Publishing History > Books and Magazines Published by Gareth Powell

Books and Magazines Published by Gareth Powell

Who was Gareth Powell?

Gareth Powell (1934-2016) was an Australian publisher, journalist, author, and editor. Born in Wales, he worked in England, Australia and Hong Kong.

Book issued by Gareth Powell while managing director of Mayflower Books Ltd., of London, U.K.

Fanny Hill - John Cleland (Mayflower, 1963) (image)

Fanny Hill by John Cleland (London: Mayflower Books Ltd. (Mayflower Dell paperback), 1963)

Copies of this unexpurgated Mayflower edition of this 1749 erotic novel were seized shortly after publication by the Metropolitan Police's Obscene Publications Branch.

Book issued by Gareth Powell while managing director of The New English Library, of London, U.K.

The Carpetbaggers - Harold Robbins (London: The New English Library, 1964 - Four Square Book series) (front cover) (image)

The Carpetbaggers by Harold Robbins (London: New English Library, 1964 - Four Square Book series) - front cover

The Carpetbaggers - Harold Robbins (London: New English Library, 1964) (back cover) (image)

The Carpetbaggers by Harold Robbins (London: The New English Library, 1964 - Four Square Book series) - back cover

Books published by Gareth Powell via his firm Gareth Powell Associates, of Sydney, Australia

Now You'll Think I'm Awful (Sue Rhodes) (1967) (image)

Now You'll Think I'm Awful by Sue Rhodes (Gladesville, Sydney, N.S.W.: Gareth Powell Associates, 1967; printed by the Griffin Press, Adelaide), with black and white illustrations by John Endean.

This book was issued as a paperback with pictorial wrappers. Its front cover blurb reads: "That Outrageous Book About Sex and the Australian Girl". In his book Down Under Up Close: Australia in Perspective Donald C. Butts describes this book as "a frontal assault on the men of Australia and their childish preoccupation with their ego functions".

Futility and Other Animals - Moorhouse (Gareth Powell Associates, 1969) (image)

Futility and Other Animals by Frank Moorhouse (Sydney: Gareth Powell Associates, 1967; printed by Dai Nippon Printing Co. International, Hong Kong)

Behind the Barrier - Bob Bottom (Gareth Powell Associates, 1969) (image)

Behind the Barrier by Bob Bottom (Gladesville, Sydney, N.S.W.: Gareth Powell Associates, 1969)

This is the first book published by Bob Bottom, the Australian investigative journalist and author. It describes the life and social conditions that he found in the outback mining town of Broken Hill and the operations of the powerful labour union, the Barrier Industrial Council, in that town.

Books published by Gareth Powell via his firm Gareth Powell Limited (Hong Kong)

Hacker's Hong Kong - Arthur Hacker) (Gareth Powell, 1976) (image)

Hacker's Hong Kong by Arthur Hacker (Hong Kong: Gareth Powell Limited (Hong Kong), 1976)

Magazines Published by Gareth Powell

Chance International

Chance International, vol. 1, no. 4 (image)

Chance International, vol. 1, no. 4

This men's magazine was noted for the quality of its printing, photography and design and, according to Michael Wilding in his essay "Tabloid Story", it provided an outlet for new writing (with writers published including Kit Denton, Gwen Kelly, Frank Moorhouse, Karl Shoemaker and Robert Williamson).


POL, vol. 4, no. 5 (1972) (image)

POL, vol. 4, no. 5 (Sydney: POL Publishing, 1972). This issue was edited by the Australian writer and feminist, Germaine Greer (pictured above).

This Australian women's magazine was launched by Gareth Powell. The editor was Richard Walsh. The magazine was produced using colour offset printing at the presses of Dai Nippon Printing in Hong Kong and the copies were air freighted to Australia.

POL, Sydney: POL Publishing, July 1981


Fathom magazine, vol. 1, no. 1 (image)

Fathom, Surry Hills, N.S.W., vol. 1, no. 1, circa 1970
Gareth Powell Associates Pty. Ltd., 359a Pitt Street, Sydney 2000. Phone: 26 6328. Publisher: Gareth Powell. Editor: John Harding. Art Director: Roy Bisson.

Fathom "is written for skin divers, it is written, edited and designed by skin divers". An early issue stated: "Primarily we will be covering the Australian underwater scene. For occasional international content we have correspondents in Hawaii, California, Florida, Mexico and Europe."

Surf International

Surf International, vol. 1, no. 5 (image)

Surf International, Adelaide : Gareth Powell Associates, vol. 1, no. 5; printed at the Griffin Press, Adelaide

Australia's Internet Directory

Australia's Internet Directory, September 2002 (image)

Australia's Internet Directory, Randwick, N.S.W. (21 Darley Road, Randwick): Powell Magazines, September 2002

Editor: Gareth Powell. Library catalogues also refer to Mason Stewart, of Darlinghurst, N.S.W., as the publisher of this magazine alongside Powell Magazines.

Author of this page: David Paul Wagner

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