Publishing History > The History of Civilization (Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner, & Co.) - Book Series List
The History of Civilization
Publisher: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner, & Co., Ltd.
Country: United Kingdom. Date: 1926-27.
Also published by: Alfred A. Knopf. Country: United States.

The logo of The History of Civilization series: a golden medaillion with the first three Greek letters of "Athena", the name of the ancient Greek goddess of wisdom, together with two of her symbols, the owl and the olive tree.
This logo was printed on the front panel of
The Prophets and the Rise of Judaism by Alphonse Lods
London, Kegan Paul, Trench & Trubner, 1937 (The History of Civilization series)
Hardback bound in dark blue cloth. Issued with dust wrapper (not depicted here).
Series Note: "A Complete History of Mankind from Prehistoric Times to the Present Day in Upwards of 200 Volumes Designed to Form a Complete Library of Social Evolution."
Series Editor: C. K. Ogden [Charles Kay Ogden], M.A., of Magdalene College, Cambridge, U.K.
Consulting American Editor: Professor Harry Elmer Barnes, Ph.D.
Format: Hardback. Crown octavo size.
Book collector John A. Mellman, who alerted this website to the existence of this book series, notes that he is "impressed by [its] large clothbound octavo format and by the... scholarship, notes and extensive footnotes".
Presentation of the Series
This series marks one of the most ambitious adventures in the annals of book publishing. Its aim is to present in accessible form the results of modern research and modern scholarship throughout the whole range of the Social Sciencesto summarize in one comprehensive synthesis the most recent findings and theories of historians, anthropologists, archaeologists, sociologists;, and all consci-entious students of civilization.
To achieve success in this stupendous undertaking, the arrangement of the series has been entrusted to the experienced editorship of C. K. Ogden, M.A., of Magdalene College, Cambridge. The new French series, L'Evolution de l'Humanité. in which the leading savants of France are collaborating with the Director of the Bibliothèque de Synthèse Historique, M. Henri Berr, is being incorporated. Distinguished historians, both European and American, are contributing volumes in their several departments. Above all, while detailed and very special monographs have been avoided, no attempt to "write down" to a low level has been made.
The field has been carefully mapped out, as regards both subjects and periods; and, though the instalments will be published as they are ready, the necessary chronological sequence will be secured by the fact that the volumes of the French collection will be used as a nucleus. Each work will be entirely independent and complete in itself, but the volumes in a given group will be found to supplement one another when considered in relation to a particular subject or period.
The volumes are uniformly bound in a line art-cambric cloth, with specially designed gold lettering and emblem, royal octavo in size, and usually illustrated.
THE TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT devoted a leading article to the first four volumes, in which the series was described as being "composed by all the talents".
THE MANCHESTER GUARDIAN wrote that "the experiment is one of great interest. Its difficulty is also great. The intention is to provide something more than an encyclopedia or a series of monographs. The aim is to preserve a certain community of plan while giving a free hand to each author in his own section. It is an heroic attempt, which will be sympathetically watched, to bring some light into the vast mass of ill-organized knowledge which we owe to modern research and so make it available in the end for the guidance of the world."
NATURE, the leading scientific journal, in a six-column review, provides a striking summary of the aims and objects of the series: "The History of Civilization promises to be perhaps the most important contribution so far undertaken towards the task of organization and systeinatization of the social studies. A glance at the prospectus makes us anticipate a library of masterpieces, for the best workers of France, Great Britain, and some other countries are contributing from their own speciality and are attempting to bring it into line with the contributions from neighbouring fields and with the results of general sociology. Including all the volumes of the important French collection, L'Evolution de l'Humanité the English library contains additions and improvements which will place it above its continental counterpart. The volumes already issued bear out our best hopes. Arranged so as to include all manifestations of human culture, the series follows roughly a combined historical and geographical plan. Starting from the most comprehensive picture, the empty earth in the midst of the empty universe awaiting the arrival of man, it passes then to the gradual development of organic life and the early history of mankind, accom-panied by a series of introductory works which give an account of the various aspects of human culture: social organization, language, geographical and racial factors, man's political evolution and primeval domesticity. The story then begins at the traditional cradle of culture, the ancient East, on the holy banks of the Nile, the Euphrates and Tigris, and on the shores of the Mediterranean, where the origins and history of the early Empires and their civilizations are described. . After having been shown the growth of the Aegean civilization and the formation of the Greek people we study the history of Greece in all its wonderful cultural achievements. Next, hegemony has to be surrendered to Rome with its laws, politics, and economic organization. This brings us to the vast areas occupied by the Teutonic peoples to the North, the Persian, Indian and Chinese civilization to the East, and the Mongol cultures of Central Asia. These will be studied in a series of monographs. . . . The second division will contain volumes on Christian religion, on the break-up of the Roman Empire, on the religious imperialisms of Christianity and Islam, on the political, social,
economic, and intellectual evolution in the Middle Ages and modern times. The English library contains, besides, several special sections, one on the histories of various subjects, such as medicine, money, costume, witchcraft, etc.; a section on Oriental culture ; on historical ethnology; and a few more sections not yet exhaustively announced, dealing with modern history. This summary does not do full justice to the merits of the plan and of the achievements of the series, so far as they have been laid before us . . . "
The following plan, comprising upwards of ninety titles, though not definitive, will serve to convey a general notion of the nature and scope of the enterprise:
Social Organization - W. H R. Rivers/
The Earth Before History - Edmond Perrier.
Prehistoric Man - Jacques de Morgan.
The Dawn of European Civilization - V. Gordon Childe.
Language: A Linguistic Introduction to History - J. Vendryes.
A Geographical Introduction to History - L. Febvre.
Race and History - E. Pittard.
The Aryans - V. Gordon Childe.
From Tribe to Empire - A. Moret and G. Davy.
Money and Monetary Policy in Early Times - A. R. Burns.
The Diffusion of Culture - G. Elliot Smith.
The Migration of Symbols - D. A. Mackenzie.
Woman's Place in Simple Societies - J. L. Myers.
Cycles in History - J. L. Myers.
The Nile and Egyptian Civilization - A. Mores.
Colour Symbolism of Ancient Egypt - D A. Mackenzie.
The Mesopotamian Civilization - L. Delaporte.
The Aegean Civilization - G. Glotz.
The Formation of the Greek People - A. Jardé.
Ancient Greece at Work - G. Glotz.
The Religious Thought of Greece - C. Sourdille.
The Art of Greece - W. Deonna and A. de Ridder.
Greek Thought and Scientific Spirit - L. Robin.
The Greek City and its Institutions - G. Glotz.
Macedonian Imperialism - P. Jouguet.
Primitive Italy - Léon Homo.
The Roman Spirit in Religion, Thought, and Art - A. Grenier.
Roman Political Institutions - Léon Homo.
Rome the Law-Giver - J. Declareuil.
Ancient Economic Organization - J. Toutain.
The Roman Empire - Victor Chapot.
Ancient Rome at Work - Paul Louis.
The Celts - H. Hubert.
Germany and the Roman Empire - H. Hubert.
Ancient Persia and Iranian Civilization - Clément Huart.
Ancient China and Central Asia - M. Granet.
A Thousand Years of the Tartars - E. H. Parker.
India - (Ed.) S. Lévi.
The Heroic Age of India - N. K. Sidhanta.
Caste and Race in India - G. S. Ghurye.
The Life of Buddha as Legend and History - E. H. Thomas.
Israel and Judaism - A. Lods.
Jesus and the Birth of Christianity - G. Guignebert.
The Formation of the Church - G. Guignebert.
The Advance of Christianity - G. Guignebert.
History and Literature of Christianity - P. de Labriolle.
The Dissolution of the Western Empire - F. Lot.
The Eastern Empire - C. Diehl.
Charlemagne - L. Halphen.
The Collapse of the Carlovingian Empire - F. Lot.
The Origins of the Slavs - (Ed.) P. Boyer.
Popular Life in the East Roman Empire - Norman Baynes.
The Northern Invaders - B. S. Phillpotts.
Islam and Mahomet - E. Doutté.
The Advance of Islam - L. Barrau-Dihigo.
Christendom and the Crusades - P. Alphadéry.
The Organization of the Church - R. Genestal.
The Art of the Middle Ages - P. Lorquet.
The Papacy and the Arts - E. Strong.
The Foundation of Modern Monarchies - C. Petit-Dutaillis.
The Growth of Public Administration - E. Meynail.
The Organization of Law - E. Meynail.
The Development of Rural and Town Life - G. Bourgin.
Martime Trade and the Merchant Gilds - P. Boissonnade.
Life and Work in Medieval Europe - P. Boissonade.
The Life of Women in Medieval Times - Eileen Power.
Travel and Travellers of the Middle Ages - (Ed.) A. P. Newton.
Education in the Middle Ages - G. Huisman.
Philosophy in the Middle Ages - E. Bréhier.
Science in the Middle Ages - Abel Rey and P. Boutroux.
Nations of Western and Central Europe - P. Lorquet.
Russian, Byzantines, and Mongols - (Ed.) P. Boyer.
The Birth of the Book - G. Renaudet.
The Grandeur and Decline of Spain - C. Hughes Hartmann.
The Influence of Scandinavia on England - M. E. Seaton.
The Philosophy of Capitalism - T. E. Gregory.
The Prelude to the Machine Age - Mrs. Bertrand Russell.
Life and Work in Modern Europe - G. Renard and G. Weulersse.
London Life in the Eighteenth Century - M. Dorothy George.
China and Europe in the Eighteenth Century - A. Reichwein.
A special group of volumes will be devoted to:
The History of Medicine - C. G. Cumston.
The History of Money - T. E. Gregory.
The History of Witchcraft - Montague Summers.
The Geography of Witchcraft - Montague Summers.
The History of Oriental Literature - E. Powys Mathers.
The History of Music - Cecil Gray.
The Ethnography of India - T. C. Hodson.
The Peoples of Asia - L. H. Dudley Buxton.
The Threshold of the Pacific - C. E. Fox.
The South American Indians - Rafael Karsten.
In the sections devoted to MODERN HISTORY the majority of titles will be announced later.
Source of above list and series note:
Ancient Persia and Iranian Civilization by Clément Huart. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., and New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1927 (The History of Civilization series).
* * *
VOLUMES PUBLISHED (by the year 1927)
The following volumes have already been issued. They are arranged roughly in the order in which they were published. But their place iti the scheme of the whole series may he discovered from the list above :
THE EARTH BEFORE HISTORY: Man's Origin and the Origin of Life
By EDMOND PERRIER, late Hon. Director of the Natural History Museum of France.
With 4 maps, 15s. net.
" It goes back to the birth of the world and the transformations of land and water, and takes us through the growth of life on the planet, the primitive animal forms, the peopling of the. seas, and the forms of life in the primary, secondary, and tertiary periods, to the growth of the human form. Thus, start-ing from the origin of matter, it leads us in easy stages to homo sapiens himself."Daily News.
" A remarkable volume."Yorkshire Post.
PREHISTORIC MAN : A General Outline of Prehistory
By JACQUES DE MORGAN, late Director of Antiquities in Egypt.
With 190 illustrations and maps, 12s. 6d. net.
" A notable and eminently readable study in the early history of civilization, and one well worth its place in the great series now being issued by the publishers. It bears on every page the impress of the personality of its author, who strives to give the reader a clear, composite picture of early civilization,taking one topic after another."Nation.
" A masterly summary of our present knowledge at a low price. As a full survey the book has no rival, and its value is enhanced by the lavish illustrations."New Leader.
Second edition, 10s. 6d. net.
" Social Organization is the first volume of the series of historical works on the whole range of human activity. May the present book be of good augury for the rest S To maintain so high a standard of originality and thoroughness will be no easy task."JANE HARRISON, in Nation.
"The book is a great contribution to the sum of human knowledge in the region of pure sociology."Daily News.
THE THRESHOLD OF THE PACIFIC : an Account of the Social Organization, Magic, and Religion of the People of San Cristoval in the Solomon Islands
With 14 plates and 40 text illustrations, 18s. net.
" A masterpiece. One of the very best contributions to ethnology we possess. It has, besides its intrinsic value as a masterly record of savage life, also an. indirect one ; it is a remarkable testimony to the indispensable need of scientific method for the observer. His account of magical ritual and spells will become a classical source for students. The account of the life-history of the individual is depicted with a clearness and fulness unrivalled in ethnographic, literature..."Times Literary Supplement.
LANGUAGE : a Linguistic Introduction to History
By J. VENDRYES, Professor in the University of Paris.
16s. net.
" A book remarkable for its erudition and equally remarkable for originality and independence of thought."Sunday Times.
" As an introduction to philology this volume is a splendid piece of haute vulgarisation, for which anyone who at all loves words or who is at all curious about language, must be grateful. It covers nearly all the ground from every useful angle. A wide, level-headed and erudite study."Nation.
By LUCIEN FEBVRE, Professor in the University of Strasburg.
With 7 maps, 16s. net.
" A masterpiece of criticism, as witty as it is well-informed, and teeming with nice observations and delicate turns of argument and phrase."Times Literary Supplement.
" A broad, clear-headed introduction to the fascinating study of human geography. It is much more than a text-book for the student: it is a work that anyone with no knowledge of geography can read with avidity, for it; 11 the greatest of pleasures to watch the clear logical thought of the writer rapidly treating with masterly power these great and important topics."Nation.
By PIERRE DE LABRIOLLE, Professor of Literature at the University of Poitiers. Foreword by CARDINAL GASQJCJET.
25s. net.
" A masterly volume. A scholar of the finest accomplishment, an enthusiast for his subject, and himself an artist in letters, he lias produced a book comprehensive and authoritative, and also a joy to read from the first page to the last."Universe.
" This interesting and valuable book."W. L. COURTNEY, in Daily Telegraph.
Second impression, with 8 plates, 21s. net.
" Mrs. George, by her cumulative method, imparts a shuddering impression of the brutalised life led by the masses under the first two Georges. Her work is full of eloquent detail. All who like to get at close quarters with history will feel immensely debtors to her industrious research and faculty of clear statement. And she will have the satisfaction of restoring faith to many minds in the reality of progress."Observer.
" One of the best pieces of research in social and economic history which have appeared for many years."Nation.
" An admirable study."J. L. HAMMOND, in The New Statesman.
By E. H. PARKER, Professor of Chinese in the Victoria University of Manchester.
With 5 illustrations and maps, 12s. 6d. net.
" Professor Parker takes us back to a period roughly contemporaneous with that of the foundation of the Roman empire, and shows their history to be, like that of the Northern barbarians and Rome, a constant struggle with China. With an unfamiliar subject the book is not an easy one to read,, but the author has done all that was possible to enliven his subject and has certainly succeeded in giving us a most valuable text-book."Saturday Review
CHINA AND EUROPE: their Intellectual and Artistic Relations in the Eighteenth Century
With 24 plates, 12s. 6d. net.
" Among the volumes of the monumental History of Civilization, this study of the influence of Chinese art and thought on the European art and thought of the eighteenth century will find not the least popular and distinguished place. The chapter headed ' Rococo ' will be of especial interest to connoisseurs. . . The illustrations are numerous and beautiful."Sunday Times.
" A fascinating subject. The references to literature are admirably full and complete."'Times Literary Supplement.
Second Impression, with 198 illustrations and 4 maps, 16s. net.
" Higher praise of Mr. Childe's book, which forms a volume of the monumental History of Civilization could scarcely be given than to say that it is in all respects worthy of the volumes which preceded it."Sunday Times.
" He has done a very great service to learning, and given a clear and reliable outline of the earliest civilization of Europe. His book ' fills a gap ' indeed," Nation.
" A very fine piece of work."Manchester Guardian.
"A work of supreme importance . . . places the writer in the very front rank of European archaeologists."Glasgow Herald.
MESOPOTAMIA: the .Babylonian and Assyrian Civilization
By L. DELAPORTE, Professor in the Catholic Institute of Paris.
With 60 illustrations and maps, 16s. net.
"This book is for the most part very good. The author has handled his difficult material cleverly. Where he succeeds is in his admirably written description of the social life, of which he makes a fascinating story. Here is presented an entertaining picture of the inhabitants in 2000 B.C. Then from the earlier Babylonians he passes to the Assyrians, dealing with them in a similar excellent way. This is one of the best books of its kind which we have seen for some time."Times Literary Supplement.
" A highly-detailed picture of that orderly and highly-coloured civilization which once assembled libraries, tried divorce cases, and contrived an intricate irrigation system."Daily News.
By G. GLOTZ, Professor of Greek History in the University of Paris.
With 4 plates, 87 text illustrations, and 3 maps, 16s. net.
" This is a marvellous summary, divided into four books, describing in detail the material, social, religious, artistic and intellectual life of the people, livery one of these sections is full of interesting and new knowledge. A wonderful book, thoroughly scholarly and attractive in presentation."Birmingham Post.
" Reads like a romance . . . presents a very vivid picture of tin's marvellous civilization."Times Literary Supplement.
By L. H. DUDLEY BUXTON, M.A., F.S.A., Lecturer in Physical Anthropology in the University of Oxford
With 8 plates, 12s. 6d. net.
" Although the physical characters of the principal racial strains are described in some detail, the author keeps before his readers the bearing of these data upon the broader problems of racial distribution, as well as the intensely interesting question of the interaction of race, environment, and modification by contact due to migration. The exposition of anthropological method given in an ntrodnctory chapter is admirably lucid."Manchester Guardian.
" The student will gain much information presented in an orderly manner. The style is both lucid and concise, and. not the least remarkable feature of the work is its compactness."Times Literary Supplement.
LIFE AND WORK IN MODERN EUROPE, from the Fifteenth to the Eighteenth Century
By G. RENARD, Professor at the College of France, and G. WEULERSSE, Professor at the Lycée Gamot. Introduction by EILEEN POWER, D. Lit., Reader in Medieval Economic History in the University of London.
With 8 plates, 16s. net.
" In a way as attractive as possible they deal with social conditions and economic changes, with the history of labour, with the disappearance of medieval survivals, and the increasing influence of Governments. »A well-balanced and valuable picture of Europe during a period of the greatest importance in the history of the world."Westminster Gazette.
" This can certainly be pronounced a most useful book. There is nothing that covers anything like the same ground ; indeed, there is actually no book, in English which even pretends to give an outline of European economic history as a whole. It is interestingly written, and is a storehouse of valuable information."New Statesman.
THE MIGRATION OF SYMBOLS, and their Relations to Beliefs and Customs
By DONALD A. MACKENZIE, author of " Ancient Man in Britain ".
With 16 plates and 53 text illustrations, 12s. 6d. net.
" The purpose of the present book is to show that so-called simple symbols, such as the spiral, do not express, even for backward peoples, simple ideas .suggested by everyday experience, but highly complex beliefs which have a history. . . . Each of his chapters is full of interest, well furnished, with documentary and graphic evidence."Times Literary Supplement.
" Whether as a competent sociological study or a series of entertaining glimpses of ancient life, manners and visions, Mr. Mackenzie's volume has a high value."Literary Guide.
" A highly instructive volume."Daily News.
Edited by A. P. NEWTON, Rhodes Professor of Imperial History in the University of London.
With 8 plates and maps, 12s. 6d. net.
" This work is no mere collection of stray essays, but in some respects, the most important contribution to the history of medieval travel since Professor Beazley's Dawn of Modem Geography and the new edition of Yule's Cathay. . . . We have said enough to indicate that this work is one which should appeal both to the general reader and to the scholar. The illustrations are good."Times Literary Supplement.
" All the essays are useful and interesting. The reader will be grateful to Mr. Newton for giving him such pleasant access to a world of knowledge as obscure as it is exciting."Manchester Guardian.
ANCIENT GREECE AT WORK : an Economic History of Greece from the Homeric Period to the Roman Conquest
By G. GLOTZ, Professor of Greek History in the University of Paris.
With 49 illustrations, 16s. net.
" This is a learned but thoroughly interesting description of farming, industry, and business in general in ancient Greece, and. should interest the student of economics as well as the classical scholar, since it shows practices developing from their simplest form. Besides giving hard economic facts the author makes interesting remarks on the Greek attitude to slaves, to foreigners, and to labour. It is all told so persuasively. . . . This is a very readable and unusual book."Spectator.
" A really fascinating economic history of the Greek peopletheir daily life, their trade, and the play of economic causes on their political history."New Leader.
RACE AND HISTORY: an Ethnological Introduction to History
By E. PITTARD, Professor of Anthropology in the University of Geneva.
Second Impression, with 9 illustrations and maps, 21s. net.
A companion to Febvre's Geographical Introduction, to History, which estimated the value of " environment " as a factor in history, while the present volume considers the " racial" factor. " No one is better qualified to compose a thoroughly level-headed treatise on the subject of race. For the peoples who occupy a conspicuous place in history, and especially the peoples of Europe, no better guide could be found."-Times Literary Supplement.
" He has made a difficult subject vivid and suggestive in this most readable book."New Leader.
THE ARYANS : a Study of Indo-European Origins
With 8 plates, 28 text illustrations, and a map, 10s. 6d. net.
" Mr. Childe has followed up his interesting book, The Dawn of European Civilization, with another archaeological study not less scholarly and sound. By a joint use of philological deduction and. archaeological induction, he contrives a thoroughly scientific handling of the problem."Times Literary Supplement.
" A notable contribution. For all its erudition, its narratives are lively and lucid, and the work that rare thing a scholarly book that the general reader will be able to enjoy."Outlook.
FROM TRIBE TO EMPIRE : Social Organization among the Primitives and in the Ancient East
By A. MORET, Professor in the University of Paris, and G. DAVY, of the University of Dijon.
With 47 illustrations and 7 maps, 16s. net.
"The object of the authors of this valuable addition to the series is to demonstrate how Empires grow from the primitive totemistic clan. Leaving M. Davy's excited, learned, and highly controversial dissertation on primitive society for M. Moret's calm review of the history of the Ancient East is like passing from storm into quiet. M. Moret's story remains the most lucid and satisfactory general survey of the Ancient East that has yet appeared. It is the very romance of history, and he would be dull indeed who did not find recreation and delight in these stirring pages."New Statesman.
By A. JARDÉ, Professor of History at the Lycée Lakanal.
With 7 maps,
"One reader at least will tell the world he has enjoyed the book, has profited by it, and is not yet done with it; he means to use it again, and meanwhile ventures to tell others interested in History that this is a book for them."---T. R. GLOVER, in Nation.
" He has given his readers an analysis of the course of events in the various City states in their external relations inter se and with other peoples, of their political, social, and intellectual development, of Hell enicexpansion and of Hellenic unity, which is little short of brilliant."Nature.
THE ROMAN SPIRIT in Religion, Thought, and Art
By A. GRENIER, Professor in the University of Strasburg.
With 16 plates and 16 text illustrations, 16s. net.
" I have not space to set out all the things in the book that have interested me and given me pleasure. The sections on religion and literature are fresh and stimulating. The classical scholar and the general reader can be recommended alike to read every page of this admirable book."Nation.
"A brilliant interpretation of Latin literature and religion."New Leader.
" The book is one of decided originality, of the highest intellectual power, displaying marked, ability at once to enlighten and fascinate the reader."Glasgow Herald.
By MONTAGUE SUMMERS, editor of Congreve, Wycherley, Otway, etc.
With 8 full-page plates, 12s. 6d. net.
" Mr. Summers has just the literary style to do justice to the stewing of witches' broth or the licentious dancing of the Sabbat. Let no reader imagine that this book should be left unread. It is one of the most.masterly products of psychological-historical literature ; and one feels that the editor of this learned series was perfectly justified in including in it such a storehouse of facts. Mr. Summers has our hearty thanks. His book is enthralling."Outlook.
" No more learned, no more copiously documented, work on the subject has seen the light for a long while."Birmingham Post.
THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE, from the time of the Pharaohs to the end of the Eighteenth Century
By C. G. CUM8TON, M.D., Lecturer in the University of Geneva.
With a Foreword by F. G. CROOK SHANK, M.D., F.R.C.P.
With 24 plates, 16s. net.
" Will be an in\ aluablc source of reference to those who wisely remain students all their days. Beginning with the first dynasty of the Pharaohs, the ideas and the personalities of medicine are described in a manner which compels wonder for the amount of literary research, thought, and time which must have been devoted to its construction."-British Medical Journal.
"The book should be as interesting to the general public as to the doctors."-Sunday Times.
THE CIVILIZATION OF THE SOUTH AMERICAN INDIANS, with special reference to Magic and .Religion
By RAFAEL KARSTEN, Ph. D., Professor at the University of Finland,, Heisingfors. Preface by PROFESSOR E. WKSTERMARCK. ,
: "A very solid piece of work. . . Whether Professor Karsten be right or wrong in his contentions, his book can be read with the utmost profit, because he cites the evidence fully and fairly."Times Literary Supplement.
" Dr. Karsten can congratulate himself on having written a work that will form not merely a contribution to the ethnology of South America, but also a valuable addition, to the small number of really useful works on the ideas of the less cultured peoples."Saturday Review.
PRIMITIVE ITALY, and the Beginnings of Roman Imperialism
By LEON HOMO, Professor in the University of Lyons.
With 13 maps and plans, 16s. net.
" This able and scholarly work, which has summoned to its aid all the resources of anthropology, archaeology, epigraphy and philology. Here is laid bare the real history of Rome's origins, and especially of her Etruscan origins. A volume characterized alike by scientific caution and a marked power of lucid reconstruction."Spectator.
" A brilliant synthesis of the results of modern research."Saturday Review.
By J. DECLAREUIL, Professor in the University of Toulouse.
16s. net.
"The level of scholarship is extremely high, and the treatment hardly more technical than the subject-matter demands. The author traces the development of Roman law from its origin to its codification, and on to the later refinements which in their range, subtlety, and realistic logic have given it such. unrivalled universality and completeness. While recommending this valuable synopsis as a whole, we may note as specially significant the chapter on the organization of credit."Saturday Review.
LIFE AND WORK IN MEDIEVAL EUROPE, from the Fifth to the Fifteenth Century
By P. BOISSONNADE, Professor in the University of Poitiers. Translated with an Introduction by EILEEN POWER, D.Lit.
With 8 plates, 16s. net.
" His work is so interesting that it is to be hoped he will follow Sir James Frazer's admirable example and. take each chapter in turn for the purpose of converting its highly concentrated essence of history into a more ample dish for scholars. His subject is attractive and his pages are eminently readable by laymen."Times Literary Supplement.
" Professor Boissonnade not only brings together a remarkable storehouse of historical knowledge from many sources, but he presents an illuminating interpretation. He is, in short, both a historian and a philosopher."--Birmingham Post.
THE LIFE OF BUDDHA, as Legend and History
By E. J. THOMAS, D.LITT., Under Librarian in the University Library, Cambridge.
With 4 plates and a map, 12s. 6d. net.
" He has produced an authoritative account of all that is known of the life of the great teacher. We would recommend this important work to: all interested in Eastern philosophy."Spectator.
" In this interesting addition to the monumental series, Dr. Thomas, in a learned and careful survey, strives to bring recently discovered data, notably from Chinese, Tibetan and Mongolian sources to the aid of the work done by Rhys Davids and other scholars."Scotsman.
With 8 plates, 21s. net.
In this work the author gives detailed evidence for the account of Witchcraft set out in his previous volume in the series. The epidemic is treated as it appeared in the various countries and comprehensive chapters deal in turn with Greece and Rome, England, Scotland, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and New England. The two volumes form the only connected history of Witchcraft in the English language.
ANCIENT PERSIA, and Iranian Civilization
By CLEMENT HUART, Member of the Institute of France.
With 4 plates, 35 text illustrations, and a map, 12s. 6d. net.
The role played by Persia in the history of civilization was one of paramount importance. Not only did she herself make original contributions to the world of moral and religious thought, but she was in a great degree responsible for the fusion of races. Professor Huart traces her history under the Achaemenid, Arsacid, and Sassanid dynasties, shows the birth of Mithraism from Mazdaism, and estimates its effect in producing the great world-religions.
ANCIENT ROME AT WORK : an Economic History of Rome from, the Origins to the Empire
With 4 illustrations and 6 maps, 16s. net.
A period of nearly 1,200 years is covered in this volume, which studies the economic history of Rome from the age of primitive industry and pastoral life to the organized labour and complex life of the late Empire. The economic aspect of Roman history, neglected though it has been, is in truth, the basis of its political, diplomatic and military history.
The following volumes are nearing publication:
By A. DE RIDDER, Curator at the Louvre Museum, and W. DEONNA, Director of the Geneva Museum of Art and History.
With 20 plates and 6/ text illustrations, about 16s. net.
Art does not date from the Greeks, but under the Greeks art in diverse forms grew amazingly. The present volume is not an archaeological treatise ; its aim is to show the part which art played in the life of the Greeks and the character it took on among them, in such a way as to explain the influence exercised by Greek artists on the art of other peoples and later age.
By A. R. BURNS, B.Sc. Econ.
With 16 plates, about 21s. net.
An account of the evolution of money and coins out of more primitive systems of exchange.
THE NILE, and Egyptian Civilization
By A. MORET, Professor at the College of France.
With 24 plates, 79 text illustrations and 3 maps, about 21s. net.
Religion and institutions, art and literature, science and trade, in Ancient Egypt are brilliantly described, with striking quotations from the documents.
Other early volumes, of which details will he announced later, include:
GREEK THOUGHT, and the Origins of the Scientific Spirit
By L. ROBIN, Professor in the University of Paris.
MACEDONIAN IMPERIALISM, and the Hellenization of the East
By P. JOUGUET, Professor in the University of Paris.
By VICTOR CHAPOT, late Member of the French School of Athens.
ROMAN POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS: Republicanism and Caesarism
By LEON HOMO, Professor in the University of Lyons.
Source of above volume summaries:
Ancient Persia and Iranian Civilization by Clément Huart. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., and New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1927 (The History of Civilization series).
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Author: David Paul Wagner
(David Paul Wagner on Google+)