Publishing History > Penguin Classics - Book Series List Penguin Classics
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The book covers of the three earliest Penguin Classics versions of The Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (L33): (from left to right) the original 1953 edition designed by Jan Tschichold, the early 1970s edition designed by Germano Facetti, and an edition from the 1990s.
Series Note: From the beginning of Penguin Classic series in 1945 until 1969 when ISBNs took over, each Penguin Classic volume was given a unique 'L' serial number (L1, L2, etc.).
Serial No./Author/Title/Translator or Editor/First Edition Date
L1 - Homer The Odyssey - E V Rieu - 1945
L2 - Maupassant Boule de Suif and Other Stories - H N P Sloman - 1946
L3 - Sophocles The Theban Plays - E F Watling - 1947
L4 - Voltaire Candide - John Butt - 1947
L5 - Tacitus On Britain and Germany (later reissued as: The Agricola and the Germania) - H Mattingly - 1948
L6 - Dante The Divine Comedy I: Hell - Dorothy L Sayers - 1949
L7 - Xenophon The Persian Expedition - Rex Warner -1949
L8 - Virgil The Pastoral Poems (The Ecologues) - E V Rieu - 1949
L9 - Turgenev On the Eve - Gilbert Gardiner - 1950
L10 - Cervantes Don Quixote - J M Cohen - 1950
L11 - Apuleius The Golden Ass - Robert Graves - 1950
L12 - Goethe Faust, Part One - Philip Wayne - 1949
L13 - Abbe Prevost Manon Lescaut - L W Tannock - 1949
L14 - Homer The Iliad - E V Rieu - 1950
L15 - Flaubert Madame Bovary - Alan Russell - 1950
L16 - Ibsen Three Plays (The Pillars of the Community/The Wild Duck/Hedda Gabler) - Una Ellis-Fermor - 1950
L17 - Balzac Old Goriot - Marion Ayton Crawford - 1951
L18 - Lucretius On the Nature of the Universe - Ronald Latham - 1951
L19 - Chehov Three Plays (The Cherry Orchard/Three Sisters/Ivanov) - Elisaveta Fen - 1951
L20 - Maupassant Miss Harriet and Other Stories - H N P Sloman - 1951
L21 - Caesar The Conquest of Gaul - S A Handford - 1951
L22 - Chaucer The Canterbury Tales - Nevill Coghill - 1951
L23 - Dostoyevsky Crime and Punishment - David Magarshack - 1951
L24 - Plato The Symposium - W Hamilton - 1951
L25 - Dumas The Three Musketeers - Lord Sudley - 1952
L26 - Camoens The Lusiads - William K Atkinson - 1952
L27 - Thomas a Kempis The Imitation of Christ - Leo Sherley-Price - 1952
L28 - Sophocles Electra and Other Plays (Philoctetes/Women of Tracis/Electra/Ajax) - E F Watling - 1953
L29 - Mediaeval Latin Lyrics - Helen Waddell - 1952
L30 - Stendhal Scarlet and Black - Margaret R B Shaw - 1953
L31 - Euripides Alcestis and Other Plays (Hippolytus/Iphigenia in Tauris/Alcestis) - Philip Vellacott - 1953
L32 - The Four Gospels - E V Rieu - 1952
L33 - Rousseau The Confessions - J M Cohen - 1953
L34 - Herodotus The Histories - Aubrey de Sélincourt - 1954
L35 - Dostoyevsky The Devils - David Magarshack - 1953
L36 - Moliere Five Plays (later titled as: The Miser and Other Plays)(The Would-Be Gentleman/The Scoundrel Scapin/ The Miser/Love's Best Doctor/Don Juan) - John Wood - 1953
L37 - Plato The Last Days of Socrates - Hugh Tredennick - 1954
L38 - Chehov The Seagull and Other Plays {The Seagull/Uncle Vania/The Bear/The Proposal/A Jubilee) - Elisaveta Fen - 1954
L39 - Thucydides The Peloponnesian War - Rex Warner - 1954
L40 - Goncharov - Oblomov - David Magarshack - 1954
L41 - Tolstoy Anna Karenin - Rosemary Edmonds - 1954
L42 - Bede A History of the English Church and People - Leo-Sherley-Price - 1955
L43 - Aesop Fables - S A Handford - 1954
L44 - Euripides The Bacchae and Other Plays (Ion/The Women of Troy/Helen/The Bacchae) - Philip Vellacott - 1954
L45 - Zola Germinal - L W Tancock - 1954
L46 - Dante The Divine Comedy II: Purgatory - Dorothy L Sayers - 1955
L47 - Rabelais The History of Gargantua and Pantagruel - J M Cohen - 1955
L48 - Plato The Republic - H D P Lee - 1955
L49 - Cellini Autobiography - George Bull - 1956
L50 - Balzac Eugénie Grandet - Marion Ayton Crawford - 1955
L51 - Virgil The Aeneid - W F Jackson Knight - 1956
L52 - The Koran - N J Dawood - 1956
L53 - Ibsen The Master Builder and Other Plays - Una Ellis-Fermor - 1958
L54 - Dostoyevsky The Idiot - David Magarshack - 1955
L55 - Aristotle The Ethics - J A K Thomson - 1955
L56 - St Luke The Acts of the Apostles - C H Rieu - 1957
L57 - Marco Polo The Travels - Ronald Latham - 1958
L58 - Ovid The Metamorphoses - Mary M Innes - 1955
L59 - Longus Daphnis and Chloe - Paul Turner - 1956
L60 - Tacitus The Annals of Imperial Rome (AKA On Imperial Rome) - Michael Grant - 1956
L61 - Stendhal The Charterhouse of Parma - M R B Shaw - 1958
L62 - Tolstoy War and Peace, vol. 1 - Rosemary Edmonds - 1957
L63 - Tolstoy War and Peace, vol. 2 - Rosemary Edmonds - 1957
L64 - The Thousand and One Nights - N J Dawood - 1955
L65 - Maupassant The Mountain Inn and Other Stories - H N P Sloman - 1955
L66 - Lucan Pharsalia - Robert Graves - 1956
L67 - Aeschylus The Oresteian Trilogy (Agamemnon/The Choephori/The Eumenides) - Philip Vellacott - 1956
L68 - Plato Protagoras and Meno - W K C Guthrie - 1956
L69 - Perrault Fairy Stories - Geoffrey Brereton -1957
L70 - Beowulf - David Wright
L71 - Aladdin and Other Tales from the Thousand and One Nights - N J Dawood - 1957
L72 - Suetonius The Twelve Caesars - Robert Graves - 1957
L73 - St Teresa - The Life of Teresa of Avila by Herself - J M Cohen - 1957
L74 - Hilton The Ladder of Perfection - Leo Sherley-Price - 1957
L75 - The Song of Roland - Dorothy L Sayers - 1957
L76 - Two Satyr Plays: Euripides' Cylops; Sophocles' Icheutai - Roger Lancelyn Green - 1957
L77 - Della Casa Galateo - R S Pine-Coffin - 1958
L78 - Dostoyevsky The Brothers Karamazov, vol. 1 - David Magarshack - 1958
L79 - Dostoyevsky The Brothers Karamazov, vol. 2 - David Magarshack - 1958
L80 - Balzac Domestic Peace and Other Stories - Marion Ayton Crawford - 1958
L81 - Arrian The Life of Alexander the Great - Aubrey de Sélincourt - 1958
L82 - Strindberg Three Plays (The Father/Miss Julia/Easter) - Peter Watts - 1958
L83 - Montaigne Essays - J M Cohen - 1958
L84 - Plutarch Fall of the Roman Republic (Six Lives) - Rex Warner - 1958
L85 - Apollonius of Rhodes The Voyages of Argo - E V Rieu - 1959
L86 - Huysmans Against Nature - Robert Baldick - 1959
L87 - Langland Piers the Ploughman - J F Goodridge - 1959
L88 - Buddhist Scriptures - Edward Conze - 1959
L89 - Moliere The Misanthrope and Other Plays - John Wood - 1959
L90 - Josephus The Jewish War - G A Williamson - 1959
L91 - Francis of Assisi The Little Flowers of Saint Francis - Leo Sherley-Price - 1959
L92 - Sir Gawain and the Green Knight - Brian Stone - 1959
L93 - Goethe Faust (Part II) - Philip Wayne - 1959
L94 - Plato Gorgias - W Hamilton - 1960
L95 - La Rochefoucauld Maxims - L W Tancock - 1959
L96 - Chehov Plays (The Cherry Orchard/The Seagull/Uncle Vania/Three Sisters and Three Short Plays) - Elisaveta Fen - 1959
L97 - Descartes Discourse on Method - Arthur Wollaston - 1960
L98 - Gottfried von Strassburg Tristan (with: Tristan of Thomas) - A T Hatto - 1960
L99 - Cicero Selected Works (Against Verres-I, Twenty-Three Letters, the Second Philippic against Antony, On Duties-III, On Old Age) - Michael Grant - 1960
L100 - The Epic of Gilgamesh - N K Sandars - 1960
L101 - St John of the Cross Poems - Roy Campbell - 1960
L102 - Plutarch The Rise and Fall of Athens (Nine Greek Lives) - Ian Scott-Kilvert - 1960
L103 - Njal's Saga - Magnus Magnusson/Hermann Pálsson - 1960
L104 - Livy The Early History of Rome (Books I-IV) - Aubrey de Sélincourt - 1960
L105 - Dante The Divine Comedy III: Paradise - Dorothy L Sayers/Barbara Reynolds - 1962
L106 - Flaubert Three Tales - Robert Baldick - 1961
L107 - Machiavelli The Prince - George Bull - 1961
L108 - The Cloud of Unknowing - Clifton Wolters - 1961
L109 - Tolstoy The Cossacks/The Death of Ivan Ilyich/Happy Ever After - Rosemary Edmonds - 1960
L110 - Pascal The Pensées - J M Cohen - 1961
L111 - Wu Ch'eng-en Monkey - Arthur Waley -1961
L112 - Aeschylus Prometheus and Other Plays (Prometheus Bound/The Suppliants/Seven Against Thebes/The Persians) - Philip Vellacott - 1961
L113 - Gogol Dead Souls - David Magarshack - 1961
L114 - St Augustine The Confessions - R S Pine-Coffin - 1961
L115 - Maupassant Bel-Ami - H N P Sloman - 1961
L116 - Laclos Les Liaisons Dangereuses - P W K Stone - 1961
L117 - Lucian Satirical Sketches - Paul Turner - 1961
L118 - Nietzsche Thus Spake Zarathustra - R J Hollingdale - 1961
L119 - Pushkin The Queen of Spades and Other Stories - Rosemary Edmonds - 1962
L120 - Zola Thérèse Raquin - L W Tancock - 1962
L121 - The Bhagavad Gita - Juan Mascaró - 1962
L122 - Racine Phaedra and Other Plays (Iphegenia/Phaedra/Athaliah) - John Cairncross - 1963
L123 - Diaz The Conquest of New Spain - J M Cohen - 1963
L124 - Joinville and Villehardouin Chronicles of the Crusades - M R B Shaw - 1963
L125 - Aristotle The Politics - T A Sinclair - 1963
L126 - Voltaire Zadig and L'Ingénu - John Butt - 1964
L127 - The Letters of the Younger Pliny - Betty Radice - 1963
L128 - Gower Confessio Amantis - Terence Tiller - 1963
L129 - Euripides Medea and Other Plays - Philip Vellacott - 1963
L130 - Dante The New Life (La Vita Nuova) - William Anderson - 1963
L131 - Lao Tzu Tao te Ching - D C Lau - 1963
L132 - Sallust The Jugurthine War/The Conspiracy of Cataline - S A Handford - 1963
L133 - Beaumarchais The Barber of Seville/The Marriage of Figaro - John Wood - 1964
L134 - Constant Adolphe - L W Tancock - 1964
L135 - Ibsen Ghosts and Other Plays (Ghosts/A Public Enemy/When We Dead Awake) - Peter Watts - 1964
L136 - Plautus The Rope and Other Plays - E F Watling - 1964
L137 - The Nibelungenlied - A T Hatto - 1965
L138 - Eusebius The History of Church from Christ to Constantine - G A Williamson - 1965
L139 - Tolstoy Childhood, Boyhood, Youth - Rosemary Edmonds - 1964
L140 - Marcus Aurelius Meditations - Maxwell Staniforth - 1964
L141 - Flaubert Sentimental Education - Robert Baldick - 1964
L142 - Rojas The Spanish Bawd - J M Cohen - 1964
L143 - Chekhov Lady with a Lapdog and Other Stories - David Magarshack - 1964
L144 - Mediaeval English Verse - Brian Stone - 1964
L145 - Livy The War with Hannibal - Aubrey de Sélincourt/Betty Radice - 1965
L146 - Ibsen A Doll's House and Other Plays (The League of Youth; A Doll's House; The Lady from the Sea) - Peter Watts - 1965
L147 - Turgenev Fathers and Sons - Rosemary Edmonds - 1965
L148 - The Memoirs of Chateaubriand - Robert Baldick - 1965
L149 - Plautus The Pot of Gold and Other Plays - E F Watling - 1965
L150 - Tacitus The Histories - Kenneth Wellesley - 1964
L151 - Pushkin Eugene Onegin - Babette Deutsch/Avrahm Yarmolinksky - 1964
L152 - Aristophanes The Frogs and Other Plays - David Barrett - 1964
L153 - Lives of the Saints - J F Webb - 1965
L154 - The Vinland Sagas: The Norse Discovery of America - Magnus Magnusson/Hermann Pálsson - 1965
L155 - Classical Literary Criticism: Aristotle, Horace, Longinus - T S Dorsch - 1965
L156 - Terence The Brothers and Other Plays - Betty Radice - 1965
L157 - Poems of the Late T'ang - A C Graham - 65
L158 - Plutarch Makers of Rome - Ian Scott-Kilvert - 1965
L159 - Petronius The Satyricon and the Fragments - John Sullivan - 1965
L160 - Balzac Cousin Bette - Marion Ayton Crawford - 1965
L161 - Maupassant A Woman's Life - H N P Sloman - 1965
L162 - Plato Timaeus - H D P Lee - 1965
L163 - The Upanishads - Juan Mascaró - 1965
L164 - Vasari The Lives of the Artists - George Bull - 1965
L165 - Moore Utopia - Paul Turner - 1965
L166 - The Poems of Propertius - A E Watts - 1966
L167 - Ibsen Peer Gynt - Peter Watts - 1966
L168 - Mérimée Carmen/Colomba - Edward Marielle - 1965
L169 - Psellus Fourteen Byzantine Rulers - E R A Sewter - 1966
L170 - Geoffrey of Monmouth The History of the Kings of Britain - Lewis Thorpe
L171 - Pascal Pensées - A J Krailsheimer - 1966
L172 - The Earliest English Poems - Michael Alexander - 1966
L173 - Diderot Rameau's Nephew/D'Alembert's Dream - L W Tancock - 1966
L174 - Seneca Four Tragedies/Octavia - E F Watling - 1966
L175 - Xenophon A History of My Times - Rex Warner - 1966
L176 - Lermontov A Hero of Our Time - Paul Foote - 1966
L177 - Julian of Norwich Revelations of Divine Love - Clifton Wolters - 1966
L178 - Gorky My Childhood - Ronald Wilks - 1966
L179 - Dostoyevsky The Gambler/Bobok/A Nasty Story - Jessie Coulson - 1966
L180 - The Poems of Catullus - Peter Whigham - 1966
L181 - Perez Galdos Miau - J M Cohen - 1966
L182 - Procopius The Secret History - G A Williamson - 1966
L183 - King Harald's Saga - Magnus Magnusson/Hermann Pálsson - 1966
L184 - Tolstoy Resurrection - Vera Traill - 1966
L185 - Basho The Narrow Road to the Deep North and Other Travel Sketches - Nobuyuki Yuasa - 1966
L186 - Turgenev Sketches in a Hunter's Album - Richard Freeborn - 1967
L187 - Caesar The Civil War - Jane F Mitchell - 1967
L188 - The Odes of Horace - James Michie - 1967
L189 - The Golden Casket: Chinese Novellas of Two Millenia - Christopher Levison - 1967
L190 - Fontane Effi Briest - Douglas Parmée - 1967
L191 - Terence Phormios and Other Plays - Betty Radice - 1967
L192 - Castiglione The Book of the Courtier - George Bull - 1967
L193 - Theophrastus The Characters; Meander Plays and Fragments - Philip Vellacott - 1967
L194 - Juvenal The Sixteen Satires - Peter Green - 1967
L195 - Racine Andromache and Other Plays - John Cairncross - 1967
L196 - Pascal The Provincial Letters - A J Krailsheimer - 1967
L197 - Early Christian Writings: The Apostolic Fathers - Maxwell Staniforth - 1968
L198 - Poems from the Sanskrit - John Brough - 1968
L199 - Anthology of Japanese Literature to the Nineteenth Century - Donald Keene - 1968
L200 - Froissart - Chronicles - Geofrrey Brereton - 1968
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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