henry Savage - In the Old Chateau: A Story of Russian Poland

Richard Henry Savage - In the Shadow of the Pyramids: The Last Days of Ismail Khedive, 1879: A Novel

Richard Henry Savage - The Princess of Alaska

Archibald Clavering Gunther - Baron Montez of Panama and Paris: A Novel

Archibald Clavering Gunther - That Frenchman!

Archibald Clavering Gunther - Mr. Potter of Texas: A Novel

Archibald Clavering Gunther - Miss Dividends: A Novel

Alexandre Dumas - The Page of the Duke of Savoy: An Historical Romance

Victor Hugo - Notre Dame

Further Reading

Chester W. Topp, Victorian Yellowbacks and Paperbacks, Vol. 1: George Routledge
Denver, Colorado, Heritage Antiquarian Bookshop, 1993.

Charles Wilson, First with the News: The History of W. H. Smith, 1792-1972 (1985)

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