Publishing History > Bohn's Libraries (George Bell & Sons) - Book Series List
Bohn's Libraries
Publisher: George Bell & Sons. Country: UK. Date: 1846- .

The works of Cicero, the Roman lawyer, statesman and philosopher, published in Bohn's Classical Library, one of the sections of Bohn's Libraries. 1908 reprint.
Series Note: "Bohn's Libraries... standard works of European literature in the English language, on history, biography, topography, archaeology, theology, antiquities, science, philosophy, natural history, poetry, art, fiction, with dictionaries, and other books of reference. The series comprises translation from the French, German, Italian, Spanish, Scandanavian, Ango-Saxon, Latin, and Greek. Price 3s. 6d. or 5s per volume (with exceptions). Complete set in 621 volumes, price £139 3s. 6d."
262 Vols, at 3s. 6d. each, excepting those marked otherwise.
Addison's Works. With the Notes of Bishop HURD, much additional matter and upwards of 100 Unpublished Lettare. Edited by H. G. BOHN. Portrait and 8 Engravings on steel. In 6 vols.
Alfieri's Tragedies, including those published posthumously. Translated into English Verse, and edited with Notes and Introduction, by EDGAR A. BOWRING, C.B. 2 vols.
Bacons Essays, Apophthegms, Wisdom of the Ancients, New Atlantis, and Henry VII., with Introduction and Notes. Portrait.
Ballads and Songs of the Peasantry of England. Edited by ROBERT BELL.
Beaumont and Fletcher, a popular Selection from. By LEIGH HUNT.
Beckmann's History of Inventions, Discoveries, and Origins. Revised and enlarged. Portraits. In 2 vols.
Bremer's (Miss) Works. Translated by MARY HOWITT. Portrait. In 4 vols.
Vol. 1. The Neighbours and other Tales.
Vol. 2. The President's Daughter.
Vol. 3. The Home, and Strife and Peace.
Vol. 4. A Diary, the H----- Family, &c.
British Posts, from Milton to Kirks. WHITE. Cabinet Edition. In 4 Vols.
Browne's (Sir Thomas) Works. Edited by SIMON WILKIN, in 3 vols.
Burke's Works. In 6 Volumes.
Vol. 1. Vindication of Natural Society. On the Sublime and Beautiful and Political Miscellanies.
Vol. 2. French Revolution, &c.
Vol. 3. Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs; the Catholic Claims, &c.
Vol. 4. On the Affairs of India, and Charge against Warren Hastings.
Vol. 5. Conclusion of Charge against Hastings; on a Regicide Peace, &c.
Vol. 6. Miscellaneous Speeches, &c. With a General index.
Burke's Speeches on Warren Hastings; and Letters. With Index. In 2 vols. (forming vols. 7 and 8 of the works).
Burke's Life. By PRIOR. New and revised Edition. Portrait.
Butler's (Bp.) Analogy of Religion, and Sermons, with Notes. Portrait.
Camoëns' Lusiad, Mickle's Translation. Edited by E. R. HODGES.
Cary's Translation of Dante's Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory. Copyright edition, being the only one containing Cary's last corrections and additions.
Carafas (The) of Maddaloni: and Naples under Spanish Dominion. Translated from the German of Alfred de Reumont.
Carrel's Counter Revolution in England. Fox's History; and Lonsdale's Memoir of James II. Portrait.
Cellini (Benvenuto), Memoirs of. Translated by ROSCOE. Portrait.
Cervantes' Galatea. Translated by GORDON GYLL.
Chaucer's Works. Edited by ROBERT BELL. New Edition, improved. With Introduction by W. W. SKEAT. 4 vols.
Coleridge's (S. T.) Friend. A Series of Essays on Morals, Politics, and Religion.
Coleridge (S. T.) Biographia Literaria, and two Lay Sermons.
Commines. (See Philip de Commines.)
Condé's Dominion of the Arabs in Spain. Translated by Mrs. FOSTER. In 3 Vols.
Cowper's Complete Works. Edited, with Memoir of the Author, by SOUTHEY. Illustrated with 50 Engravings. In 8 vols.
Vols. 1 to 4. Memoir and Correspondence.
Vols. 5 and 6. Poetical Works. Plates.
Vol. 7. Homer's Iliad. Plates.
Vol. 8. Homer's Odyssey. Plates.
Coxe's Memoirs of the Duke of Marlborough. Portraits. In 3 vols.
*** An Atlas of the plans of Marlborough's campaigns, 4to. 10s. 6d.
Coxe's History of the House of Austria. Portraits. In 4 vols.
Cunningham's Lives of Eminent British Painters. New Edition by Mrs. HEATON.
[Vols. II. and III. in the press.]
Defoe's Works. Edited by Sir WALTER SCOTT. In 7 vols.
De Lolme on the Constitution of England. Edited, with Notes, by JOHN MACGREGOR.
Emerson's Works. 2 vols.
Foster's (John) Life and Correspondence. Edited by J. E. RYLAND. in 2 Vols.
Foster's (John) Lectures at Broadmead Chapel. Edited by J. E. RYLAND, in 2 vols.
Foster's (John) Critical Essays. Edited by J. E. RYLAND. In 2 vols.
Foster's (John) EssaysOn Decision of Character, &c. &c.
Foster's (John) EssaysOn the Evils of Popular Ignorance, &c.
Foster's (John) Fosteriana: Thoughts, Reflections, and Criticisms of the late JOHN FOSTER, selected from periodical papers, and Edited by HENRY G. BOHN (nearly 600 pages). 5s.
Fuller's (Andrew) Principal Works. With Memoir. Portrait.
Gibbon's Roman Empire. Complete and Unabridged, with Notes; including, in addition to the Author's own, those of Guizot, Wenck, Niebuhr, Hugo, Neander, and other foreign scholars; and an elaborate Index. Edited by an English Churchman. In 1 vols.
Goethe's Works. Translated into English. In 8 vols.
Vols. 1. and2. Autobtography, 20 Books; and Travels in Italy, France, and Switzerland. Portrait.
Vol.3. Faust. Two Parts. By Miss SWANWICK.
Vol. 4. Novels and Tales.
Vol. 5. Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship.
Vol. 6. Conversations with Eckennann and Soret. Translated by JOHN OXENFORD,
Vol. 7. Poems and Ballads, Including Hermann and Dorothea. Translated by E. A. BOWRING. C.B.
Vol. 8. Götz von Berlichingen, Torquato Tasso, Egmont, Iphigenia, Clavigo, Wayward Lover, and Fellow Culprits. By Sir WALTER SCOTT, Miss SWANWICK, and E. A. BOWRING, C.B. With Engraving.
Goethe's Correspondence with Schiller. See Schiller.
Greene, Marlowe, and Ben Jonson, Poems of. Edited by ROBERT BELL. With Biographies. In 1 vol.
Gregory's (Dr.) Evidences, Doctrines, and Duties of the Christian Religion.
Guizot's Representative Government. Translated by A. R. SCOBLE.
Guizot's History of the English Revolution of 1640. Translated by WILLIAM HAZLITT. Portrait.
Guizot's History of Civilization. Translated by WILLIAM HAZLITT. In 3 vols. Portrait.
Hazlitt's Table Talk. A New Edition in one volume.
Hazlitt's Lectures on the Comic Writers, and on the English Poets.
Hazlitt's Lectures on the Literature of the Age of Elizabeth, and on Characters of Shakeapear's Plays.
Hazlitt's Plain Speaker.
Hazlitt's Round Table; the Conversations of JAMES NORTHCOTE, R.A.; Characteristics, &c.
Hazlitt's Sketches and Essays, and Winterslow (Essays Written there). New Edition.
Hall's (Rev. Robert) Miscellaneous Works and Remains, with Memoir by Dr. GREGORY, and an Essay on his Character by JOHN FOSTER. Portrait.
Hawthorne's Tales. In 2 vols.
Vol. 1. Twice Told Tales, and the Snow Image.
Vol. 2. Scarlet Letter, and the House with the seven Gables.
Heine's Poems, complete, from the German, by K. A. BOWRING, C.B. 5s.
Hungary: its History and Revolutions; with a Memoir ot Kossuth from new and authentic sources. Portrait.
Hutchinson (Colonel), Memoirs of. with the Siege of Latham House.
Irving's (Washington) Life and Letters. By his Nephew, PIERRE E. IRVING. In 2 vols.
Irving's (Washington) Complete Works. In 15 vols.
Vol. 1. Salmagundi and Knickerbocker. Portrait of the Author.
Vol. 2. Sketch Book and Life of Goldsmith.
Vol. 3. Bracebridge Hall and Abbotsford and Newstead.
Vol. 4. Tales of a Traveller and the Alhambra.
Vol. 6. Conquest of Granada and Conquest of Spain.
Vols. 6 and 7. Life of Columbus and Companions of Colnmbus, with a new Index. Fine Portrait.
Vol. 8. Astoria and Tour in the Prairles.
Vol. 9. Mahomet and his Successors.
Vol. 10. Conquest of Florida and Adventures of Captain Bonneville.
Vol. 11. Biographies and Miscellanies.
Vols. 12-15. Life of Washington. Portrait.
For separate Works, see Cheap Series.
James's (G. P. R.) Richard Coeur-de-Lion, King of England. Portraits. 2 vols.
James's (G. P. R.) Louis XIV. Portraits. 2 vols.
Jameson's Shaksneare's Heroines: Characteristics of Women. 1 vol.
Junius's Letters, with Notes, Additions, and an Index. In 2 vols.
Lamartine's History of the Girondists. Portraits. In 3 vols.
Lamartine's Restoration of the Monarchy, with Index. Portraits. In 4 vols. '
Lamartine's French Revolution of 1848, with a fine Frontispiece.
Lamb's (Charles) Elia and Eliana. Complete Edition.
Lamb's (Charles) Dramatic Poets of the Time of Eiiabeth; including his Selections from the Garrick Plays.
Lanzi's History of Painting. Translated by ROSCOE. Portraits. In 3 vols.
Lessing's Dramatic Works. Complete, with Memoir by HELEN ZIMMERN. Portrait. 2 vols.
Lessing's Prose Works. Laokoon (by BEASLEY) Hamburg Dramatic Notes, Representation of Death (by Miss ZIMMERN).
Locke's Philosophical Works, containing an Essay on the Human Understanding, &c., with Notes and Index by J. A. ST. JOHN. Portrait. In 2 vols.
Locke's Life and Letters, with Extracts from his Common-Place Books, by Lord KING.
Luther's Table Talk. Translated by WILLIAM HAZLITT. Portrait.
Machiavelli's History of Florence, The Prince, and other Works. Portrait.
Martineau's, Harriet, History of England, from 1800-15.
Martineau's, Harriet, History of the Peace, from 1815-1846. 4 vols.
Menzel's History of Germany. Portraits. In 3 vols.
Michelet's Life of Luther. Translated by WILLIAM HAZLITT.
Michelet's Roman Republic. Translated by WILLIAM HAZLITT.
Michelet's French Revolution, with Index. Frontispiece.
Mignet's French Revolution from 1789 to 1814. Portrait.
Milton's Prose Works, with Index. Portraits. In 5 vols.
Mitford's (Mary R.) Our Village. Improved Ed., complete. Illustrated. 2 vols.
Molière's Dramatic Works. Translated by C. H. WALL. In 3 vols. Portrait.
Montesquieu's Spirit of the Laws. A new Edition revised and corrected. 2 vols. Portrait.
Neander's Church History. Translated: with General Index. In 10 vols.
Neander's Life Of Christ. Translated.
Neander's First Planting of Christianity, and Antlgnostikus. Translated. in 2 vols,
Neander's History of Christian Dogmas. Translated. In 2 vols.
Neander's Christian Life in the Early and Middle Ages, including his ' Light in Dark Places.' Translated.
Ockley's History of the Saracens. Revised and completed. Portrait.
Percy's Reliques of Ancient English Poetry. Reprinted from the Original Edition, and Edited by J. V. PRICHARD. In 2 vols.
Philip de Commines, Memoirs of, containing the Histories of Louis XI. and Charles VIII., and of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, To which Is added, The Scandalous Chronicle, or Secret History of Louis XI. Portraits. In 2 vols.
Poetry of America. Selections from 100 American Poets, from 17761876. Edited by W. J. LINTON. Portrait.
Ranke's History ef the Popes. Translated by E. FOSTER. In 3 vols.
Ranke's Servia and the Servian Revolution.
Reynolds' (Sir Joshua) Literary Works. Portrait. In 2 vols.
Richter (Jean Paul Fr.) Levana and Autobiography. With Memoir.
Richter (Jean Paul Fr.) Flower, Fruit, and Thorn Pieces. A Novel.
Roscoe's Life and Pontificate of Leo X., with the Copyright Notes, and an Index. Portraits. In 2 vols.
Roscoe's Life of Lorenzo de Medici, with the Copyright Notes, &c. Portrait.
Russia, History of, by WALTER K. KELLY. Portraits. In 2 vols.
Schiller's Works. Translated into English. In 6 vols.
Vol. 1. Thirty Years' War, and Revolt of the Netherlands.
Vol. 2. Continuation of the Revolt of the Netherlands; Wallenstein's Camp; the Piccolominl; the Death of Wallensteln; and William Tell.
Vol. 3. Don Carlos, Mary Stuart, Maid of Orleans, and Bride of Messina.
Vol. 4. The Robbers, Flesco, Love and Intrigue, and the Ghost-Seer.
VoL 5. Poems. Translated by EDGAR BOWRING, C.B.
Vol. 6. Philosophical Letters and Aesthetlcal Essays.
Schiller's Correspondence with Goethe, translated by L. DORA SCHMITZ. 2 vols.
Schlegel's Philosophy of Life and of Language, translated by A. J. W. MORRISON.
Schlegel's History of Literature, Ancient and Modern. Now first completely translated, with General Index.
Schlegel's Philosophy of History. Translated by J. B. ROBERTSON. Portrait.
Schlegel's Dramatic Literature. Translated. Portrait.
Schlegel's Modern History.
Schlegel's Aesthetic and Miscellaneous Works.
Sheridan's Dramatic Works and Life. Portrait.
Sismondi's Literature of the South of Europe. Translated by Roscoe. Portraits. In 2 vols.
Smith's (Adam) Theory of the Moral Sentiments; with his Essay on the First Formation of Languages.
Smyth's (Professor) Lectures on Modern History. In 3 vols.
Smyth's (Professor) Lectures on the French Revolution. In 2 vols.
Sturm's Morning Communings with God, or Devotional Meditations for Every Day In the Year.
Sully, Memoirs of the Duke of, Prime Minister to Henry the Great. Portraits. In 4 vole
Taylor's (Bishop Jeremy) Holy Living and Dying. Portrait.
Thierry's Conquest of England by the Normans. Translated by WILLIAM HAZLITT. Portrait. In 2 vols.
Ulrici (Dr.) Shakespeare's Dramatic Art. Translated by L. D. Schmitz. 2 vols.
Vasari's Lives of the Painters, Sculptors, and Architects. Translated by Mrs. FOSTER. 5 vols.
Wesley's (John) Life. By ROBERT SOUTHEY. New and Complete Edition. Double volume. With Portrait. 5s.
Wheatley on the Book of Common Prayer. Frontispiece.
21 Vols. at 5s. each.
Evelyn's Diary and Correspondence. Illustrated with numerous Portraits, &c. In 4 vols.
Pepys' Diary and Correspondence. Edited by Lord BRAYBROOKE. With Notes. Important Additions, Including numerous Letters. Illustrated with many Portraits. In 4 vols.
Jesse's Memoirs of the Reign of the Stuarts, Including the Protectorate. With General index. Upwards of 40 Portraits. In 3 vols.
Jesse's Memoirs ol the Pretenders and their Adherents. 6 Portraits.
Nugent's (Lord) Memorials of Hampden, his Party, and Times. 12 Portraits.
Strickland's (Agnes) Lives of the Queens of England, from the Norman Conquest. From official records and authentic documents, private and public. Revised edition. In 6 vols.
Strickland's (Agnes) Life of Mary Queen of Scots. 2 vols.
6 Vols. at 5s. each.
Donaldson's Theatre of the Greeks. Illustrated with Lithographs and numerous Woodcuts,
Keightley's Classical Mythology. New Edition. Revised by Dr. L. SCHMITZ. With 12 plates.
Herodotus, Turner's (Dawson W.) Notes to. With Map, &c.
Herodotus, Wheeler's Analysis and Summary of.
Thucydides, Wheeler's Analysis of.
New Testament (The) in Greek. Griesbach's Text, with the readings of Mill and Schotz, Parallel References, a Critical Introduction and Chronological Tables. Two facsimiles of Greek MSS. 3s. 6d.; or with Lexicon, 5s. Lexicon Separately, 2s.
11 Vols, at 5s. each, excepting those marked otherwise.
Comte's Philosophy of the Sciences. By G. H. LEWES.
Draper (J. W.) A History of the Intellectual Development of Europe. By JOHN WILLIAM DRAPER, M.D., LL.D. A New Edition, thoroughly Revised by the Author. In 2 vols.
Hegel's Lectures on the Philosophy of History. Translated bs J. SIBREE, M A.
Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. Translated by J. M. D. MEIKXEJOBN.
Logic; or, the Science of Inference. A Popular Manual. By J. DEVEY.
Miller's (Professor) History Philosophically considered. In 4 vols. 3s. 6d, each.
Tennemann's Manual of the History of Philosophy. Continued by J. R.MORELL.
15 Vols, at 6s. each, excepting those marked otherwise.
Bleek (F,) An Introduction to the Old Testament, by FRIEDRICH BLEEK. Edited by JOHANN BLEEK and ADOLF KAMPHAUSEN. Translated from the German by G. H. VENABLES, under the supervision of the Rev. E. VENABLES, Canon of Lincoln. New Edition; In 2 vols.
Chillingworth's Religion of Protestants. 3s.6d.
Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History. Wtth Notes.
Hardwick's History of the Articles of Religion. To which is added a Series of Documents from A.n. 1536 to A.D. 1615. Together with Illustrations from Contemporary Sources. New Edition, revised by Rev. F. PROCTER.
Henry's (Matthew) Commentary on the Psalms. Numerous Illustrations.
Pearson on the Creed. New Edition. With Analysis and Notes.
Philo Judaeus, Works of; the contemporary of Josephus. Translated by C. D. Yonge. In 4 vols.
Socrates' Ecclesiastical History, in continuation of Eusebins. With the Notes of Valeslus.
Sosomen's Ecclesiastical History, from A.D. 324-440: and the Ecclesiastical History of Philostorgius.
Theodoret and Evagrius, Ecclesiastical Histories, from A.D. 332 to A.D. 427 and from A.D. 431 to A.D. 544.
Wieseler's Chronological Synopsis of the Four Gospels. Translated by CANON VENABI.ES. New Edition, revised.
35 Vois, at 6s. each.
Bede's Ecclesiastical History, and the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.
Boethius's Consolation of Philosophy. In Anglo-Saxon, with the A. S. Metres, and an English Translation, by the Rev. S. Fox.
Brand's Popular Antiquities of England, Scotland, and Ireland. By Sir HENRY ELLIS. In 3 vols.
Chronicles of the Crusaders. Richard of Devizes, Geoffrey de Vlnsauf, Lord de Jolnville.
Dyer's British Popular Customs, Present and Past. An Account of the various Games and Customs associated with different days of the year. By the Rev. T. F. THISELTON DYER, M.A. With Index.
Early Travels in Palestine. Willibald, Saewulf, Benjamin of Tudela, Mandevlile, La Brocquière, and Maundrell; all unabridged. Edited by THOMAS WRIGHT.
Ellis's Early English Metrical Romances, Revised by J. O. HALLIWELL.
Florence of Worcester's Chronicle, with tho Two Continuations: comprising Annals of English History to the Reign of Edward I.
Gesta Romanorum. Edited by WYNNARD HOOPER, B.A.
Giraldus Cambrensis' Historical Works: Topography of Ireland; History of the Conquest of Ireland; Itinerary through Wales; and Description of Wales. With Index. Edited by THOS. WRIGHT
Henry of Huntingdon's History of the English, from the Roman Invasion to Henry II.; with the Acta of King Stephen, &c.
Ingulph's Chronicle of the Abbey of Croyland, with the Continuations by Peter of Blois and other Writers. By H. T. RILEY.
Keightley's Fairy Mythology. Frontispiece by Cruikshank.
Lepsius's Letters from Egypt, Ethiopia, and 'be Peninsula of Sinai.
Mallet's Northern Antiquities. By Bishop PERCY. With an Abstract of the Eyrbiggla Saga, by Sir WALTER SCOTT. Edited by J. A. BLACKWELL.
Marco Polo's Travels. The Translation of Marsden. Edited by THOHAS WRIGHT.
Matthew Paris's Chronicle. In 5 vols.
FIRST SECTION : Roger of Wendover's Flowers of English History, from the Descent of the Saxons to A.D. 1235. Translated by Dr. GILES. In 2 vols.
SECOND SECTION : From 1235 to 1278. With Index to the entire Work. In 3 vols.
Matthew of Westminster's Flowers of History, especially such as relate to the affairs of Britain; to AD. 1307. Translated by C. D. YONGE. In 2 vols.
Ordericus Vitalis' Ecclesiastical History of England and Normandy. Translated with Notes, by T. FORESTER, M.A. In 4 vols.
Pauli's (Dr. R.) Life of Alfred the Great. Translated from the German. To which Is appended Alfred'a Anglo-Saxon version of Crosius, with a literal Translation, and an Anglo-Saxon Grammar and Glossary.
Roger De Hoveden's Annals of English History; from A.D. 732 to A.D. 1201 Edited by H. T. RILEY. In 2 vols.
Six Old English Chronicles, viz: Asser's Life of Alfred, and the Chronicles of Ethelwerd, Glldas, Nennlus, Geoffrey of Monmouth, and Richard of Cirencester,
William of Malmesbury's Chronicle of the Kings of England. Translated by SHARPE.
Yule-Tide Stories. A Collection of Scandinavian Tales and Traditions. Edited by R. THORPE.
83 Vols, at 5s. each, excepting those marked otherwise.
Allen's Battles of the British Navy. Revised and enlarged. Numerous fine Portraits. In 2 vols.
Andersen's Danish Legends and Fairy Tales. With many Tales not In any other edition. Translated by CAAROLINE PEACHEY. 120 Wood Engravings.
Ariosto's Orlando Furioso. In English Verse. By W. S. ROSS. Twelve fine Engravings. In 2 vols.
Bechstein's Cage and Chamber Birds, Including Sweet's Warblers. Enlarged edition. Numerous plates.
*** All other editions are abridged.
With the plates coloured. 7s. 6d.
Bonomi's Nineveh and its Palaces. New Edition, revised and considerably enlarged, both In matter and Plates. Upwards of 300 Engravings.
Butler's Hudibras. With Variorum Notes, a Biography, and a General Index. Edlted by HENRY G. BOHN. Thirty beautiful Illustrations.
; or, further illustrated with 62 Outline Portraits. In 2 vols. 10s.
Cattermole's Evenings at Haddon Hall. 24 exquisite Engravings on Steel, from designs by himself, the Letterpress by the BARONESS DE CARABELLA.
China, Pictorial, Descriptive, and Historical, with some Account ot Ava and the Burmese, Siam, and Anam. Nearly 100 Illustrations.
Craik's (G. L.) Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties, illustrated by Anecdotes and Memoirs. Revised Edition. With numerous Portraits.
Cruikshank's Three Courses and a Dessert. A Series of Tales, with 60 humorous Illustrations by Cruikshank.
Dante. Translated by I. C. WRIGHT, M.A. New Edition, carefully revised. Portrait and 34 Illustrations on steel, after Flaxman.
Didron's History of Christian Art in the Middle Ages. From the French. Upwards of 150 outline Engravings.
Dyer (T. H.) The History of Pompeii; its Buildings and Antiquities. An account of the City, with a full description of the Remains, and an Itinerary for Visitors Edited by T. H. DYER, LL.D. Illustrated with nearly 300 Wood Engravings, a large Map, and a plan of the Forum. A New Edition, revised and brought down to 1874. 7s. 6d.
Gil Blas, The Adventures of. 24 Engravings on Steel, after Smirke, and 10 Etchings by George Oruikshank. 6s.
Grimm'e Gammer Grethel; or, Ger-man Fairy Tales and Popular Stories. Translated by EDGAR TAYLOR. Numerous Woodcuts by Oruikshank. 3s. 6d.
Holbein's Dance of Death, and Bible Cuts. Upwards of 160 subjects, beautifully engraved in fac-simile, with Introduction and Descriptions by the late FRANCIS DOUCE and Dr. T. F.
DIBBIN. 2 vols, in 1. 7s. 6d.
Howitt's (Mary) Pictorial Calendar of the Seasons. Embodying the whole ol Aiken's Calendar of Nature. Upwards of 100 Engravings.
Howitt's (Mary and William) Stories of English and Foreign Life. Twenty beau-tiful Engravings.
India, Pictorial, Descriptive, and Historical, from the Earliest Times. Upwards of 100 fine Engravings on Wood, and a Map.
Jesse's Anecdotes of Dogs. New Edition, with large additions. Numerous fine Woodcuts after Harney, Bewick, and others.
; or, with the addition of 34 highly-finished. Steel-Engravings. 7s. 6d.
King's Natural History of Precious Stones, and of the Precious Metals. With numerous Illustrations. Price 6s.
King's Natural History of Gems or Decorative Stones. Finely Illustrated. 6s.
King's Handbook of Engraved Gems. Finely Illustrated. 6s.
Kitto's Scripture lands and Biblical Atlas. 24 Maps, beautifully engraved on Steel, with a Consulting Index.
; with the maps coloured, 7s. 6d.
Krummacher's Parables. Translated from the German. Forty Illustrations by Clayton, engraved by Dalziel.
Lindsay's (Lord) Letters on Egypt, Edom, and the Holy Land. New Edition, enlarged. Thirty-six beautiful Engravings, and 2 Maps.
Lodge's Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain, with Memoirs. Two Hundred, and Forty Portraits, engraved on Steel. 8 vols.
Longfellow's Poetical Works. Twenty-four page Engravings, by Birket Foster and others, and a Portrait.
; or, without illustrations, 3s.6d.
Longfellow's Prose Works, 16 page Engravings by Birket Foster, &c.
Loudon's (Mrs.) Entertaining Naturalist. Revised by W. S. DALLAS, F.L.S. With nearly 500 Woodcuts.
Marryat's Masterman Ready; or, The Wreck of the Pacific. 93 Woodcuts. 3s. 6d.
Marryat's Poor Jack. With 16 Illustrations, after Designs by C. Stanfield, R.A. 3s. 6d.
Marryat's Mission; or, Scenes in Africa. (Written for Young People.) Illustrated by Gilbert and Dalziel. 3s. 6d.
Marryat's Pirate; and Three Cutters. New Edition, with a Memoir of the Author. With 8 Steel Engravings, from Drawings by C. Stanfield. R.A. 3s. 6d.
Marryat's Privateers - Man One Hundred Years Ago. Eight Engravings on Steel, after Stothard. 3s. 6d.
Marryat's Settlers in Canada. New Edition. Ten fine Engravings by Gilbert and Dalziel. 3s. 6d.
Maxwells Victories of Wellington and the Britlsh Armies. Steel Engravings.
Michael Angelo and Raphael, their Lives and Works. By DUPPA and QUATREMÈRE DE QUINOY. With 13 Engravings on Steel.
Miller's History of the Anglo-Saxons. Written in a popular style, on the basis of Sharon Turner. Portrait of Alfred, Map of Saxon Britain, and 12 elaborate Engravings on Steel.
Milton's Poetical Works. With a Memoir by JAMES MONTGOMERY, TODD'S Verbal Index to all tho Poems, and Explanatory Notes. With 120 Engravings by Thompson and others, from Drawings by W. Harvey. 2 vols.
Vol. 1. Paradise Lost, complete, with Memoir, Notes, and Index.
Vol. 2. Paradise Regained, and other Poems, with Verbal Index to all the Poems.
Mudie's British Birds. Revised by W. C. L. MARTIN. Fifty-two Figures and 7 Plates of Eggs. In 2 vols.
; or, with the plates coloured, 7s. 6d. per vol.
Naval and Military Heroes of Great Britain; or, Calendar of Victory. Being a Record of British Valour and Conquest by Sea and Land, on every day In the year, from the time of William the Conqueror to the Battle of Inkermann. By Major JOHNS, R.M., and Lieutenant P. H. NICOLAS, R.M. Twenty-four Portraits. 6s.
Nicolini's History of the Jesuits: their Origin, Progress, Doctrines, and Designs. Fine Portraits of Loyola, Lainès, Xavier, Borgia, Acquaviva, Père la Chaise, and Pope Ganganelli.
Petrarch's Sonnets, and other Poems. Translated into English Verse. By various hands. With a Life of the Poet, by THOMAS CAMPBELL. With 16 Engravings.
Pickering's History of the Races of Man, with an Analytical Synopsis of the Natural History of Man. By Dr. HALL. Illustrated by numerous Portraits.
; or, with the plates coloured, 7s.6d.
*** An excellent Edition of a work orl ginally published at 3l. 3s. by the American Government.
Pictorial Handbook of Modern Geography, on a Popular Plan. 3s. 6d. Illustrated by 150 Engravings and 61 Maps. 6s.
; or, with the maps coloured, 7s. 6d.
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"Complete Catalogue of Bohn's Libraries" (Sep. 1879) in back of The Comedies of Plautus, literally translated into English prose, with notes, by Thomas Riley, Vol. II (London, George Bell & Sons, 1879).
Henry George Bohn (by Derek Jones)
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