Albatross Modern Continental Library
Publisher: The Albatross Verlag, G.M.B.H., Hamburg
Country: Germany. Date: 1932-49.

The Private Life of Helen of Troy by John Erskine
Hamburg, The Albatross Verlag, 1933
(Albatross Modern Continental Library, 80)
Series Note: "The 'Tauchnitz Editions,' [sic] which were unique in bringing English texts to German readers after 1841, could boast of an outstanding literary fare at a very low price. During the second and third decade of the twentieth century, they did not keep pace with progress made in typography and had little to recommend in this respect. Their appearance was dull... Aware of these limitations, the Albatross Modern Continental Library was organized in Hamburg in 1932 as a competitor in this field. (...)
Albatross followed the same basic pattern as 'Tauchnitz Editions,' but stressed contemporary writing and created a more attractive format for its series, which eventually included about four hundred titles."
-- Frank L. Schick, The Paperbound Book in America: The History of Paperbacks and their European Background. New York: R. R. Bowker Company, 1958, p. 32.
Arranged by serial number
1. Dubliners by James Joyce.
2. The Gioconda Smile and Other Stories by Aldous Huxley.
3. Mantrap by Sinclair Lewis.
4. The Bridge of Desire by Warwick Deeping.
5. Rogue Herries by Hugh Walpole.
6. Night in the Hotel by Eliot Crawshay-Williams.
7. To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf.
8. Two People by A. A. Milne.
9. The Man at the Carlton by Edgar Wallace.
10. Dodsworth by Sinclair Lewis.
11. Gauntlet by Lord Gorell [Ronald Gorell Barnes].
12. Buttercups and Daisies by Compton Mackenzie.
13. The Limestone Tree by Joseph Hergesheimer.
14. The Golden Vase and Roman Summer by Ludwig Lewisohn.
15. The Magic Island by W. B. Seabrook.
16. The Brothers by L. A. G. Strong.
17. The Love of Julie Borel by Kathleen Norris.
18. The Bishop Murder Case by S. S. Van Dine.
19. Ambrose Holt and Family by Susan Glaspell.
20. The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett.
21. The Traveller's Companion: A Travel Anthology. Compiled by Paul and Millicent Bloomfield.
22. The Garden-Party by Kathleen Mansfield.
23. Microbe Hunters by Paul de Kruif. .
24. Antic Hay by Aldous Huxley.
25. The Waters Under the Earth by Martha Ostenso.
26. Dusty Answer by Rosamond Lehmann.
27. The Tragedy of X: A Drury Lane Mystery by Ross Barnaby.
28. A Modern Hero by Louis Bromfield.
29. The Bridge of San Luis Rey by Thornton Wilder.
30. Richelieu by Hilaire Belloc.
31. Apocalypse by D. H. Lawrence.
32. The White Peacock by D. H. Lawrence.
33. The Arrow of Gold by Joseph Conrad.
34. State Fair by Phil Strong.
35. The Sensitive One by C. H. B. Kitchin.
36. Bernard Shaw by Frank Harris.
37. Magnolia Street by Louis Golding. .
38. The Greek Coffin Mystery by Ellery Queen.
39. Free Air by Sinclair Lewis.
40. Young Men by Michael Arlen.
41. Judith Harris by Hugh Walpole.
42. Public Affaires by Barbara Worsley-Gough.
43. Ulysses by James Joyce. Vol.1.
44. Ulysses by James Joyce. Vol. 2.
45. Men Against Death by Paul de Kruif.
46. Marriage in Heaven by Ronald Fraser.
47. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley.
48. Before the Fact by Francis Iles.
49. Evensong by Beverley Nichols.
50. Little Red Horses by G. B. Stern.
51. Charlie Chan Carries On by Earl Derr Biggers.
52. Journal by Katherine Mansfield.
53. Skerrett by Liam O'Flaherty.
54. Tiger-Man by Julian Duguid.
55. The Albatross Book of Living Verse. Edited by Louis Untermeyer.
56. Lady Chatterly's Lover by D. H. Lawrence.
57. The Fountain by Charles Morgan.
58. The Strange Case of Miss Annie Spragg by Louis Bromfield.
59. Black Mischief by Evelyn Waugh.
60. The Virgin and the Gypsy and the Fox by D. H. Lawrence.
61. The Road by Warwick Deeping.
62. Lover's Leap by Martin Armstrong.
63. No Epitaph by Raymond Postgate.
64. Crome Yellow by Aldous Huxley.
65. The Waves by Virginia Woolf.
66. They Were Defeated by Rose Macaulay.
67. Whither I Must by Bridget Dryden.
68. Strange Interlude by Eugene O'Neill.
69. Napoleon by Hilaire Belloc.
70. The Tragedy of Y: A Drury Lane Mystery by Ross Barnaby.
71. The Miracle Boy by Louis Golding.
72. Cat's Company by Michael Joseph.
73. The Egyptian Cross Mystery by Ellery Queen.
74. The Trail of the Hawk by Sinclair Lewis.
75. Stallion by Marguerite Steen.
76. The Bridge by Naomi Royde-Smith.
77. When Adam Wept by A. R. Craig.
78. Human Nature by Edith Wharton.
79. Laughter in Heaven by Charles Lloyd-Jones.
80. The Private Life of Helen of Troy by John Erskine.
81. The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame.
82. The Plumed Serpent by D. H. Lawrence.
83. Mothers Cry by Helen Grace Carlisle.
84. Magnificent Obsession by Lloyd C. Douglass.
85. Wheels Within Wheels by Alec Waugh.
86. The Story of San Michel by Axel Munthe.
87. Uncle Spencer and Other Stories by Aldous Huxley.
88. Cosmopolis by Rupert Croft-Crooke.
89. Juan in America by Eric Linklater.
90. Gentlemen - The Regiment by Hugh Talbot.
91. Hostages to Fortune by Elizabeth Cambridge.
92. The Fortress by Hugh Walpole.
93. Ann Vickers by Sinclair Lewis.
94. C. by Maurice Baring.
95. England, Their England by A. G. Macdonell.
96. A Passage to India by E. M. Forster.
97. The Lovely Lady by D. H. Lawrence.
98. The Trespasser by D. H. Lawrence.
99. The House of Exile by Nora Wain.
100. The Albatross Book of Short Stories.
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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