Publishing History > Home and Colonial Library (John Murray) - Book Series List
Home and Colonial Library
(original series title: Colonial and Home Library)
Publisher: John Murray. Country: United Kingdom. Date: 1843- .

Short Sketches of the Wild Sports and Natural History of the Highlands from the Jourmals of Charles St. John, Esq.
Author: Charles William George St. John (1809-55)/
London: John Murray, 1846 (Colonial and Home Library, Vol. XVIII) (No. 36-37.)
Hardback in red cloth. Blind-stamped boards (with series emblem). Spine titled in gilt. Pages: vi, 286. 16 pages of publisher's advertisements at rear..Size: Small octavo (130 x 185mm).
Chapters include: Highland Lakes. Trolling Large Trouts on Loch Ness. The Wild Cat. Salmon-fishing. The Eagle. The Otter. Wild Geese. Death of My First Stag.
"A fascinating perspective on sport and wildlife of the Scottish Highlands in the early years of the 19th century. Contains chapters on angling in loch and river for trout, salmon and char; shooting snipe, grouse and pigeon, etc; deer stalking and shooting; wildfowling; poaching and gamekeeping; seal shooting; falconry, etc. The natural history of the region is also covered, with descriptions of the various game animals, birds, and fish which dominate the area." -- ABE
Series Note: The Home and Colonial Library was launched in 1843 as the Colonial and Home Library but the series name was later changed to Home and Colonial Library, possibly due to a low level of reader interest in the British colonies when compared with that shown in the British isles themselves (that is, in the "Home" area).
Number / Author / Title / Year of Publication
Nos. 1-2.
George Borrow.
The Bible in Spain; or, The Journeys, Adventures, and Imprisonments of an Englishman, in an Attempt to Circulate the Scriptures in the Peninsula.
Nos. 3-6.
[Bishop] Reginald Heber.
Narrative of a Journey through the Upper Provinces of India, from Calcutta to Bombay, 1824-1825, (with Notes upon Ceylon,) an Account of a Journey to Madras and the Southern Provinvces, 1826, ad Letters Written in India.
No. 7.
[Captain] Charles Leonard Irby and [Captain] James Mangles.
Travels in Egypt and Nubia, Syria, and the Holy Land; including a Journey round the Dead Sea, and through the Country East of the Jordan.
No. 8.
[Captain] John Drinkwater.
A History of the Siege of Gibraltar, 1779-1783. With a Description and Account of that Garrison, from the Earliest Periods.
No. 9.
John H. Drummond Hay.
Western Barbary: Its Wild Tribes and Savage Animals. [Also known as: Morocco and the Moors.]
No. 10.
A Lady [Elizabeth Rigby, later Lady Eastlake].
Letters from the Shores of the Baltic.
No. 11.
Mary Schweidler.
The Amber Witch. The Most Interesting Trial for Witchcraft Ever Known. Printed from an Imperfect Manuscript by her Father Abraham Schweidler, the Pastor of Coserow, in the Island Usedom. Translated from the German by Lady Duff Gordon.
No. 12.
Robert Southey.
Select Lives of Cromwell and Bunyan.
No 13.
Louise Anne Meredith [Mrs. Charles Meredith].
Notes and Sketches of New South Wales, during a Residence in that Colony from 1839 to 1844.
No. 14.
John Barrow.
The Life, Voyages, and Exploits of Sir Francis Drake, with Numerous Original Letters from Him and the Lord High Admiral to the Queen and Great Officers of State.
No. 15.
Father Matteo Ripa.
Memoirs of Father Ripa, during Thirteen Years' Residence at the Court of Peking in the Service of the Emperor of China; with an Account of the Foundation of the College for the Education of Young Chinese at Naples. Selected and translated from the Italian by Fortunato Prandi.
No. 16.
Matthew Gregory Lewis.
Journal of a Residence among the Negroes in the West Indies.
Nos. 17-18.
[Sir] John Malcolm.
Sketches of Persia; or, The Manners and Customs of the Persians.
No. 19.
Clemens Lamping and A. de France. Lady Duff Gordon, trans.
The French in Algiers. I. The Soldier of the Foreign Legion. II. The Prisoners of Abd-el-Kader.
Nos. 20-21.
Washington Irving.
Bracebridge Hall; or, The Humorists.
Nos. 22-24.
Charles Darwin.
Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries Visited during the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle around the World under the Command of Captain FitzRoy.
No. 25.
[Count] Alexis de Saint-Priest.
History of the Fall of the Jesuits in the Eighteenth Century. Translated from the French.
Nos. 26-27.
Lord Mahon.
The Life of Louis Prince of Conde, Surnamed the Great.
Nos. 28-29.
George Borrow.
The Zincali; or, An Account of the Gipsies of Spain.
Nos. 30-31.
Herman Melville.
Narrative of a Four Months Residence among the Natives of a Valley of the Marquesas Islands; or, A Peep at Polynesian Life. [Also known as (1) Typee and (2) The Marquesas.]
No. 32.
[Elizabeth Rigby, later Lady Eastlake].
Livonian Tales. The Disponent. The Wolves. The Jewess.
No. 33.
[Rev.] Joseph Abbott.
Philip Musgrave; or, Memoirs of a Church of England Missionary in the North American Colonies.
No 34.
[Rev.] George Robert Gleig.
Sale's Brigade in Affganistan, with an Account of the Seizure and Defence of Jellalabad.
No. 35.
A Lady [Julia Charlotte Maitland].
Letters from Madras, during the years 1836-1839.
Nos. 36-37.
Charles W. G. St. John.
Short Sketches of the Wild Sports and Natural History of the Highlands.
No. 38.
[Sir] Francis Bond Head.
Rough Notes Taken during Some Rapid Journeys across the Pampas and among the Andes.
Nos. 39-40.
Richard Ford.
Gatherings from Spain.
No. 41.
Karl August Schlimmer.
The Sieges of Vienna by the Turks. Translated from the German by the Earl of Ellesmere.
Nos. 42 and 45.
Varnhagen von Ense. [Sir] Alexander Duff Gordon, trans.
Sketches of German Life, and Scenes from the War of Liberation in Germany. Selected and translated from the memoirs of Varnhagen von Ense.
Nos 43-44.
Herman Melville.
Omoo: A Narrative of Adventures in the South Seas, Being a Sequel to the "Residence in the Marquesas Islands".
No. 45.
See: No 42 above.
Nos. 46-47.
[Rev.] George Robert Gleig.
The Story of the Battle of Waterloo.
No. 48.
William Henry Edwards.
A Voyage up the River Amazon, Including a Residence at Para.
No. 49.
[Captain] Edward Augustus Milman.
The Wayside Cross; or, The Raid of Gomez, a Tale of the Carlist War.
No. 50.
[Rev.] Charles Acland.
A Popular Account of the Manners and Customs of India.
No 51.
[(Rev.) George Robert Gleig].
The Campaigns of the British Army at Washington and New Orleans, in the Years 1814-1815.
Nos. 53-53.
George F. A. Ruxton.
Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky Mountains.
Nos. 54-55.
Earl of Carnarvon.
Portugal and Galicia, with a Review of the Social and Political State of the Basque Provinces.
Nos. 56-57.
[Rev] George Robert Gleig.
The Life of Robert, First Lord Clive.
No. 58.
[Rev.] Henry William Haygarth.
Recollections of Bush Life in Australia, during a Residence of Eight Years in the Interior.
No. 59.
[Heinrich Steffens].
Adventures on the Road to Paris, during the Campaigns of 1813-14. Extracted from the Autobiography of Henry Steffens. Translated from the German.
Nos. 60-61.
[Washington Irving].
Tales of a Traveller, by Geoffrey Crayon, Gent.
No. 62.
Thomas Campbell, An Essay on English Poetry; with Notices of the British Poets. Edited by Peter Cunningham.
Nos. 64-65.
Lord Mahon.
Historical Essays by Lord Mahon contributed to The Quarterly Review.
No. 66.
[(Sir) Francis Bond Head].
Stokers and Pokers; or, The London and North-Western Railway, the Electric Telegraph, and the Railway Clearing-House.
No. 67.
Bayle St. John.
Adventures in the Libyan Desert and the Oasis of Jupiter Ammon.
Nos. 68-69.
A Lady [Elizabeth Melville].
A Residence at Sierra Leone. Described from a Journal Kept on the Spot, and from Letters Written to Friends at Home.
Nos. 70-71.
[Rev] George Robert Gleig.
Life and Letters of Sir Thomas Munro.
Nos. 72-74.
Charles Buxton, ed.
Memoirs of Sir Thomas Foxwell Buxton, with Selections from his Correspondence.
Nos. 75-76.
Washington Irving.
Oliver Goldsmith: A Biography.
Sources of above list:
(1) Angus Fraser, "John Murray's Colonial and Home Library", In: The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, Vol. 91, No. 3 (Sep. 1997), pp. 339-408.
(2) Various library and bibliographical catalogues.
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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