Publishing History > Hutchinson University Library - Book Series List
Hutchinson University Library
Publisher: Hutchinson. Country: United Kingdom. Date: 1947- .

The Age of Absolutism, 1660-1815.
Max Beloff.
London, Hutchinson, 1958 (Hutchinson University Library).
Hardback. Black cloth boards with gilt titles. Dust wrapper. Pages: ix, 190. Index, Publisher's advertisments. Size: 190mm x 124mm.

The Age of Absolutism, 1660-1815.
Max Beloff.
London, Hutchinson, 1967 (Hutchinson University Library).
Paperback. 1967. 190 pages.
Contents: The Age Defined -- The European Scene: 1660-1789 -- France -- Spain and Portugal -- Prussia and Austria -- Russia and Poland -- The Maritime Powers and the American Revolution -- Absolutism in Transformation: 1789-1815.
Series Note: The first books in this series were published as hardbacks (with dust wrappers). From about 1958 the books in this series began to be published as paperbacks.
The series is divided into a number of "collections", as follows:
ARCHAEOLOGY (Editor: C. F. C. Hawkes)
BIOLOGY (BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES) (Editor: Prof. H. Munro Fox; Prof. A. J. Cain)
ECONOMICS (Editor: Prof. Michael Parkin, Prof. of Economics, University of Manchester)
ENGLISH LITERATURE (Editor: Prof. Basil Willey, M.A., F.B.A., Hon. Litt.D., King Edward VII Professor of English Literature in the University of Cambridge)
PHILOSOPHY (Editor: Prof. H. J. Paton, M.A., F.B.A., LL.D., Emeritus Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Oxford)
POLITICS (Editor: Prof. W. A. Robson, Professor of Public Administration at the London School of Economics and Political Science.
Arranged by collection and then by title, author/editor, and date(s)
Archaeology by Experiment - John Coles. 1973.
The Barbarian West, 400-1000 - J. M. Wallace-Hadrill
Early Farmers of West Mediterranean Europe - Patricia Phillips. 1975.
The Geography of Towns - Arthur E. Smailes.
The Megalith Builders of Western Europe - Glyn Daniel. 1963.
Town and Country in Roman Britain - A. L. F. Rivett, M.A., F. S. A., Assistant Archaeology Officer, Ordnance Survey. 1958.
Animal Hormones - J. Lee and F. G. W. Knowles. 1965.
Animal Species and their Evolution - A. J. Cain. 1966.
Annelids - R. Phillips Dales. 1967.
The Ciliates - A. R. Jones. 1974.
Coefficients of Natural Selection - L. M. Cook
Echinoderms - David Nichols. 1962.
Functional Design in Fishes - R. McN. Alexander, Professor in Zoology in the University of Leeds. 1967.
Fungi: An Introduction - Lilian Edith Hawker. 1966.
An Introduction to the Algae - I. Morris. 1967.
Living and Fossil Brachiopods - M. J. S. Rudwick. 1977.
Man as an Animal - W. C. Osman Hill. 1957.
Marine Mammals - Richard J. Harrison and Judith E. King. 1980.
Micro-Organisms in the Soil - Alan Burges. 1958.
Molluscs - J. E. Morton [John Edward Morton]. 1958.
The Morphology of Gymnosperms: The Structure and Evolution of Primitive Seed-Plants - K. R. Sporne, Fellow of Downing College, Cambridge, and University Lecturer in Botany. 1965.
The Morphology of Pteridophytes: The Structure of Ferns and Allied Plants - K. R. Sporne. 1962.
Natural Selection and Heredity - P. M. Sheppard.
Nematodes - H. D. Crofton. 1966.
Origin and Distribution of the British Flora - James Robert Matthews. 1955.
Reptiles - A. d'A. Bellairs. 1957; 1975.
The Sexual Cycles Of Vertebrates - J. F. D. Frazer, Senior Lecturer in Physiology, Charing Cross Hospital Medical School, London. 1959.
The Structure and Life of Bryophytes - E. V. Watson. 1964; 2nd ed. 1967.
Britain in the Western Mediterranean - Winston Francis Monk. 1953.
Burma - D. G. E. Hall. 1950.
Ceylon - Sidney Dawson Bailey. 1952.
Malaya and its History - Richard Winstedt. 2nd ed. 1951. 3rd ed. 1953.
New Zealand - Harold Miller. 1953.
South Africa: A Short History - Arthur Keppel-Jones. 1949; 1961; 1975.
The British West Indies - William Laurence Burn. 1951.
Christian Ethics - R. C. Mortimer
The Eastern Orthodox Church - R. M. French. 1951.
The Formation of the New Testament - Robert M. Grant. 1965.
A History of Christianity in England - E. O. James. 1949.
The Origin and Evolution of the Christian Church - Trevor Jalland. 1950.
Roman Catholicism - Thomas Corbishley. 1949; 1950.
Greek Oracles - H. W. Parke - Herbert William Parke. 1967.
The Greek Tyrants - Anthony P. Andrewes. 1956.
The Greek War of Independence - C. M. Woodhouse. 1952.
Letters of Cicero: A Selection in Translation. Edited and Translated by L.P. Wilkinson. 1966.
The British Banking Mechanism - William Manning Dacey. 1951.
Business Budgets and Accounts - Harold C. Edey. 1960.
Distributive Trading: An Economic Analysis - Hall, Laura Margaret Linfoot, Lady. 1949.
An Economic History of Transport - Christopher I. Savage. 1966.
The Economics of the Developing Countries - H. Myint, Professor of Economics in the School of Economics and Political Science.
International Monetary Co-operation, 1945-63 - Brian Tew. 1952; 1963; 1970.
Introduction to Accounting - Harold C. Edey. 1963.
Introduction to Managerial Economics - Christopher I. Savage and John R. Small. 1967.
Labour - P. Sargant Florence. 1949.
The Modernization of Rural France: Communications Networks and Agricultural Market Structures in Nineteenth-Century France - Roger Price. 1983.
National Income and Social Accounting - Harold C. Edey and Alan T. Peacock.
The Roots of American Economic Growth, 1607-1861: An Essay in Social Causation - Stuart Weems Bruchey. 1965.
Social Surveys - D. Cardog Jones. 1950.
Statistics for Economists - R. G. D. Allen. 1949.
Traditions of Medieval English Drama - Stanley J. Kahrl. 1974.
William Blake - Martin K. Nurmi. 1975.
American Literature in the Twentieth Century - Heinrich Straumann. 1951.
The Augustan Age - John Butt, Professor of English Language and Literature, King's College, Newcastle, in the University of Durham. 1950.
The Ballads - H. J. C. Hodgart, M.A., Fellow of Pembroke College, Cambridge, and University Lecturer in English. First published 1950, second edition 1962, reprinted 1964.
Chaucer - John Lawlor. 1968.
Comedy - L. J. Potts. Fellow of Queen's College, Cambridge, and University Lecturer in English in the University of Cambridge.
The Comedy of Manners - Kenneth Muri. 1970.
Crisis in English Poetry, 1880-1940 - V. de S. Pinto, Professor in English in the University of Nottingham.
D. H. Lawrence: Body of Darkness - R. E. Pritchard. 1971.
Edmund Spenser: Prince of Poets - Peter Bayley. 1971.
English Drama from Early Times to the Elizabethans: Its Background, Origins and Developments - A. P. Rossiter. 1950.
English Poetry in the Sixteenth-Century - Maurice Evans, Lecturer in English, King's College, University of Aberdeen.
An Introduction to the English Novel. Vol. I: To George Eliot. Vol. II: Henry James to the Present Day - Arnold Kettle, Lecturer in English at the University of Leeds. 1951-53.
John Bunyan - Roger Sharruck, Lecturer in English in the University of Southampton. 1954.
Milton - David Daiches, University Lecturer in English and Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge. 1957.
The New Poetic: Yeats to Eliot - C. K. Stead. 1964.
Restoration Literature - K. M. P. Burton. 1951.
The Romantic Poets - Graham Hough, Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge, and University Lecturer in English.
Samuel Beckett - Francis Doherty. 1971.
Shakespeare - George Ian Duthie. M.A., Ph.D., D.Litt., Regius (Chalmers) Professor of English Literature in the University of Aberdeen; formerly Molson Professor of English, McGill University, Montreal. First published 1951. Reprinted 1955.
Shakespeare's Tragic Sequence - Kenneth Muir. 1972.
Twentieth-Century Drama - Bamber Gascoigne.
W. B. Yeats: A Critical Introduction - B. Rajan. 1965; 1969.
The Arid Zones - Kenneth Walton. 1969.
Exploration and Discovery - Herbert John Wood. 1951.
Geography and Planning - Thomas Walter Freeman. 1967.
Geography and Regional Administration: England and Wales, 1830-1968 - T. W. Freeman. 1968.
Geography and Retailing - Peter Scott. 1970.
Geography Behind Politics - A. E. Moodie. 1947.
The Geography of Air Transport - Kenneth R. Sealy. 1966.
The Geography of Energy - Gerald Manners. 1971.
The Geography of Frontiers and Boundaries - J.R.V. Prescott. 1965.
The Geography of Iron and Steel - Norman J.G. Pounds. 1959.
The Geography of Recreation and Leisure - Isobel Cosgrove & Richard Jackson. 1972.
The Geography of Sea Transport - A. D. Couper. 1972.
The Geography of Soil - Brian T. Bunting. 1965.
The Geography of State Policies - J. R. V. Prescott. Edited by W. G. East. 1968.
Industrial Activity and Economic Geography: A Study of the Forces Behind the Geographical Location of Productive Activity in Manufacturing Industry - R.C. Estall and R. Ogilvie Buchanan. 1961; 1973.
Industrialization and Under-Developed Countries - Alan B. Mountjoy. 1963. 1966. 4th (revised) ed. 1972.
The Industries of London Since 1861 - Peter Hall. 1962.
Inferential Statistics for Geographers: An Introduction - G. B. Norcliffe. 1977.
An Introduction to Agricultural Geography - David Grigg. 1984.
An Introduction to Human Geography - J. H. G. Lebon. 1952.
Maps and their Makers: An Introduction to the History of Cartography - G. R. Crone. 1953; 1962; 1968.
Modern Colonization - R. J. Harrison Church. 1951.
Railways and Geography - Andrew C. O'Dell. 1956; 2nd ed. rev. 1971.
Regional Geography: Theory and Practice - Roger Minshull. 1967.
The Rendering of Geographical Names - M. Aurousseau. 1957.
The Restless Atmosphere - F. Kenneth Hare. 1962.
Rural Development: Theories of Peasant Economy and Agrarian Change. Edited by John Harriss. 1982.
Rural Settlement and Land Use: An Essay in Location - Michael Chisholm, Lecturer in Geography, University of Bristol. 1962. Fourth impression 1966. 1968.
Seaports and Seaport Terminals - James Bird. 1971.
The Spirit and Purpose of Geography - S.W. Wooldridge and W. Gordon East. 1951.
Surveys for Town and Country Planning - John N. Jackson. 1963.
The Age of Absolutism, 1660-1815 - Max Beloff. 1967.
The Arabs in History - Bernard Lewis. 1966; 1970.
Britain and the Middle East from Earliest Times to 1963 - Sir Reader Bullard. 1964.
British Foreign Policy since 1898 - M. R. D. Foot. 1956.
The Byzantine World - J. M. Hussey. 1957.
England and Scotland, 1560-1707 - Douglas Nobbs. 1952.
Europe and a Wider World, 1415-1715 - J. H. Parry. 1949.
French Cities in the Nineteenth Century. Edited by John M. Merriman. 1982.
The French Revolution - Albert Goodwin. 1953.
The Great Reform Act - Michael Brock.
The Heroic Age of Scandinavia - Gabriel Turville-Petre. 1951.
India - C. H. Philips. 1948.
The Norman Conquest - H. R. Loyn. 1965.
Political Thought in Medieval Times - John B. Morrall. 1971.
A Short History of Ireland - J. C. Beckett. 1952; 1973.
The Concept of Class: An Historical Introduction - Peter Calvert. 1982.
Conflict and Stability in Fifteenth-Century England - J. R. Lander. 1969.
The Guide for the Perplexed - Moses Maimonides. 1948.
Jewish Ethics - Israel Isidor Mattuck. 1953.
Jewish Religious Conflicts - Maurice Simon. 1950.
Private International Law - J. A. C. Thomas. 1955.
The Higher Arithmetic: An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers - Harold Davenport. 1952.
Mathematics for the General Reader - E.C. Titchmarsh. 1948.
Molecules in Motion - T. G. Cowling. 1950.
Physics of the Sun and Stars - W. H. McCrea. 1950.
Practical Photography - B. K. Johnson. 1954.
The Skeleton Key of Mathematics: A Simple Account of Complex Algebraic Theories - D.E. Littlewood. 1949.
The Structure of the Universe: An Introduction to Cosmology - G. J. Whitrow. 1949.
The German Language Today, its Patterns and Historical Background - William Edward Collinson. 1953.
Indo-European Philology: Historical and Comparative - W.B. Lockwood. 1969.
Medieval and Modern Greek - Robert Browning. 1968.
The Chinese Language Today: Features of an Emerging Standard - Paul Kratochvil. 1968.
The Development of Arthurian Romance - Roger Sherman Loomis. 1963.
The French Language Today: Its Characteristics and Tendencies - L. C. Harmer. 1964.
The German Language Today: Its Patterns and Background - W. E. Collinson. 1972.
Introducing Phonology - Peter Hawkins. 1984.
The Italian Language Today - Anna Laura Lepschy and Giulio Lepschy. 1977.
Latin America: A Cultural Outline - Stephen Clissold. 1965.
The Modern Novel - Paul West. 1963; 1965.
The Novel in Russia: From Pushkin to Pasternak - Henry Gifford. c. 1964.
The Russian Language Today: System and Anomaly - Dennis Ward. 1965.
The Spread of Italian Humanism - R. Weiss. 1964.
Counterpoint: A Survey - Edmund Rubbra. 1960.
Fugue - Roger Bullivant. 1971.
Harmony: A Study of the Practice of the Great Masters - Peter Wishart. 1956.
The Interpretation of Music - Thurston Dart. 1954; 1955; 1967.
An Introduction to Musical History - J.A. Westrup. 1955; 1973.
The Concept of Mind - Gilbert Ryle. 1949.
The Correspondence Theory of Truth - D. J. O'Connor. 1972.
David Hume: His Theory of Knowledge and Morality - D.G.C. Macnabb. 1951.
The Emotive Theory of Ethics - J. O. Urmson. 1968.
Hobbes's System of Ideas: A Study in the Political Significance of Philosophical Theories - J. W. N. Watkins. 1965.
Husserl and Phenomenology - Edo Pivcevic. 1970.
An Introduction to Aesthetics - E. F. Carritt. 1949.
An Introduction to Ethics - John David Mabbott. 1966.
An Introduction to Greek Ethics - Christopher Rowe. 1976.
An Introduction to Logic - David Mitchell. 1962.
An Introduction to Philosophy of History - W. H. Walsh. 1951; 1967.
An Introduction to Wittgenstein's Tractatus - G. E. M. Anscombe. 4th ed. 1971.
The Moral Law [Braille]. Transcribed from The Moral Law: Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals. Translated and analysed by H. J. Paton. 1977.
Natural Law: An Introduction to Legal Philosophy - A. P. D'Entreves. 1951. 2nd ed. 1970.
Philosophical Tasks: An Introduction to Some Aims and Methods in Recent Philosophy - Graham Bird. 1972.
The Philosophy of Mathematics: An Introductory Essay - Stephan Körner, Prof. of Philosophy in the University of Bristol. 1960.
The Philosophy of Sartre - Mary Warnock. 1965.
The Philosophy of Science: An Introduction - Stephen Toulmin. 1953.
Practical Reason and Norms - Joseph Raz. 1975.
The Problem of Value - A. C. Graham. 1961.
Readings in the Theory of Educational Systems. Edited by Earl Hopper. 1971.
Reason in Theory and Practice - Roy Edgley. 1969.
The State and the Citizen: An Introduction to Political Philosophy - J. D. Mabbott. 1948.
Theory of Knowledge - A. D. Woozley. 1949; 1966.
Thinking and Experience - H.H. Price. 1953.
Entropy and Low Temperature Physics - J. S. Dugdale. 1966.
The Liquid State - J. A. Pryde. 1966.
Administrative Theory and Public Administration - R. J. S. Baker. 1972.
The British Commonwealth of Nations - Sir Ivor Jennings, Vice-Chancellor University of Ceylon. 1948; reprinted 1967.
The British Cooperative Movement - Jack Bailey. 1955.
The British Educational System - G.A.N. Lowndes. 1955.
The British Statute Book - Christopher Hughes. 1957.
Comparative Local Government - G. Montagu Harris. 1948.
Crises in the British state, 1880-1930. Edited by Mary Langan and Bill Schwarz. 1985.
Emergent Commonwealth: The British Colonies - W. E. Simnett. 1954.
The Government of Britain - Wilfrid Harris. 1948. 6th ed. 1958.
The Government and Politics of Britain - John P. Mackintosh. 1970.
The Government and Politics of Communist China - D. J. Waller. 1973.
The Government and Politics of East Germany - Kurt Sontheimer and Wilhelm Bleek. Translated from the German by Ursula Price. 1975.
The Government and Politics of France - Vincent Wright. 1978; 1983.
The Government and Politics of India - W. H. Morris-Jones. 1964.
The Government and Politics of the Soviet Union - Leonard Schapiro. 1965. 5th ed. 1973.
The Government and Politics of West Germany - Kurt Sontheimer. Translated from the German by Fleur Donecker. 1972.
Industry and the State - P. [Philip] Sargant Florence. 1959.
Introduction to Social Administration in Britain - Muriel Brown. 1977.
Marriage and Society - E. O. James. 1952.
Nationalism - Elie Kedourie. 1961. 3rd ed. 1966.
The Origins of the Modern European State, 1450-1725 - J. H. Shennan. 1974.
Politics in the USA - M. J. C. Vile. New ed. 1978.
The Politics of Utopia: A Study in Theory and Practice - Barbara Goodwin and Keith Taylor. 1982.
Social Policy in the Twentieth Century - T. H. Marshall. 1970.
Social Theory and the Urban Question - Peter Saunders . 1981.
Sociology - W. J. H. Sprott. 1949; 1966.
State and Nation - Benjamin Akzin. 1964.
The State and the Citizen: An Introduction to Political Philosophy - J. D. Mabbott. 1962.
Studies in African Politics - P. B. Harris. 1970.
Studies in Social and Political Theory - Anthony Giddens. 1979.
The Study of Political Behaviour - D. E. Butler [David Butler], Fellow of Nuffield College, Oxford. First published: 1958. 2nd edition: 1959.
Technical Cooperation - F. J. Tickner. 1965.
T. H. Marshall's Social Policy in the Twentieth Century - T. H. Marshall. 1985.
Town and Country Planning - Michael Patrick Fogarty. 1948.
The Computer Simulation of Behaviour - Michael J. Apter. 1970.
Deviance and Control: The Secular Heresy - Terence Morris. 1976.
An Introduction to Personality Study - Raymond B. Cattell. 1950.
The Psychology of Visual Illusion - J. O. Robinson. 1972.
The Science of Mind and Brain - James S. Wilkie. 1953.
The Beginnings of Religion: An Introductory and Scientific Study - E. O. James. 1948.
Islam: Belief and Practices - A. S. Tritton. 2nd ed. 1966. Reprint of 1954 ed.
Religion in China - E. R. Hughes and K. Hughes. 1950.
English Drama from Early Times to the Elizabethans: its Background, Origins and Developments - A. P. Rossiter. 1950.
The Making of the Middle Ages - R. W. Southern. 1953.
The Monarch of Wit: An Analytical and Comparative Study of the Poetry of John Donne - J. B. Leishman. 1951.
Mysticism in Religion - W. R. Inge. 1947.
The Third Earl of Shaftesbury: A Study in Eighteenth-Century Literary Theory - R. L. Brett. 1951.
The Class Structure of the Advanced Societies - Anthony Giddens. 1973.
Levi-Strauss: Structuralism and Sociological Theory - C. R. Badcock. 1975.
The Sociological Study of Religion - Betty R. Scharf. 1970.
African Traditional Religion - Geoffrey Parrinder. 1954.
Ancient Egyptian Religion - Jaroslav Cerny. 1952.
Ancient Roman Religion - H. J. Rose.
Babylonian and Assyrian Religion - S. H. Hooke. 1953.
The Buddhist Way of Life, its Philosophy and History - Frederick Harold Smith. 1954.
The Celtic and Scandinavian Religions - J. A. MacCulloch. 1948.
The Concept of Deity: A Comparative and Historical Study. 1950.
Hinduism - A.C. Bouquet. c. 1948.
Islam: Belief and Practices - A. S. Tritton. 1951.
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