Discovering series
Publisher: Shire Publications. Country: U.K. Date: 1967- .

Discovering Antique Prints by Ronald Russell
Aylesbury, Shire Publications, 1989 (Discovering series no. 266)
88 pages. B/w photographic plates and drawings.
Publisher's blurb: "For centuries prints were the only means of conveying information pictorially to the public. From prints people learned what places were like, about natural history, architecture, costumes, transport, battles. They were the means of illustrating books: through a variety of techniques they provided knowledge and decoration. Now that photography has taken over nearly all of their functions, prints have become collectors' items. This book helps to distinguish the various types of prints, tells you about their history and development and shows you something of their range and variety. It is an introduction to a fascinating pictorial world in which art, craftsmanship and technologyall combine."
Series Note: This very popular series of well researched and illustrated guides was published in England from the late 1960s.
Arranged by serial number
2 Discovering Norfolk
2 [sic] Norfolk: a motorist's guide to places of interest including six circular tours and a gazetteer of main towns
4 Discovering Wiltshire
5 Discovering Castle Combe
9 Discovering brasses and brass rubbing
9 [sic] Discovering Brasses: A Pocket Guide to Monumental Brasses Throughout Britain, their History, Importance and Location, with County Lists and Hints on Brass Rubbing - Malcolm Cook
12 Discovering Hill Figures - Kate Bergamar
13 Discovering Windmills - John Vince
14 Discovering Your Old House - David Iredale
22 Discovering wall paintings
29 Discovering Bells and Bellringing - John Camp
30 Discovering canals: a guide for the motorist
31 Discovering statues. 1, Southern England (excluding London)
32 Discovering Christmas customs and folklore: a guide to seasonal rites
35 Discovering Surnames: Their Origins and Meanings - J. W. Freeman
38 Discovering Hall Marks on English Silver - John Bly
42 Discovering Londons statues and monuments
43 Discovering stained glass
44 Discovering horse brasses
46 Discovering archaeology in England and Wales
47 Discovering the Thames: a motorists guide to the River from Thames Head to Teddington Lock
49 Discovering statues. 2, Central and Northern England
51 Discovering wargames
52 Discovering topiary
55 Discovering traction engines
56 Discovering gardens in Britain
57 Discovering Abbeys & Priories - Geoffrey N.Wright
60 Discovering Hampshire and the New Forest
63 Off-beat walks in London: a discovering guide
63 [sic] Discovering off-beat walks in London
64 Discovering Saints in Britain - John Vince
66 Discovering English Customs and Traditions - Margaret Gascoigne
74 Discovering the Folklore of Plants - Margaret Baker
77 Discovering towns: their history and growth: a guide to the study of your neighbourhood
80 Discovering Watermills - John Vince
82 Discovering Leicestershire and Rutland
83 Discovering English County Regiments - Arthur Taylor
86. Discovering Englands trees
87 Discovering Carts and Wagons - John Vince
89 Discovering Herbs - Kay N. Sanecki
90 Discovering model soldiers
92 Discovering picture postcards
93 Discovering Your Family Tree - David Iredale
94 Discovering Highwaymen - Russell Ash
96 Discovering Englands trees
98 Discovering antique maps
99 Discovering embroidery of the nineteenth century
102 Discovering Place-Names: Their Origins and Meanings - John Field
104 Discovering Cheshire
105 Discovering Essex - S. M. Jarvis
109 Discovering Lincolnshire
109 [sic] Lincolnshire: a motorist's guide to places of interest including eight circular tours and a gazetteer of the principal towns
110 Discovering London for children
112 Discovering Cathedrals - David Pepin
115 Discovering the Folklore of Birds and Beasts - Venetia Newell [i.e. Newall] by Newall, Venetia
116 Discovering Toys and Toy Museums - Pauline Flick
117 Discovering Comics - Denis Gifford
122 Discovering British Military Uniforms - Arthur Taylor
123 Discovering Artillery - R. J. Wilkinson-Latham
124 Discovering edged weapons
125 Discovering Suffolk
126 Discovering Space - Ian Ridpath
129 Discovering Period Gardens - John Anthony
130 Discovering Sussex
130 [sic] Sussex: a motorist's guide to places of interest, including nine circular tours and a gazetteer of main towns and villages
136 Discovering walks in the Chilterns
137 Discovering Churches - John Harries
140 Discovering Derbyshire and the Peak District
141 Discovering Archaeology in Denmark - James Dyer
143 Investing your money
144 Discovering epitaphs: being a collection of some of most curious epitaphs and memorials gathered together
145 Discovering oil lamps
146 Discovering banknotes
147 Discovering ghosts
148 Discovering British military badges and buttons
149 Discovering modelling for wargamers
150 Discovering Victorian and Edwardian furniture
151 Discovering king and queens
152 Discovering Castles in England and Wales - John Kinross
153 Discovering Somerset
154 Discovering ecology
155 Discovering Bird Watching - Jim Flegg
156 Discovering Christian Names - S. M. Jarvis
157 Discovering British cavalry regiments
158 Discovering local history
159 Discovering the Thames and Chilterns
160 Discovering Old Motorcycles - T. E. Crowley
161 Discovering famous battles: Marlboroughs campaigns: Schellenberg, Blenheim, Ramillies, Oudenard, Malplaquet
162 Discovering Famous Battles: The Peninsular War - R. J. Wlikinson-Latham
163 Discovering English Civil Wargaming
164 Discovering Stately Homes - Amoret and Christopher Scott
165 Discovering London curiosities
166 Discovering Wild Plant Names - John E. Steven
167 Discovering English literary associations
168 Discovering orienteering and wayfaring
169 Discovering monuments
170 Discovering church furniture
170 [sic] Discovering walks in Hertfordshire
171 Discovering Lancashire
172 Discovering walks in Oxford and Cambridge
173 Discovering walks in Edinburgh
174 Discovering Scottish battlefields
174 [sic] Discovering battlefields of Scotland
175 Discovering Staffordshire - Joan P. Alcock
176 Discovering Battlefields of England - John Kinross
177 Discovering pantomine
178 Discovering Lost Railways - F. G. Cockman
179 Discovering Mottoes, Slogans and War Cries - Douglas Taylor
180 Discovering London's Guilds and Liveries - John Kennedy Melling
--- AKA Discovering Guilds and Liveries (CHK)
181 Discovering old bicycles
182 Discovering old board games
183 Discovering regional archaeology: south-east England
183 [sic] Discovering Regional Archaeology: Wales - Ilid Anthony
185 Discovering Theatre Ephemera - John Kennedy Melling
186 Discovering French and German Military Uniforms - Arthur Taylor
187 Discovering Famous Battles: Ancient Warfare: Plataea, Arbela, Cannae, The Teutoberger Wald - Jeff Fletcher
188 Discovering magic charms and talismans
190 Discovering garden insects and other invertebrates
191 Discovering walks in the Cotswolds
192 Discovering Cambridgeshire
193 Discovering Northumbria
194 Discovering Horse Drawn Carriages - D. J. Smith
195 Discovering the Quantocks
196 Discovering the folklore and customs of love and marriage
198 Discovering walks in Wessex towns
199 Discovering Corn Dollies - M. Lambeth
200 Discovering Mechanical Music - T. E. Crowley
201 Discovering Backgammon - R. C. Bell
202 Discovering Bird Song - Edward A. Armstrong
203 Discovering South Yorkshire
204 Discovering walks in Buckinghamshire
205 Discovering Kent
206 Discovering English Folk Dance - Hugh Rippon
207 Discovering lost canals
208 Discovering Salop
209 Discovering chapels and meeting houses
210 Discovering industrial archaeology and history
211 Discovering the Ridgeway
212 Discovering Avon
213 Discovering Old Buttons - Primrose Peacock
214 Discovering church architecture: a glossary of terms
215 Discovering London villages
216 Discovering Old Aeroplanes - David Ogilvy
217 Discovering walks in West Sussex
218 Discovering walks in the New Forest
219 Discovering British ponies
220 Discovering the Burns country
221 Discovering chess
222 Discovering mah-jong
223 Discovering English furniture
--- Discovering English Furniture, 1500-1720 - John Bly (CHK S/N)
--- Discovering English Furniture, 1720-1830 - John Bly (CHK S/N)
224 Discovering horse-drawn commercial vehicles
225 Discovering London street names
226 Discovering beekeeping
227 Discovering craft of the inland waterways
228 Discovering maritime museums and historic ships
229 Discovering farm museums and farm parks
230 Discovering country crafts
231 Discovering Trams and Tramways - Keith Turner
232 Discovering Londons canals
233 Discovering horse-drawn transport of the British Army
234 Discovering Cleveland
235 Discovering English dialects
236 Discovering bird courtship
237 Discovering the Cinque Ports
238 Discovering farmhouse cheese
239 Discovering walks in West Kent
240 Discovering country walks in North London
241 Discovering Nottinghamshire
242 Discovering timber-framed buildings
243 Discovering Londons inns and taverns
244 Discovering English architecture
245 Discovering horse-drawn farm machinery
246 Discovering farm livestock
247 Discovering treasure hunting
248 Discovering walking
249 Discovering country winemaking
250 Discovering Heraldry - Jacqueline Fearn
251 Discovering dowsing and divining
252 Discovering the North Downs Way
253 Discovering Preserved Railways - F. G. Cockman
254 Discovering shrines and holy places
255 Discovering Dice and Dominoes - R.C. Bell
256 Discovering backpacking
257 Discovering canals in Britain
258 Discovering horse-drawn caravans
259 Discovering Londons parks and squares
260 Discovering old cameras, 1839-1939
261 Discovering textile history and design
262 Discovering traditional farm buildings
263 Discovering walks in Suffolk
264 Discovering walks in Surrey
265 Discovering lost mines
266 Discovering antique prints
267 Discovering Book Collecting - John Chidley
268 Discovering churchyards
269 Discovering English vineyards
271 Discovering country walks in South London
272 Discovering Roman Britain - David E. Johnston
270 Discovering English folksong (CHK S/N)
274 Discovering walks in Norfolk
275 Discovering cottage architecture
276 Discovering English watercolours
277 Discovering walks in Lakeland mountains
278 Discovering Scottish architecture
279 Discovering Scottish castles
280 Discovering Avebury
281 Discovering London ceremonial and traditions
282 Discovering Prehistoric England
282 [sic] Discovering parish boundaries
285 Discovering Old Handwriting - John Barrett and David Iredale
286 Discovering cameras, 1945-1965
288 Discovering Famous Graves - Lynn F. Pearson
289 Discovering first names
291 Discovering London plagues
292 Discovering British Regimental Traditions - Ian F.W. Beckett
293 Discovering London for families
294 Discovering English country regiments
295 Discovering friendly and fraternal societies: their badges and regalia
296 Discovering fortifications: from the Tudors to the Cold War
297 Discovering medieval houses in England and Wales
298 Discovering churches and churchyards: a guide to the architecture of English parish churches from Anglo-Saxon times to 1900 - Mark Child
300 Discovering words
304 Discovering the folklore and traditions of marriage
Serial numbers not yet found
Discovering antique firearms - Dennis Lack
Discovering Battlefields in Southern England - John Kinross
Discovering Civic Heraldry - F. E. Evans
Discovering Gloucestershire - David & Dianne Uttley
Discovering harness and saddlery
Discovering High Wycombe
Discovering Leicestershire
Discovering Life-Boats - E. W. Middleton
Discovering Militaria: An Introduction to Collecting - P. R. (Peter R.) Newman
Discovering Military Traditions - Arthur Taylor
Discovering Narrow Gauge Railways - James Buck
Discovering Northamptonshire - Jack Gould
Discovering Old Buses and Trolley Buses - David Kaye
Discovering Playing-Cards and Tarots - George Beal
Discovering Railwayana - Donald J.Smith
Discovering Regional Archaeology: Central England - Barry M. Marsden
Discovering Regional Archaeology: South-western England
Discovering Regional Archaeology: Wessex - Leslie Grinsell and James Dyer
Discovering Spas - R. L. P. (Robert Lionel Palgrave) and Dorothy M. Jowitt
Discovering the Bath Road
Discovering Traditional Farm Buildings - J. E. C. (John Edward Colclough) Peters
Discovering Words in the Kitchen - Julian Walker
Discovering wrought iron
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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